Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 282

After finishing all this, Lu Chen nodded towards He Feng and the others.

However, he was exhausted and didn"t even have the strength to speak.

He Qian walked up and used a clean towel to wipe the sweat off Lu Chen"s forehead.

Just now, Murong Xin`er and Zhang Junwei were left in the yard and someone had already brought tea over.

However, Murong Xin"er couldn"t sit still.

Although she didn"t go in, she looked through the window to see what was happening inside.

Towards Lu Chen"s performance, she was already numb to the shock.

But the more it was like this, the more Murong Xin"er believed in Lu Chen.

Murong Xin"er naturally believed that if she wanted to realize her dream, she would have to depend on this man.

It was precisely because of this thought that when he saw this scene in front of his eyes, he could not help but feel a little sour in his heart.

If it was someone else, Murong Xin"er would definitely not care.

This was because she was confident that she had the ability to carve a path of blood and firmly grasp onto this outstanding man.

Even if it was Bai Jinyu or Li Ruoxi, she had enough confidence.

But to He Qian, it was an absolute exception.

This was because Murong Xin"er could read too many things from Lu Chen"s att.i.tude towards He Qian.

However, she still stood there quietly.

Murong Xin"er knew that the best way at this point was to keep silent.

Otherwise, no matter what she did, she could have crossed Lu Chen"s bottom line and completely lost her chance.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Dugu Yunyun confirmed what her daughter meant to Lu Chen.

He had been focused on cultivation all these years, wanting to see if there was any way to save his husband. So much so that he lacked a lot of care and understanding towards He Qian.

Before this, she would always yell at He Qian like a dead girl, but as a mother, how could she really hate her daughter?

On the contrary, it was because she owed him that she didn"t dare to face He Qian.

However, Dugu Yunyun was very optimistic about Lu Chen, so why was she suddenly so happy?

If his daughter was really able to get together with Lu Chen, it would also be a good thing.

When she thought about those past events, Dugu Yun Yun"s face reddened …

After carefully wiping off the sweat on Lu Chen"s body, He Qian"s gaze finally landed on her father"s thin face.

The originally pale face now had a tinge of redness to it, and most importantly, the light breath had become calm and steady.

In her mind, she couldn"t help but recall the scene when Lu Chen treated her father.

Counting the time, it actually lasted for half an hour.

No wonder when he wiped off Lu Chen"s sweat, he could clearly feel Lu Chen"s breathing and body trembling.

Although she had witnessed Lu Chen"s amazing feats, it was still He Qian"s first time seeing him in such a fatigued state. She felt even more touched.

While Lu Chen was secretly regulating his breathing, the change in the Merit Pool made him exceptionally happy.

The power of meritorious service began to leak out of the spring in a steady stream.

His speed was extremely fast.

In less than ten seconds, it had filled the pool that was originally two-thirds full.

Immediately, an orange halo revolved, quickly condensing into an orange Merit Pearl in mid-air.

This orange Orb of Merit was brighter than it had ever been, as if it wanted to light up the entire s.p.a.ce within the Eye of Merit.

Moreover, the power of contribution still didn"t stop. After filling up the pool, it actually condensed into an orange achievement bead.

He actually condensed two Orange Merit Pearls in one go!

Lu Chen couldn"t help but be overjoyed.

Although he had already guessed that he would have a good harvest this time, he didn"t expect it to be this big.

It seemed like his guess was right, which battle had acc.u.mulated such a great merit?

The little fox originally had some complaints about Lu Chen"s crazy and unreasonable actions, but at this moment, all of them were thrown to the back of its mind.

The little fox stared at the two shining achievement beads with a burning gaze and subconsciously licked its lips.

With a thought from Lu Chen, the first Merit Pearl that was condensed fell to the ground.

Without any hesitation, the little fox flew up and swallowed it into its stomach.

After thanking Lu Chen, he rushed into the Merit Pool and began digesting it.

Lu Chen returned to his senses and took another look at the battle that had yet to awaken.

At this moment, he was already beginning to wonder if he could learn the story of eighteen years ago from the mouth of some battle.

What kind of battle would play an indispensable role in that great battle against the Celestial Sect of Wonders?

Moreover, he had used his own cultivation to help his parents activate the Two Elements of Creation Formation, so he probably knew about it.

If he could obtain some information about the formation from him, it would be of great significance.

"Ah Zhan"s finger …" His fingers actually moved. "

After He Feng recovered from his shock, he focused his attention on which battle his younger brother was in.

Feeling his aura becoming more and more stable, He Feng"s heart was filled with antic.i.p.ation.

Because of this, He Feng immediately saw this scene and yelled it out.

Because he was too excited, his voice was a bit stiff.

Dugu Yunyun had indeed been distracted by He Qian"s earlier actions.

But after hearing He Feng"s words, she suddenly regained her senses and excitedly rushed in front of He Zhan.

Dugu Yunyun grabbed her husband"s hand and shockingly discovered that there really was a response from him.

The tears that had been welling up in her eyes could no longer be stopped as they fell down, accompanied by sobbing sounds.

He Qian looked gratefully at Lu Chen, then followed her mother to her father"s bedside and cried tears of joy.

Although He Feng was extremely excited, he was a man after all, so he immediately controlled his emotions.

He wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and looked at Lu Chen with grat.i.tude: "Mr Lu, there is no need to thank me. But with my orders, He Feng is willing to do anything he wants! "

Lu Chen gently waved his hand: "It"s just a small matter, Senior He Feng doesn"t need to worry about it. It"s a pity that Senior Zhan"s injuries are too severe.

He Feng nodded in agreement, "I know this. My brother"s internal organs have not only been damaged, his soul has also been damaged."

Lu Chen continued, "Therefore, this junior won"t be able to fully awaken him within a short period of time. I"m afraid it"ll take some time to treat him."

"But for now, the situation is not bad. I believe that as long as we continue to persevere, as fast as one month and as slow as three months, senior will be able to recover. "

Lu Chen tried with all his might, but in the end, he was unable to wake He Zhan Ma up. In fact, he felt a little apologetic in his heart.

However, on the contrary, because he had reaped so much merit power, Lu Chen was even more confident in being able to fully recover.

Next was the issue of time.

"Mr Lu, thank you!" It"s all up to you. If there"s anything you need, please let me know. He Feng sincerely said.

"Senior, please be at ease. If there is really something that I need, I will naturally not be courteous." Lu Chen said with a smile.