Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 292

With a quick thought, Lu Chen felt relieved.

The Jade of Mount Kunlun contained extremely dense spirit energy, which meant that the spirit energy in the Ruins of Kunlun must be very dense.

Therefore, it was reasonable for the Celestial Sect of Wonders to use the Karakorum as their training ground.

"Hearing what Senior Murong has said, it"s actually this junior who is overthinking it." Just lead the way, and we"ll follow close behind. "

Lu Chen said to Murong Dancheng seriously, and immediately took back the bach key to Zhang Junwei.

Without guessing, Lu Chen knew that there was a pa.s.sageway that led directly to the Karakorum Savant"s Ruins.

Otherwise, since they were so far away from Karakorum, Gu Tianming wouldn"t have been able to travel back and forth so quickly.

Of course, this was also because he saw Dugu Zhengying"s appearance in the teahouse earlier, which made Lu Chen even more sure.

At this moment, Murong Dancheng and the others got on a black Porsche.

Before Lu Chen got on the car, He Qian couldn"t help but come over to say her goodbyes and express her grat.i.tude.

He Zhan"s health had just improved, so He Qian was naturally impatient to return and take care of her father.

After bidding farewell to He Qian, Lu Chen sat in the back row with Murong Xin"er.

Just as they got in the car and Lu Chen was about to close the door, Dugu Zhengying walked over and lightly blocked the door.

He smiled and said, "Mister Lu, can you give this old man a ride? This old man would really like to consult with Doctor Lu on the Vermillion Bird Soul Locking Formation that is on Old Man Gu"s body. "

Lu Chen was clearly not surprised.

He had noticed that Dugu Zhengying was looking at him with a burning glint in his eyes, and he had already guessed what he was thinking.

He just hadn"t thought that the old tutor would be so impatient.

But then again.

Since the Karakorum Savant has a variety of complex forces, one additional person would mean that they have an additional force.

Right now, three of the nine n.o.ble families of the Celestial Sect of Wonders were headed in.

"Senior Dugu, there is no need to be courteous." Please get in! This junior only knows a little about the Dao of the Yellow Emperor, I hope senior can enlighten me. "

As Lu Chen spoke, he moved to the left to make room for Dugu Zhengying.

Lu Chen suddenly felt a softness on his left arm.

Turning his head to the side, Murong Xin"er"s face was slightly red as she quickly retracted her gaze.

However, Dugu Zhengying waved his hand and went straight to the front pa.s.senger side. He opened the door and got in.

With the roar of the engine, Maybach raced down the road, closely following a black Porsche in front of him.

Suddenly, Lu Chen felt a weak soul force enveloping his entire body.

Lu Chen had already touched the aura of soul force, which was what Dugu Zhengying had used.

At this moment, with a thought from Lu Chen, the soul force was instantly annihilated.

At the same time, Dugu Zhengying, who was sitting in the pa.s.senger seat, felt his heart skip a beat.

He had deliberately controlled this soul power to an extremely weak point.

Even a low-grade earth-step powerhouse would not be able to discover it in such a short period of time.

Was it just a coincidence?

Dugu Zhengying had a huge doubt in his mind. He then released a weak stream of soul power without a sound.

However, this situation was exactly the same as before. In less than a second, this soul force had once again been annihilated without any warning.

Dugu Zhengying looked at Lu Chen in shock through the rearview mirror.

It was as if he was looking at a monster.

Lu Chen noticed Dugu Zhengying"s gaze and also raised his head to look at the rearview mirror, revealing a faint smile.

The two remained silent, but they both knew what the other was thinking. It was just a glance, but it was better than a thousand words.

Immediately, Lu Chen broke the silence.

He took the initiative to ask Dugu Zhengying for some information regarding the Karakorum Ruins.

During the process of Lu Chen"s inquiry, Dugu Zhengying was still astonished.

In Dugu Zhengying"s eyes, the strength displayed by such a monstrous genius was akin to that of a monster. The power behind him was unimaginable.

However, he did not know anything about the situation in the Karakorum.

Dugu Zhengying didn"t know what was going on, but he didn"t try to explain it in a vague manner. Instead, he explained it to Lu Chen in great detail.

According to Dugu Zhengying"s description, it was only then that Lu Chen began to have a clearer understanding of the Ruins of Karakorum.

Based on what the little fox said, he knew that there was a low rank Earth Realm array formation in the center of the Kunlun Ruins.

And indeed, the formation was here to seal off the pa.s.sageway to the Seven Realms.

However, from what Dugu Zhengying had said, he was not completely sure if this was to seal off the pa.s.sage to the Seven Realms.

Apart from Lu Qingtian and his wife, almost no one else understood the real situation.

With the power of merit, even if Lu Chen doubted the ident.i.ty of the little fox, he was still certain about the use of the Dual Element Formation.

This was the only explanation that could be given to all the people involved in setting up the Two Elements of Creation Formation, such as Shangguan Zixi and which battle had acc.u.mulated a great amount of merits.

In Dugu Zhengying"s subsequent description, the various forces of the Celestial Sect of Wonders had indeed made the Karakorum a place of cultivation.

There were even constant conflicts because they wanted to occupy the territory with the most abundant spiritual energy.

The car didn"t head toward the center of the city, but towards Fengshan Town.

On the surface, there are a total of thirteen public tunnels that lead to the Karakorum Savant.

In the Murong Family"s territory, there was a tunnel like this one.

In other words, each of the nine great clans of the Celestial Sect of Wonders was guarding a public pa.s.sageway.

The other four tunnels were owned by the other four factions.

After about an hour and a half, they had already entered the deep mountains.

Lu Chen could feel the surrounding spiritual energy becoming denser.

Along the way, they arrived at a place that didn"t seem to be bustling with life. There were only a few isolated farmhouses in the vicinity, making people feel somewhat secluded.

However, on this two-lane cement mountain road, there were quite a few cars entering and exiting.

From time to time, he would see a luxurious car.

Zhang Junwei, who was holding onto the steering wheel, was surprised to see so many expensive cars on this rural highway.

However, as he read more, he became numb.

He only had a vague idea that to go to the Karakorum Savant, he would need to use a s.p.a.ce array to create a tunnel.

He had previously seen Dugu Muyan execute a small-scaled formation before, and now, he was filled with antic.i.p.ation towards this kind of long-ranged formation.

After nearly five minutes had pa.s.sed, Lu Chen astonishingly saw the main entrance of a resort.

On the door, there were a few large words written in a flamboyant manner — Peach Blossom Village.

After entering the Peach Blossom Stronghold, the group of people walked towards an artificial waterfall under the leadership of Murong Dancheng.

Seeing the huge curtain of water, Lu Chen couldn"t help but sigh.

If it wasn"t for someone guiding them, who would have thought that the pa.s.sage to the Karakorum Savant was hidden behind the water screen?