Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 293

The road that led to the water screen did not seem to exist.

In truth, Lu Chen was able to tell with a single glance that this was just a deceptive trick.

Combined with the rising water mist, no one could have imagined that there was a pa.s.sage here.

Of course, if it was an ordinary person, they wouldn"t be able to detect anything.

At this moment, no one was around. Murong Dancheng suddenly took out a jade pendant shaped like a gossip and pressed it against the top of the right railing.

Coincidentally, there was a groove there, and when he pressed the jade pendant, it actually closed tightly.

With a slight twist, the protective barrier which was in front of him suddenly glowed with a brilliant light and disappeared without a trace.

A faint light similarly rose between the mist of the mountain stream, astonishingly revealing a three feet wide road.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Junwei was alarmed. He even subconsciously took two steps back.

"Mister Lu, after you!" Murong Dancheng extended his hand and said.

Lu Chen nodded. He did not decline and took the lead to walk forward.

Zhang Junwei, who was standing beside Lu Chen, had a bitter look on his face, but at the same time, he seemed to be hesitating.

After all, the road was suspended in the air above the mountain stream, and the rising fog made it difficult for people to see it clearly.

It was an unfathomable abyss beneath their feet that made people cower in fear.

Moreover, the water screen blocked the end of the road, which made people even more afraid.

"Let"s go!" What are you still standing there for? Weren"t you excited just now? "Could it be that I"m scared now?"

Then, she glanced at Lu Chen with disdain before directly stepping into the pa.s.sage and quickly catching up to Lu Chen.

Zhang Junwei stood on the spot with a conflicted expression on his face. He gritted his teeth and resolutely stepped into the pa.s.sageway.

Although their bodies were trembling, it was unknown what kind of courage they felt as they quickly caught up to the two of them.

Murong Dancheng and the rest looked at each other and smiled before following suit.

Murong Dancheng was the last to walk with the Eight Trigrams Jade Pendant in his hand.

Just as his body disappeared into the water, the fence that had just disappeared appeared once again.

Cracks began appearing on the fence and soon, the tunnel disappeared.

Following the tunnel, they smoothly entered the water screen. Lu Chen was surprised to discover that the water screen was actually an illusion created by a formation.

At the same time, the water screen was also an existence that was separating the two worlds.

However, it was filled with the power of the Five Element Escape Technique. Even Lu Chen was shocked by it.

After pa.s.sing through the water curtain, they entered the Karakorum Savant"s territory.

The spiritual energy here was abundant, something that ordinary spiritual veins could not compare to.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but feel a burst of excitement in his heart. He shouted in his heart:

Father, mother, I"m here!

But soon after, he took a deep breath, calming himself down. His gaze was somewhat amazed as he looked at the world before him that was beyond his imagination.

When he pa.s.sed by the water screen just now, Lu Chen didn"t feel anything at all.

Of course, Lu Chen did not find the water screen too amazing, but the scene before him had truly shocked him.

Even though he was mentally prepared for it.

There had clearly been a huge battle here eighteen years ago, and it was extremely intense.

It was said that his face was riddled with wounds, and many places were even razed to the ground.

According to Lu Chen"s imagination, it was originally a desolate area.

Now, it had become a small town with an ancient style.

In other words, the city was not an exaggeration.

Even if someone were to trespa.s.s into this place by accident, they would probably think that they had arrived at a movie city that had invested heavily in this place and had achieved an extremely high restoration rate.

However, if one were to observe carefully, the surrounding buildings would have to look a bit more exquisite.

And the further in he went, the more luxurious it became.

Red walls and jade tiles, carved into the jade, pavilions and pavilions, row upon row of them.

With every step that Lu Chen took, he could feel the spiritual force in front of him becoming denser.

His gaze had already locked onto the farthest mountain.

Yin Yang energies continued to rise up from that area. It should be the Twin Elements Formation that his parents were in.

The buildings around it were also the most magnificent.

There were even several places that stood there like palaces. The afterglow of the setting sun reflected a brilliant splendor, showing the extraordinary strength of the master.

No wonder it looked even more luxurious. It was probably because the closer they got to the Kunlun Mountains, the more people fought over the area.

Only those with powerful strength and a deep foundation would be able to obtain the most advantageous terrain.

The more resources one had, the stronger one would be, and the weaker they would be.

The survival of the fittest, the law of the jungle!

Just from this point alone, it was clearly shown.

When he came back to his senses, Lu Chen saw two burly middle-aged men standing guard at both sides of the entrance.

After Murong Dancheng and the others entered the intersection, Murong Dancheng once again walked in front of them.

When Lu Chen pa.s.sed by the two guards guarding the intersection, he realized that the aura they were emitting was impressively close to middle Xuan cla.s.s.

"Wait! This little brother cannot enter. "

One of the guards in a black suit suddenly stood up and raised his hand to block Zhang Junwei as he said with a deep voice.

Zhang Junwei stared at him in shock, but did not dare to say a word.

Recently, Zhang Junwei had experienced too much following Lu Chen, and his personality had changed a lot.

He was no longer as carefree as he was before, and he spoke without thinking at all.

On the contrary, the current him had become more cautious. He tried his best not to speak and kept a low profile as much as possible.

Zhang Junwei knew very well in his heart that none of these people were people he could afford to offend.

Although his master, Lu Chen, was very powerful and was an existence most people had to look up to, Zhang Junwei did not want to cause Lu Chen any trouble.

Moreover, he felt an invisible pressure in front of this middle-aged man.

This kind of pressure made Zhang Junwei have no thoughts of resisting. He stopped obediently and didn"t dare to take another step forward.

Soon after, Zhang Junwei"s gaze fell on Lu Chen, waiting for his next instruction.

For him, even if he stopped there, there was nothing to regret.

To be able to see so many things, it had already completely exceeded his imagination. Why should he ask for too much?

Lu Chen was about to say something, but Dugu Yun Yun raised her eyebrows and snorted.

The guard in the black suit was stunned for a moment before he subconsciously looked towards Dugu Yunyun.

Noticing the unfriendly look in her eyes, the guard suddenly understood.

He quickly cupped his fist towards Zhang Junwei, "Little brother, please come in, I have offended you a moment ago!"

After he finished speaking, he silently retreated.

Zhang Junwei"s body didn"t emit any obvious spiritual energy fluctuations. He was currently only in the Qi Cultivation stage and hadn"t even touched low-rank yellow-rank goods and hadn"t truly entered the Dao.

Strictly speaking, he was only slightly higher than an ordinary person.

However, the Dugu Family held an extraordinary status within the Celestial Sect of Wonders. The other eight families all had to show them some respect.

Since Dugu Yun Yun had the same att.i.tude as everyone, there was no need for him to be so insistent and make everyone feel embarra.s.sed.