Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 302

Right now, the place where Lu Chen"s palm was pressing was the most sensitive area of a girl"s home. The feeling of a girl"s Q-shot made his heart tremble for a moment.

However, very quickly, Lu Chen calmed himself down, forcefully suppressing the desire in his heart.

A doctor"s parents.

At this moment, his mind was already clear, and his mind was clear of all distractions.

According to the little fox"s guidance, in order to make this drop of blood more effective, Lu Chen carefully controlled the blood tears that had turned into mist and quickly filled Nangong Wanying"s limbs.

Nangong Wanying"s bones, flesh, blood vessels, and even her cells seemed to be reborn at this moment. They were all br.i.m.m.i.n.g with vitality.

What was even more obvious was that Lu Chen discovered that Nangong Wanying had acc.u.mulated enough strength in her heart, as if she could restart it in the next moment.

However, it was the same as before. It was as if there was an invisible hand blocking it, and it was still lacking a little bit of strength.

Lu Chen"s eyes narrowed, and true qi suddenly burst forth from his hands.

The blood fog that was formed from the blood tears scattered in all directions and was released into Nangong Wanying"s heart without reservation.

This drop of blood from the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm was originally supported by the power of karmic virtue. Coupled with the little bit of yin and yang energy it contained, the force it unleashed was extraordinary.

After a full circle of energy had been circulated in his four limbs, this power gradually retracted and quickly circulated through his eight meridian meridians.

Then, like a small stream, they began to gather in Nangong Wanying"s heart.

It was during this process that the fog gradually returned to its original state.

However, this blood-colored liquid did not last long.

He continued to circulate the blood in his heart meridian. Finally, the blood colored liquid locked onto his heart and gradually condensed.

They gathered thicker and thicker, continuously compressing, and then turned back into the teardrop-shaped crystals from before.

At this moment, the heart that had stopped beating violently once.

He succeeded!

Lu Chen was delighted.

As expected of the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm, one of the top ten divine silkworms.

Even Lu Chen was surprised by this instant effect.

Just a single drop of blood was enough to prolong a person"s life. If one did not experience it personally, it would be hard to believe.

But even so, Lu Chen still spent ten minutes to go back and forth.

Everyone felt the Qi on Nangong Wanying"s body strengthening bit by bit. Finally, it returned to normal. They couldn"t help but stare with widened eyes.

They had thought of all sorts of possibilities, but never would they have thought that Lu Chen would be able to easily drag Nangong Wanying back from the hands of Yama Minamiya.

Dugu Yunyun and Dugu Zhengying, who were both born in a medical family, felt that the situation was unreal.

That was because even the strongest person in the Nangong family, Dugu Wuhe, did not possess this sort of ability.

Under everyone"s stunned gaze, Nangong Wanying"s originally pale face slowly started to turn red.

Her exquisite facial features began to show signs of life.

Her heart beat more and more powerfully, and her breathing became steadier.

At that very instant, not only did Nangong Wanying"s life force recover, everyone also realized that it meant that there were faint signs of a breakthrough.

Nangong Wanying was a junior that the Nangong family had built with all their effort. Countless seniors had put in a lot of effort.

However, because the Nangong family wanted to hide some of the truth, they purposely played down the feeling of Nangong Wanying"s existence.

As for Nangong Wanying, she kept a low profile and did not reveal her strength.

The outside world knew of this person"s existence, but they didn"t know much about her true strength.

At this moment, in the state of resurrection, Nangong Wanying"s true strength had lost its restraints and was instantly exposed to everyone.

Middle Xuan grade!

Middle grade Profound Rank weapon that wasn"t even twenty years old …

Everyone present, even Nangong Luda, who knew the truth, found it difficult to breathe.

There was even more than one person who was guessing whether Lu Chen"s treatment just now had stimulated Nangong Wanying"s cultivation.

It was because He Qian and Zhang Junwei were typical examples.

However, it was a bit more ferocious on Nangong Wanying"s body …

After Nangong Luda was stunned for a short moment, his heart was filled with joy.

This time, Nangong Wanying could be considered to have benefited from misfortune. She actually had such a fortuitous encounter.

As expected, with her current cultivation, if she partic.i.p.ated in this year"s Profound Gate Great a.s.sembly, she would definitely become the biggest dark horse in the younger generation.

Of course, this was on the premise that this even more mysterious Mr. Lu would not partic.i.p.ate.

However, at this moment, he was extremely curious about Lu Chen.

That was because other than Nangong Wanying, only Nangong Chuan knew that she was only in the Inferior Grade Profound Ranked Spirit Stage, but she did not break through to the middle Profound Ranked Spirit Stage.

However, at that moment, not only had Nangong Wanying stepped into the middle ranks of the Profound realm, her cultivation had also stabilized. It was as if she had already stepped into that stage for a very long time.

There could only be one explanation for all this, it was all because of Lu Chen!

For a moment, he felt grat.i.tude, excitement, disbelief … All sorts of emotions intertwined in Nangong Luda"s heart.

Although they could feel that Nangong Wanying"s aura was already very stable, no one made the slightest sound. They were all silently watching from the side.

They were afraid that they would accidentally disturb Lu Chen, causing all their efforts to go down the drain.

As for Nangong Guang and company, they were trembling from excitement.

To them, it was like suddenly coming from h.e.l.l to heaven.

Originally, they thought that they were doomed this time around. However, they did not expect a miracle to happen.

Not only did Nangong Wanying not die, she even displayed such a cultivation level.

This was a middle grade Profound Rank weapon!

Even Nangong Guang"s residence had only barely reached this level.

Furthermore, because he took a shortcut when breaking through, although it had already been two years, it was still not particularly stable.

But now, the Nangong Imperial Clan could clearly feel that Nangong Wanying"s cultivation was very stable.

When Nangong Guang was looking at Lu Chen, it was as if he was looking at a G.o.d in his heart, and he had the urge to bow down and worship him.

However, only Lu Chen knew in his heart that Nangong Wanying"s treatment was only the beginning.

The Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm"s blood tears indeed had a miraculous effect. However, they also had a limitation; they could only extend their lifespan by one year.

Thus, if he wanted to solve Nangong Wanying"s problem once and for all, he would have to completely treat the injuries in her body.

Lu Chen had long since discovered that the injuries on Nangong Wanying"s body were very similar to the situation in the battle.

Nangong Wanying"s internal organs were also in a state of exhaustion.

Could it be because of this formation?

At this moment, Lu Chen"s gaze once again landed on the blood-red jade pendant on her chest.

This was a piece of high-quality Tian Yu.

For some reason, it was blood-red.

It was as if he had been dyed red with blood.

Only now did Lu Chen see clearly that what was carved on the jade pendant was not a common Buddha statue like Guan Yin, but rather a vivid and lifelike phoenix.

On this piece of phoenix jade pendant, Lu Chen actually felt an imposing aura looking down on the world.