Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 306

Thinking of the past few days of contact, Lu Chen"s surprising methods, and his att.i.tude, Murong Xin"er suddenly felt a little bit rea.s.sured!

In addition, Murong Xin"er was indeed concerned about her grandfather Gu Tianming"s health. After a brief moment of hesitation, although she was reluctant, she still nodded lightly in agreement.

Due to the urgency of the situation, Lu Chen greeted Dugu Yunyun and the others and had Zhang Junwei drive the Maybach straight to the highway entrance, speeding towards the town of Wuliu Liu that Qing Qingzi had mentioned.

Seeing that Lu Chen was about to rush over after receiving the phone call, Zhang Junwei knew that something serious must have happened over there.

Thus, after receiving Lu Chen"s approval, Zhang Junwei fully displayed his superb driving skills and drove the car into the sky.

Located in the outskirts of Jiang Prefecture, Wuliu Town, Lu Chen had been there not long ago because of Hu Weiguo"s illness.

A lot of things had happened in the meantime.

However, he did not plan to contact w.a.n.g Qiang this time.

At least until this matter was resolved, Lu Chen did not want to cause any unnecessary trouble.

Although Qing Qingzi said it was simple on the phone, things that even he couldn"t handle were obviously not easy.

The town of Wuliu was surrounded by mountains and water. Although it was somewhat remote, it was still a suitable place to live in.

Of course, in this kind of place, there would be hidden Feng Shui treasures.

There are always two sides to everything.

Those rare Feng Shui Treasures could conceal their descendants, but if they were to be slightly changed, it could also become a fiendish land, nurturing disaster.

Without a doubt, this was exactly what had happened to the project.

Thanks to China"s economic boom over the years, although it was located in the southwest, roads connected everywhere.

After a stretch of highway, Maybach left the crossing and headed for the national highway.

After nearly 40 minutes of driving, he saw Wuliu Town"s landmark, Wuliu Park from afar.

According to the location sent over from the other side, it was to meet up here. The Zhu Family Union had sent someone to pick them up.

Zhang Junwei looked around and finally drove Maybach under a huge willow tree.

This willow tree was of course transplanted later, and was not among the five surrounding willow trees.

It was rare to see such a luxury car like Maybach, but now people saw it more and more.

Plus, there were some local tyc.o.o.ns in the town, so it didn"t attract too much attention.

Occasionally, a pa.s.sing youth would notice it and take a glance at it.

Of course, if someone had locked their gaze onto Lu Chen"s handsome and resolute face, their gaze would have lingered for a little longer.

This was because with the continuous evolution of his power of merit, his appearance and temperament were gradually being optimized.

The people around him might not have much of a feeling, but in the eyes of ordinary people, Lu Chen was indeed a celebrity, and had a natural attractiveness to him.

"Master, this matter seems to be a little troublesome. "Even Grandmaster Qing Yun cannot take it down, please do it."

Zhang Junwei sat in the driver"s seat, looking around for his so called contact person, deliberately wanting to keep quiet.

Honestly speaking, he had been holding back for too long this morning. Now he could finally relax a little. How could he still remain calm?

Of course, Lu Chen could tell that this fellow didn"t seem to be too worried about this trip to Five Willow Town. On the contrary, he seemed to be in high spirits.

Lu Chen could roughly understand his thoughts.

Of course, the reason he brought him here was to let him have a better look at the situation, so Lu Chen didn"t mind.

On the way here, Lu Chen had actually explained to Zhang Junwei the strength of Qingyun Peak and Lin Siyun.

Zhang Junwei had a rough understanding of this Daoist Priest Qing Yun.

Not long after, an unfamiliar young man walked over, directly revealing his ident.i.ty.

It turned out that this person was the one called by Chief Engineer Zhu to pick them up. His name was Huang Yong.

Soon after, Lu Chen asked Zhang Junwei to follow his instructions and head straight for the destination.

Instead of driving directly into the town, they drove along the road outside.

The location of the incident was near the town of Wuliu, a granary less than three kilometers away from the center of the town.

As a local construction enterprise in Jiangzhou City, in addition to the previous landscape road, the scope of engineering involved in the contract is relatively wide.

This road improvement project in Wuliu Town was set up as a transportation hub for many county cities in Jiangzhou to be converted into a new pa.s.senger transport station in Wuliu Town.

However, during the construction process, before even half a month had pa.s.sed, something strange happened.

According to Qing Qingzi, the construction team had dug out a white jade coffin from seven meters underground while they were digging the foundation.

After digging out the white jade coffin, the project manager immediately informed the project department"s Director He.

When Director He arrived at the scene, he realized with just a glance that the situation might not be simple.

This was because even those who didn"t know much about the coffin found it strange.

It was obviously a white jade sarcophagus, but there were countless blood charms on it.

Of course, there was also the possibility that he was a little bit afraid of being bitten by a snake for ten years because of the experience he had gone through on the main road. Hence, he appeared to be very cautious.

Director He immediately called to report the situation to Chief Engineer Zhu.

Chief Engineer Zhu did not dare to hesitate and immediately called Qing Yun, hoping that he would be able to come and take a look.

When he heard that, he dropped what he was doing and rushed over to the scene.

After inspecting the coffin for a while, he hurriedly found a piece of land that was extremely valuable and placed the coffin back in place.

And it was a very grand ritual, using three beasts for a whole day.

Originally, he thought that everything would be properly disposed of and wouldn"t have much of an impact on the construction process.

However, in the next few days, the twenty or so workers that had partic.i.p.ated in the excavation also successively fell ill.

He was vomiting and vomiting, his entire body was weak, but he could not find out the reason.

And as time went on, more and more happened.

At the beginning, Qing Yun invited the water rune as a form of temporary suppression.

However, after only two days, the strange illness on their bodies broke out again, and one of the workers died instantly.

When the workers get sick, they cure the disease, and then they make up for it.

However, in the event of human life, be it Chief Engineer Zhu or General Manager He, or even the person in charge below, they would all have to bear the corresponding responsibility.

Most importantly, everyone was panicking. Many of them thought that the previous incident on the tourist road must have happened because the contractor had violated a taboo and met with misfortune.

Just like that, everyone on the construction site wanted to leave and all ran over to ask for the payment of their salaries.

The project fell into a state of paralysis.

If it was a matter of life and death, it wasn"t something that could be dealt with just by losing money.