Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 276

"Master, how is it? Did you figure something out?"

The little fox that had appeared on Lu Chen"s shoulder asked with a smile.

"What kind of method is this?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

He could feel that this golden turtle was different from the others.

Even though it was bright and resplendent, it was still alive!

"This is not a normal Gold Coin Tortoise, but a real Gold Tortoise. The Black Tortoise"s bloodline is very strong. This is a moving Feng Shui treasure, also known as living treasure, and this formation should be called the Golden Tortoise Back Seal. "

"If wrapped in a red cloth stained with the blood of a virgin, it will immediately become a piece of gold. Of course, the spells on its body were destroyed along with it. "

"That small pond is abnormally rich in spiritual energy. It must have used some sort of special method to lure the earth"s core here."

"And then I used the Wind Water Formation of the Golden Turtle Back Seal to gather all these spiritual energy here and gradually release it."

Listening to the little fox"s explanation, Lu Chen couldn"t help but be astounded.

Although he could use the method of breaking down the Innate Spirit Convergence Array to achieve the same effect, the amount of materials required to set up a formation in such a large area was definitely not small.

It would not be so easy to capture and tame a Golden Turtle, not to mention anything else.

This was because the Golden Tortoise usually lived in a place with abundant spiritual energy. It would only reproduce once every few hundred years, and it could only be found but not sought.

Lu Chen was also shocked by the Dugu Family"s extravagance.

After Dugu Yun Yun had personally pushed open the door, Lu Chen walked in.

There was a patient lying on the bed.

By the patient"s side, Lu Chen saw a familiar figure.

He Qian!

But after thinking about it, it made sense. The one lying on the bed was his father, so it was only natural for him to be here.

"Brother Lu... "You"re here."

When He Qian saw someone push open the door, she immediately turned around.

Seeing Lu Chen"s figure, a trace of surprise flashed across her face.

"He Qian, you"re here too?" Lu Chen greeted with a smile.

He Qian"s eyes were filled with sadness for a moment, but she soon forced out a smile and lightly nodded her head.

Seeing her daughter"s reaction, Dugu Yun Yun"s face sank. He then explained with some embarra.s.sment, "Doctor Lu, I really need to thank you for that."

"I just confirmed it myself this morning. It was you who helped this d.a.m.n girl officially step onto the path of cultivation."

"In such a short period of time, you"ve officially entered the low-grade yellow-rank, moreover it"s exceptionally stable. The jade talisman you refined is indeed extraordinary."

"I, Dugu Yunyun, will remember this great kindness in my heart. There will definitely be great rewards in the future. "

Lu Chen felt that the atmosphere between the mother and daughter wasn"t quite right, but he didn"t think too much about it.

This was someone else"s family matter, so there was no need for him to get to the bottom of it.

Lu Chen smiled and waved his hand: "Senior is too polite. He Qian and I are friends. Her character is excellent and her talent isn"t bad either. It"s just that she"s a bit confused, which is why she wasted a lot of time."

"To be able to help her, junior is equally happy for her. Furthermore, those jade talismans are merely a technique, so there is no need for Junior to take it to heart. "

Lu Chen said lightly, his gaze already falling on the middle-aged man on the sickbed.

This must be the battle between He Qian"s father and mother.

His eyes were tightly shut, his pale face devoid of any trace of blood.

Most importantly, his body appeared abnormally thin, and his four limbs seemed to show signs of atrophy.

"He Qian"s father …"

Dugu Yun Yun looked at her husband, tears welling up in her eyes as soon as the words left her mouth.

She slightly turned her gaze to the side, wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said:

"Eighteen years ago, he was also one of the top younger generation in the Celestial Sect of Wonders. Although he is slightly inferior to Lu Qingtian, he is still a rare genius."

"He and Lu Qingtian are good brothers. Although, he also partic.i.p.ated in the battle against Lu Qingtian and his wife in the Celestial Sect of Wonders because of a misunderstanding in the beginning."

"However, when he found out the truth, he spent his entire life cultivating in order to help Lu Qingtian and his wife to activate the Innate Two Elements Formation."

"All of his cultivation base was forcefully sucked dry by the formation. If the elders of the Dugu Family hadn"t arrived in time, they probably wouldn"t have been able to regain their former glory …"

Dugu Yun Yun Yun said as he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Lu Chen frowned.

He felt that Dugu Yunyun had a hidden meaning behind her words and had purposely said it for him.

In other words, she still believed that she had something to do with Lu Qingtian.

Or perhaps it could be said that he simply believed himself to be his son.

However, Lu Chen believed that what Dugu Yunyun said was true.

There was no doubt that He Qian"s father was his father"s good brother.

Lu Chen could roughly guess how desperate that battle in the Ruins of Karakorum was eighteen years ago.

However, at the final moment, which battle could achieve this step? It was still a very precious thing.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but think of Hu Xiu, a brother who had blocked a bullet for him without any hesitation.

What kind of battle was this for the sake of the Two Elements of Creation Formation? This was already an immeasurable merit.

Two days ago, Lu Chen had cured Shangguan Zixi"s internal injuries caused by the backlash of the Four Symbols Sealing Spell and obtained an Orange Merit Pearl.

Presumably, no battle would be an exception.

And the rewards might be even more generous.

In terms of emotion and reason, in terms of public and private, Lu Chen would not stand idly by the side and watch.

He had even thought of holding back on his plan at the beginning, but at this moment, he had completely forgotten about it.

It had been eighteen years. What battle had waited for too long?

As a son, Lu Chen had no reason to worry about so much when he thought about how he could help his parents regardless of anything else.

"Senior, you don"t have to worry about that. Even if I have to give my all, I will treat Senior Zhan at all costs!"

When Lu Chen came back to his senses, his eyes were slightly red.

He raised his head to look at Dugu Yunyun and firmly said.

Just as Lu Chen finished speaking, Dugu Yunyun was slightly stunned for a moment. A trace of joy flashed in her eyes.

She was completely sure that her guess was right. Lu Chen was Lu Qingtian"s son!

Thinking of the past, Dugu Yun Yun"s vision once again became blurry.

She looked lovingly at Lu Chen. She opened her mouth to say something, but in the end, she forcefully swallowed it back down.

He Qian was extremely excited.

She anxiously looked at Lu Chen, tears also appearing in the corners of her eyes.

She had never seen Lu Chen break his word.

He Qian knew that her father"s condition was terrible, even to the point of despair.

However, as soon as Lu Chen spoke, she, who had always been rational, did not have any doubts.

Although He Qian had both parents, she had never received any kind of fatherly love from the moment she could remember.

As for motherly love, it also didn"t exist.

What Lu Chen felt just now was right. There was indeed something wrong between mother and daughter.

The most fundamental reason was that his mother, Dugu Yunyun, was obsessed with cultivation and did not care about He Qian and her father at all.

Even if he knew that the reason why Dugu Yunyun worked so hard was to raise her strength so that she could save her father, the young He Qing found it hard to accept.