Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 301

If it were a different scene, then according to the style of Nangong Guang Palace, they would have already twisted the head of this young man in front of them.

Nangong Lu Da, who was originally exhausted, was stunned for a moment before being jolted awake.

Especially when he thought of the mystery that Lu Chen was in earlier and the recent legends that he had heard about him, it was as if he had grabbed onto a straw of hope to save his life.

Without any hesitation, Nangong Luda immediately stood up, grabbed Lu Chen"s arm, and excitedly said:

"Mr Lu, you have a way. You must have a way right? Please, please save my niece! I knelt down before you. "

As Nangong Luda said this, he actually knelt down.

The sudden appearance of Nangong Luda was beyond Lu Chen"s expectations.

However, Lu Chen could understand Nangong Luda"s feelings at that moment.

Obviously, with Nangong Luda"s position, he probably knew Nangong Wanying"s secret, which was why he desperately wanted to save her.

"Senior Nangong, please let this junior try first." Although I am not 100% sure, I will definitely do my best! "

"Besides, even if the worst comes to the worst, it won"t be any worse than the situation before us. So please be at ease, Senior. "

As Lu Chen spoke, he grabbed onto Nangong Luda"s wrist, directly lifting him up without giving him a chance to struggle.

Nangong Luda"s eyes flashed a trace of astonishment, but he became even more excited.

Just now, the power that Lu Chen had released was still high-grade yellow-rank, but to be able to easily suppress him was already extraordinary.

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even in this exhausted state, Nangong Luda"s strength was not something that anyone below the middle grade Profound Rank could handle.

However, Lu Chen had been able to suppress his strength so easily. This showed that his real strength wasn"t as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"Mr Lu, I"ll leave everything to you!" Regardless of whether it succeeds or not, the Nangong family will definitely reward you greatly. "

Nangong Luda hurriedly cupped his fists towards Lu Chen and said. Then he turned his body to the side, allowing Nangong Wanying to come out from behind him.

When he heard Lu Chen say his name earlier, Nangong Luda had already guessed that this young man in front of him was the recently popular young genius doctor.

For Lu Chen to be able to cure the Three Yin Meridians, which even Dugu Wuheng was helpless against, at such a young age, it could be seen that his medical skills were truly extraordinary.

If he were to take the initiative and step forward now, it was likely that he would have no small amount of confidence.

The moment Nangong Luda"s words fell, the despairing Nangong Guang Palace also looked at Lu Chen in antic.i.p.ation.

The remaining two middle-aged men from the Nangong family exchanged a look of antic.i.p.ation.

After all, even though they did not know Nangong Wanying"s secret, this young miss was like a princess to them. They knew about her position in the clan"s upper echelons.

If something were to happen to Nangong Wanying, not a single one of them, including Nangong Luda, would escape.

Lu Chen nodded towards Nangong Ruda and squatted down. His right hand reached out and pressed down on Nangong Wanying"s left shoulder.

After seeing Lu Chen take over, Dugu Yunyun once again felt that familiar power. After a slight hesitation, she decided to retract her finger.

Looking at the contours of Lu Chen"s familiar face up close, Dugu Yunyun couldn"t help but let her gaze wander a little. She couldn"t help but to look towards the direction of the Two Elements Formation.

The center of the formation was where Lu Qingtian was.

As expected, a tiger father doesn"t have a dog son.

His father"s talent and achievements were just so astonishing. He was known as the Celestial Chosen of the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

He didn"t expect that the strength his son displayed would not be inferior to his father"s.

After Lu Chen took over, the surging true energy within his body rushed into Nangong Wanying"s heart in an unending stream.

With the support of Dugu Yunyun"s true energy, she had held onto Nangong Wanying"s last breath.

Although her heartbeat had stopped, Nangong Wanying"s body temperature was still considered warm. However, the current situation was not optimistic.

With the nourishment of the Power of Merit and the stimulation of the true energy pulse, Lu Chen tried to see if he could make his heart beat again.

With the nourishment of the Power of Merit, Lu Chen discovered that Nangong Wanying"s heart began to show a trace of vitality.

Of course, that was all.

He did not achieve the desired result immediately.

Lu Chen was not going to give up just like that. He gathered his concentration and sped up his zhenqi output.

Nangong Wanying"s heart"s vitality was constantly acc.u.mulating, but she was still a step away from being able to start pacing again.

It was like he lacked a primer.

It was not a matter of acc.u.mulating strength alone that he would be able to achieve his goal.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Lu Chen rubbed his chest, and a bright red teardrop-shaped crystal appeared in his hand.

"Master, you"re not that generous are you? "The Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm"s blood tears are hard to come by. Use less than one drop!"

"Besides, you only have a single drop in your hand so far. You have to think about it carefully! I don"t know when I"ll be able to get a second drop! "

Seeing that Lu Chen had actually taken out the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm"s tears from the s.p.a.ce of the Eye of Merit, the little fox hurriedly reminded him.

"Saving a life is better than building a seven-level paG.o.da! Moreover, there"s no use in keeping this drop of blood for now. Since I have a need for it now, there"s no need to hide it anymore. "

"In addition, the collection of karmic power also requires a bit of acc.u.mulation. There might be some unexpected harvests. "

Lu Chen actually knew the little fox"s intentions.

In the future, if he was careless and got injured, a drop of blood could save his life.

Holding the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm"s tears in his hand, Lu Chen immediately enveloped it with his zhenqi.

After a slight tremble, a blood-red glow slowly appeared on his palm.

In an instant, the aura contained within this drop of blood and tears spread out.

Everyone"s eyes were filled with surprise as they felt the aura above them.

Unfortunately, everyone present could be considered experienced and knowledgeable, but not a single person was able to recognize just what kind of treasure this drop of blood was.

Especially Dugu Yunyun. Because of her husband"s battle, she had read almost all of the precious medical legends in the Dugu Family.

She even had some understanding of the rare and precious medicinal herbs in the ancient books.

However, he didn"t know where this drop of blood came from.

Lu Chen didn"t pay attention to the shocked expressions of the crowd. Under the little fox"s guidance, he quickly refined this drop of blood and released its medicinal properties.

When the time was ripe, Lu Chen suddenly stretched out his other hand and placed it on Nangong Wanying"s lips. He placed his thumb and forefinger on either side of her lips.

Immediately after, he squeezed her lips, causing her to slightly open her mouth. At the same time, Lu Chen precisely placed the blood tears that seemed to be burning into Nangong Wanying"s mouth.

The moment the drop of blood entered her mouth, it melted and turned into streams of mist-like blood that flowed into her body.

Then, Lu Chen placed his palm on Nangong Wanying"s left chest.