Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 286

Originally, he was still secretly guessing whether Lu Chen was really that unknown son of Lu Qingtian.

But now, he didn"t really care about this anymore.

So what if Lu Chen is Lu Qingtian"s son?

Even if the Duanmu Family, which had the deepest enmity with the Lu family, decided that Lu Chen was Lu Qingtian"s son, they wouldn"t dare to act rashly.

They beat up the little ones and made it old.

Since Lu Chen"s strength had already reached such a level, what about the people behind him?

It was simply unimaginable.

This time, Murong Dancheng had specially come with his grandfather, Gu Tianming, in order to see just how capable Lu Chen was.

After all, he was willing to sacrifice his own granddaughter for Lu Chen.

Even if they had already identified Lu Chen as Murong Xin`er"s grandfather, it would be reasonable for them to go further and investigate him.

Honestly speaking, among all of his grandchildren, the one he liked the most was Murong Xin`er.

This was because this girl suited his temperament the most. Regardless of her personality or intelligence, they were all on the same level as him.

Even though Murong Xin`er"s strength was not the most outstanding out of all her siblings, Murong Danfeng still stubbornly believed that as long as there were no mishaps, her future achievements would definitely be top-notch.

"In that case, this old man thanks Mr Lu first!" Gu Tianming cupped his fists towards Lu Chen again and said happily.

He then turned his gaze towards He Feng, who was sitting diagonally across from him.

By the way, Drinker, get some wine out of your gourd. Other than this old one wanting to raise my spirit, I must also toast to Mr. Lu. "

The moment he finished speaking, He Feng immediately took out the Five Elements wine gourd on his waist and said with a heroic face:

"Come, let"s have a taste of this gourd of wine and see if it"s different from before. Mister Lu just gave this wine"s mother a special treatment. Uncle Gu, try and taste it first."

Gu Tianming was instantly stunned.

Obviously, He Feng"s reaction was completely out of his expectations.

When did this guy become so straightforward?

That"s right!

What did he just say?

Lu Chen dealt with the wine mother in a special manner …

All of a sudden, Gu Tianming felt like his brain wasn"t enough.

He Feng felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart when he saw Gu Tianming"s reaction.

Furthermore, he could imagine that after he uncorked the bottle, not only Gu Tianming, but even Murong Dancheng and Dugu Muyan would be no better off.

Sure enough, just as he had expected, when he pulled out the cork, a refreshing fragrance was immediately released, and the entire place immediately became silent.

When Gu Tianming and the others saw the alternating black and green lights, they all looked at each other in dismay.

Gu Tianming and the rest knew of He Feng"s strength, as well as the wonders of this Five Elements Wine Immortal Gourd.

With He Feng"s strength, refining a type of Five Elemental Wine wouldn"t be a problem.

He could also try out the dual attribute Five Elemental Wine.

However, even if it was just a single type of Five Elemental Wine, this fellow would not be so generous.

Not to mention taking out the dual attribute Five Elemental Wine right now!

Furthermore, upon sensing the aura being emitted, everyone was even more amazed.

The fragrance of wine filled the entire room.

Not only did it attract everyone"s attention, even the surrounding spiritual plants started to emit an even denser spiritual energy than before.

Clearly, they too had been stimulated by the aura emitted by the water-wood type Five Elemental Wine.

He Feng naturally noticed the crowd"s gaze and couldn"t help but feel pleased.

Fortunately, he had already carefully kept the pot of Five Elements essence wine that Lu Chen had personally refined earlier. Otherwise, if these guys had seen it, they would probably have already s.n.a.t.c.hed it from him.

Regardless of whether it was him or Dugu Yun Yun, they both knew how precious the wine with the five colored halos was, so they wouldn"t easily let it go.

He had even secretly calculated that if he had the chance, he would definitely ask Lu Chen to help him refine a few more pots.

Such a treasure was more than enough to be considered as a treasure of the He Clan Medical Hall.

Who said that they didn"t dare to wish to become the family head of the Dugu Family, but who wouldn"t want to bring glory to their family?

He Feng obviously knew the principle of not eating alone.

Since he had obtained the greatest benefit, he naturally had to give someone else a little bit of benefit.

Sooner or later, this matter would become known.

Although Dugu Yun Yun had hinted at Murong Xin"er earlier, he did not doubt that this little girl would definitely inform his grandfather and grandfather about this matter once they got down the mountain.

So he had to be generous.

He Feng didn"t say anything else. He stood up and walked to Gu Tianming"s side, carefully filling the cup in front of him.

"Special treatment for Liquor..."

Gu Tianming looked at the clear wine in his wine cup, only recovering with great difficulty.

This is real!

The Waterwood Attribute Five Elements Wine had an extremely good healing effect on the body.

To the current him, it had an extraordinary significance.

Gu Tianming didn"t hold back and pulled it onto his hand. He greedily took in a deep breath and impatiently drank it all in one gulp.

When this mouthful of pure wine entered his throat, his body immediately spasmed as if he had been electrocuted.

Gu Tianming had already drunk who knew how much of He Feng"s Five Elemental Wine.

Even though the taste was constantly improving with He Feng"s cultivation, it was still limited.

But this time, it felt like it was as if it was made out of thin air.

Gu Tianming could clearly feel that not only was the wine"s aroma purer, the power contained within it had increased by at least two levels.

He immediately said excitedly to He Feng, "What are you standing around for, Madman Wine? Hurry up and fill another cup for me."

As he said that, Gu Tianming slammed his wine cup onto the table, his eyes gleaming as he looked at the Five Elements Immortal Roar in He Feng"s hands.

Looking at Old Man Gu"s appearance, if He Feng was slightly unwilling or even slightly slower, then he would have to take action himself.

"Nephew He, please don"t be so merciful. This old man will have a cup as well!"

Seeing the change in Gu Tianming"s aura, Murong Dancheng looked at Lu Chen in shock.

With a wave of his hand, the wine cup in front of Murong Dancheng drew an arc in the air and was directly placed onto the table in front of He Feng, standing side by side with Gu Tianming"s wine cup.

Seeing that everyone was eager to give it a try, He Feng straightforwardly poured each of them a full cup.

At this moment, instead of his usual pained expression, he appeared very attentive.

Furthermore, it was as if he was trying to celebrate. He was not stingy with his cultivation and continued to use his wine mother.

Gu Tianming and the others enjoyed themselves to their heart"s content after making a total of four jugs of wine.

This water wood type Five Elements Wine was different from ordinary wine. Although it could induce intoxication, it wouldn"t cause one"s consciousness to become clouded.

In the end, He Feng"s wine naturally became the main character of the luncheon. Instead, it was those exquisite and precious medicinal cuisine that served as a foil.

However, even Dugu Yun Yun Yun and Dugu Muyan, as masters, did not care at all.

To them, He Feng was not a member of the Dugu Family.

However, because of their relationship with the Dugu Family, they could not be separated from each other.