Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 31

It was obvious that Hu Lingling, as her daughter, knew the name of her father"s prescription.

However, He Qian"s face flashed with astonishment.

There are a lot of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for treating pneumoconiosis. Different doctors often have different treatment ideas for different patients.

Therefore, not every patient would be able to use Pneumoconiosis Powder, even if it was Professor Wu.

Then how did Lu Chen determine that Professor Wu used this recipe?

"Big Brother Lu, this … Is this true? " Hu Lingling was extremely excited as she grabbed Lu Chen"s arm and stared at him.

All these years, she had watched her father"s body become thinner and thinner, and he was even suffering from the excruciating pain of his illness. She had no idea how much pain he was feeling.

At this moment, upon hearing that Lu Chen had a cure, he was filled with antic.i.p.ation.

However, Papa Hu frowned.

As the saying goes, a long illness makes a doctor.

Hu Yangxuan"s father was well aware of his own situation.

He had even hidden something from his daughter so as not to worry her.

He had requested for medicine for so many years, but he had never heard of this kind of lung disease being cured in the later stages. At most, it could only alleviate the disease and continue for a little while.

For example, Professor Wu could be considered to have done the best job.

Originally, in his condition, he was sentenced to death by the hospital two years ago, and said that he wouldn"t live for more than half a year.

But he had survived until now because he had taken Professor Wu"s Dust Lung Powder.

But now, this brat actually boasted that it wasn"t difficult to cure him?!

But since old man Wu was full of praise for him, and was also his son"s comrade, it was likely that he had some true ability.

Thinking of this, the fire of hope once again ignited in Hu Diechang"s father"s heart.

Lu Chen had been observing Hu Diechang"s father the entire time. Knowing that he was tempted, he continued forging while the iron was hot.

He nodded heavily and said confidently, "Yes! "Because Uncle Hu had been taking Dust Lung Powder for a long time these past few years, although he was unable to completely cure it, the situation has not worsened further, and he has played a very good role in the treatment."

"Now, I only need one acupuncture and a soup to cure my illness. In fact, if it was two years earlier, he would have been able to get rid of the disease with just a single acupuncture session without even using any medicinal herbs. "

When Lu Chen came, he was only seventy percent confident.

After all, once one was sick for a long period of time, their body would surely collapse. Even a cold would be extremely troublesome to deal with.

No matter how good the treatment was, it would be in vain if the patient"s body could not withstand it.

Furthermore, he was currently facing pneumonia, an incurable disease.

Fortunately, with the treatment from Pneumoconiosis Powder, although it couldn"t be cured completely, it at least prevented the disease from getting any worse.

"Then let"s start now?" Hu Lingling could not wait any longer.

His father had been suffering from pneumoconiosis for so many years that it was finally over.

"No." However, Lu Chen lightly shook his head.

The three people present were stunned.


What did that mean?

Didn"t this fellow just declare it with all his heart?

The two girls looked at him in astonishment, while Hu Diechang"s father slightly frowned, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Big Brother Lu, why not? Didn"t you say that acupuncture would be enough after a few times? " Hu Lingling held Lu Chen"s hand tightly and asked with tears rolling down her face.

Lu Chen had clearly said that he could cure it, but why was he not able to?

She was truly anxious. She couldn"t wait for Lu Chen to treat her father and end his suffering.

"Don"t cry first, don"t cry first! It"s not that I can"t treat it... " Lu Chen could not stand to see a woman"s tears the most, so he hurriedly explained, "After acupuncture and moxibustion, the dirty stuff in my lungs will flow out."

"If I can"t protect my body, something must have happened. Therefore, before he could treat her, he needed to prepare some medicine. Only then would he be safe. And it will be much faster to recover. "

Lu Chen said as he glanced at He Qian.

The latter immediately understood and quickly comforted Hu Lingling, "Xiao Ling, don"t be in such a hurry either. "Even a patient who only has half a foot in h.e.l.l can be revived by your brother. I believe that Uncle Hu"s disease is absolutely not a problem."

As the person in question, Papa Hu was even more indifferent towards her than his daughter, Hu Lingling.

He looked into Lu Chen"s eyes and said seriously, "Teacher Lu, I believe in you. I"ve already endured for so long, so I don"t mind waiting a little longer. "

Lu Chen met his father"s gaze and said word by word: "Uncle Hu, don"t worry. I will definitely heal you."

Then he turned to He Qian and said, "He Qian, when we were coming over, I saw a large pharmacy at the corner of the street. Let"s go find some medicine and get the ingredients ready as soon as possible. "

He Qian immediately nodded. She was already itching to see how Lu Chen treated the late stage of pneumoconiosis.

Lu Chen once again shifted his gaze onto Hu Lingling.

He patted her hand, which was holding his arm, and said with a smile, "Little Ling, you can stay here and take care of Uncle Hu."

With that, he took He Qian and quickly walked out of the Hu family mansion.

Right now, Lu Chen had a clear understanding of Hu Diechang"s condition and had long prepared a prescription for him.

As long as he protected Papa Hu"s body and applied the right medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion to clear his vital energy and blood, as well as zhenqi to push away the blood, it would definitely be able to cure his illness and restore his healthy body.

"This is not a simple disease. Especially since eradication was as difficult as ascending to heaven. What method did you use to completely eradicate it? " He Qian couldn"t wait to ask the moment they walked out of the door.

"You"ll know when the time comes." Lu Chen didn"t reply directly, instead throwing the question back.

The more this happened, the more He Qian was curious about Lu Chen"s diagnosis.

Wuliu Town was relatively remote and backward, unlike the bustling city, where there were only two traditional Chinese pharmacies.

There were quite a few western pharmacies or small clinics.

Fortunately, the Chinese medicine that Lu Chen needed was not some expensive medicinal herb, so it should be available in most traditional Chinese medicine stores.

As the two walked into the pharmacy, a strong smell of herbal medicine wafted into their nostrils.

The pharmacy was not big, only about twenty square meters.

At the entrance, there was a white-gowned doctor who did not look old, but had a head full of white hair.

On the left was a large brown cabinet with small drawers with drug names on them. It was one of the more traditional medicine cabinets.

This was where the smell of medicine came from.

Behind the counter of the pharmacy stood a middle-aged man wearing a white coat and black-framed

He sized up this young man and woman and found that they looked unfamiliar.

"Would you like some medicine or a doctor?" The middle-aged man asked pa.s.sionately.

Lu Chen explained the reason for his visit and directly asked him how many Chinese medicines he had.

The man frowned.

People who came to grab the medicine usually had to have a prescription.

But he didn"t think too much about it and directly said, "I do have other things, just that although there are a lot of uses for it, there are very few fresh ones. We don"t have any here."

Lu Chen lightly nodded his head, and said: "Then give me half a pound of the other herbs first! "Thank you."

The man was stunned again.

There was such a way to capture medicine?

When did you catch the traditional Chinese medicine according to the weight of a Jin?