Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 296

The little fox told Lu Chen that during the process of continuously absorbing spiritual energy, this array would continue to grow. With the spellcaster"s core as the center, it gradually expanded and became more stable.

However, as the formation became more and more stable, the probability of the spell caster leaving the formation became smaller and smaller.

Thus, it was actually harder for his parents to use themselves as the core of the formation than to calmly die.

This was because what followed next was long and lonely for them, and even living was better than dying.

Moreover, as the formation expanded, the distance between them grew larger and larger.

If the formation could not be broken, the husband and wife would be separated forever!

Lu Chen couldn"t help but sigh.

While he doted on his parents, he felt a sense of pride towards his parents" sacrifice.

Very quickly, Lu Chen"s gaze landed on the nearby weeds.

With this invisible barrier as the boundary, the growth of the weeds inside and outside the barrier was very different.

It was as if a line had been drawn, clearly separated from the other.

Moreover, the weeds at the inner edges of the array formation were growing at the same pace.

This just happened to prove that the range of the formation had not continued to move over the years.

Lu Chen guessed that this was already the limit of what his parents could do.

In addition, the little fox had also told Lu Chen that the reason why the Twin Elements Formation was so exuberant, yet people were not able to freely enter it, was because the strength of the array and the strength of the array naturally repelled people.

However, the plants were different. The spiritual energy within the formation grew and became a part of the formation.

Of course, no matter how valuable these spirit plants were, no one dared to pick them.

However, now that Lu Chen had obtained some Yin Yang energy, he only needed to digest it a little. It wasn"t impossible for him to enter and exit the Two Elements Formation freely.

At this time, Lu Chen suddenly heard an anxious voice coming from the depths of his soul.

"Little brother, don"t just stand there. If I don"t act now, my poor granddaughter"s life will be gone. At that time, this old granny will really scatter one by one! "

"Sigh!" My poor granddaughter! It"s this old woman who has harmed you, it"s this old woman who has harmed you! "

Due to the power of karmic virtue, Lu Chen was born with the ability to hear the thoughts in his heart.

He didn"t think too much and immediately used a soul connection to say, "Don"t worry, senior. Since I promised to save your granddaughter, I will do it."

The moment he said that, the evil spirit Nan Gong Mu Yu was stunned on the spot.

Originally, she was feeling anxious. Although she knew that it was impossible for Lu Chen to hear her thoughts, she still couldn"t help but shout out loud.

Then it became hysterical remorse.

However, Nangong Mu Yu, who had originally fallen into despair, never expected that Lu Chen would actually hear it.

Nangong Mu Yu was extremely sure that she didn"t take the initiative to communicate with him … …

However, even now, Lu Chen still had no intention of attacking.

Nangong Mu Yu was also worried, but the truth was that Nangong Wan Ying, who was trapped in the formation, wasn"t as dangerous as she thought.

At the very least, he could guarantee that she would be able to hold on for one or two more days by relying on the jade pendant that was emitting a blood-colored glow.

Of course, the reason why Lu Chen did not make his move so quickly was because he knew that Murong Dancheng and Gu Tianming did not have a good impression of the Nangong Family.

He was prepared to take a look first.

However, facing the anxious Nangong Muyu, Lu Chen actually couldn"t bear to do so.

He could only patiently say a few words of consolation.

Also, Lu Chen wasn"t worried that Nangong Mu Yu would go on a rampage because of this.

First of all, no matter how powerful Nangong Mu Yu was, she was still an evil spirit.

Moreover, he had used the power of his karmic virtue to suppress the Vermillion Bird Soul Locking Formation, so he couldn"t display his true strength.

Furthermore, Nan Gong Mu Yu was obviously a smart person.

Even though he said that he was going to fight to the death, it was only because he was worried.

She knew it wouldn"t necessarily be the case for her to go to such extreme ends.

Indeed, listening to Lu Chen"s a.n.a.lysis, Nangong Mu Yu quickly quieted down.

She also realized that she had been too nervous.

Her grandson"s daughter, Nangong Wanying, had used her evil spirit"s strength and cultivation to refine the jade pendant, so she knew how useful it was.

At that moment, Gu Tianming"s brows were tightly knitted, and his heart was already in his throat.

He suddenly realized that the evil spirit within his body was about to make a move again. He thought that the other party was about to do something.

When he thought of the relationship between him and the girl in front of him, he became even more anxious.

The Nangong Family"s usual style of doing things made most of the other powers feel disgusted, but with their strength and foundation, many of the powers dared not to say anything.

Even the other great clans had their own opinions of them. However, because of their own interests, no one was willing to stand up for them.

Gu Tianming cupped his fists and said in a deep voice, "Elder Lu Da, don"t be impatient! I do not wish to interfere in this matter, please do not misunderstand. "

"But you also know that very few people in the Celestial Sect of Wonders can save a person from the invisible barrier of the Two Elements Formations."

"Furthermore, in these eighteen years, there have been a lot of people who accidentally entered the invisible barrier. Could it be that you want to see your Nangong family face the same fate?"

It wasn"t that Gu Tianming was truly afraid of death, but as the most important elder of the Gu family, he didn"t dare to make a mistake in this kind of situation.

Otherwise, the Gu Clan"s overall strength this year would have been greatly affected.

To put it bluntly, the compet.i.tion was a gathering between the main forces of the Celestial Sect of Wonders and the newcomers.

If the Gu family was at a disadvantage because of this, he would blame it.

Thus, even though he couldn"t find a suitable excuse for a moment, Gu Tianming still blurted out the words on the tip of his tongue.

As for the truth, he naturally would not reveal it.

Otherwise, the usually hostile Nangong Family would have sacrificed a chance to escape for the benefit of their family.

Murong Dancheng remained silent on the side.

To be fair, he did not wish to save the people of the Nangong family.

The grudges between the two parties were too thick, and they were enough to make the Chou family feel disgusted. Thus, he was naturally happy to see it happen.

However, given Gu Tianming"s current situation, he had to make a choice.

"Humph!" Even I, Nangong Luda am at a loss for what to do, can you do it?! "

To Nangong Luda, he did not quite understand the meaning behind his words.

On the contrary, he felt that Gu Tianming"s words were more like a scolding, causing him to immediately ask in a bad mood.

Dugu Yunyun watched quietly from the side.

She didn"t want to get too involved with them.

The only reason he came here was to protect Lu Chen"s safety.

As a member of the Dugu Family, her every action represented the entire family.

It was true that the Nan Gong Family feared the Dugu Family, but if they were to let them misunderstand and lose all decorum, it would not be a good thing for the Dugu Family.

Almost subconsciously, Dugu Yunyun couldn"t help but glance at the silent Dugu Zhengying, clearly hoping that he could come up with an idea.