Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 313

From yesterday until now, Director He, who was under a lot of pressure, had been paying close attention to the situation of the construction site from the inside of the tent.

However, there were workers in the project department that had been set up in the town today who had caused some trouble due to the salary issue. Thus, he immediately went to take care of it after making the call.

Actually, there were workers causing trouble every day recently. Director He was already comforting them on behalf of the construction team.

However, the longer the battle dragged on, the more excited everyone became.

Today, after being hara.s.sed by the families of the dead, the situation became even more serious.

Chief He naturally knew that if the matter of Blood Fury Qi could not be resolved successfully, it would be meaningless even if he could find a way to appease or even dismiss these workers.

Knowing that Lu Chen was coming over, he did not hesitate to make a huge concession and temporarily settled the matter there. Only then did he rush over without stopping.

Although he knew he wouldn"t be able to help, he still felt that this sort of thing could only be justified if he could obtain it on the spot.

Of course, Director He knew his limits.

It was sufficient as long as he could meet Lu Chen and invite him to make a move.

He was unwilling to approach the entrance of the pa.s.sageway.

It could even be said that just now when Lu Chen went in, being able to muster up the courage to stay near this tent was already the limit of what he could do!

But from beginning to end, his heart had been in his mouth.

If he wasn"t afraid that he would break the amulet in his chest because of his tight grip, he probably would have just gripped it tightly in his hand.

This was the day. Otherwise, Director He would have wanted Qing Yun to open the Eight Trigrams Formation and bring him into the tent as soon as possible.

With the eight trigram formation that Qingyun Peak had set up around him, he could at least be at ease.

Even if Qingyun Zi had told Director He that there was something more powerful than a Blood Corpse, this Eight Trigrams Formation would still be a decoration.

Besides, Chief He knew that even if he risked his life to follow, he wouldn"t be able to help.

Who knows, it might even become a burden to everyone.

Of course, Lu Chen understood Director He"s feelings at the moment, but he did not mind. On the contrary, he was actually praising him.

Most of the time, it"s not easy for a person to have self-knowledge, which is much better than someone who does bad things with good intentions.

For example, Zhang Junwei was a newborn calf that was not afraid of tigers and was eager to give it a try.

Smiling, Lu Chen nodded at Director He, "That"s good as well. Allow Wei to stay here as well."

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, he didn"t even bother to look at Zhang Junwei who had a stiff expression. Instead, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed down on the red rope of the Eight Trigrams Formation.

"Buzz ~ ~ ~"

Suddenly, the entire array formation began to tremble violently, and a faint white light began to shine.

Qing Yun and Lin Siyun immediately widened their eyes as they looked at Lu Chen in disbelief.

He actually strengthened the Eight Trigram Formation so simply?

What kind of method was this?

The two naturally did not know that this was entirely due to the extraordinary affinity of the power of karmic virtue.

In addition to the Yin Yang power he had absorbed from the Two Elements of Creation Formation, the combination of the two would undoubtedly be a great boost to the Eight Trigrams Formation.

Taiji divided into two parts, the two parts gave birth to the four images, and the four images acted as the eight trigrams!

Therefore, Yin and Yang and the eight trigrams shared the same origin.

Moreover, the former was more of an origin.

Once it was infused into the Eight Trigrams Formation, the effects of the strengthening naturally became self-evident.

The reason why the Eight Trigrams Formation had been set up using the red thread copper coin was because Lu Chen could already see that this formation was nothing in the face of such a strong Blood Spirit Qi.

This time, Lu Chen did not want to bring Zhang Junwei with him and wanted to keep him here.

In order to ensure Zhang Junwei"s safety, he had to give him some guarantees.

In this way, even if there were to be an accident, as long as Zhang Junwei stayed within the eight trigrams array, there would not be much of a problem.

Also, according to the little fox"s guidance, Lu Chen actually had another purpose.

From a certain point of view, the current Zhang Junwei was already between a normal person and a cultivator.

The spirit energy in his body was abundant, but it was unstable and easily attracted evil beings.

Therefore, letting Zhang Zhi Wei stay within this Eight Trigrams Formation was like letting him act as bait.

If he could attract any evil beings, it would not be a bad thing.

Of course, Lu Chen would never tell Zhang Junwei about this.

Before leaving, Lu Chen specifically instructed He Chao and Zhang Junwei.

Moreover, he wanted them to supervise each other. He said that ordinary people like them might be lured by evil beings.

At that time, because his brain was under control, he would unconsciously want to leave the tent. It would be very dangerous.

Then, the other person would have to think of a way to stop him. Even if he knocked him out, he couldn"t let him leave the Eight Trigrams Formation.

The two of them obviously did not suspect Lu Chen. They hurriedly agreed, indicating that they would definitely keep a close eye on each other.

Before Lu Chen and the others had even left, the two of them had already sat down facing each other. They were staring at each other, afraid that something bad would happen to each other.

Especially Director He. He was probably under too much pressure. One of his hands was already holding onto a wooden stick.

From the looks of it, if Zhang Junwei made even the slightest movement, he would raise his staff and knock him out.

Seeing the two of them in such a state, Lu Chen held back his laughter and quickly left with Qingyun and the rest.

He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would not be able to hold back his laughter.

However, the little fox on his shoulder was already laughing so hard that it had to lean forward and back.

There was no need for Qing Yun and Lin Siyun to lead the way. Both Lu Chen and Mu Fengming seemed to know the location of the tunnel.

It was also thanks to Mu Fengming constantly gathering medicinal herbs deep in the mountains. Furthermore, he was extremely good at keeping his health, had a tough body, and had quite a bit of physical strength.

Otherwise, at his age, he really wouldn"t be able to keep up with the three of them.

Even if everyone wanted to take care of him.

After all, the three of them were part of the Celestial Sect of Wonders. They were much stronger than ordinary people.

With the power of merit, Lu Chen did not fear evil beings like the Blood Corpse Ghost King.

The little fox that was sitting on his shoulder was eager to give it a try.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, understood what the little fox was thinking.

After all, it could eat all sorts of evil beings and strengthen itself.

Now that he had swallowed another yellow achievement bead, the evil beings that he could absorb would be even stronger.

Before they had taken more than a few steps, Lu Chen couldn"t help but narrow his eyes and slow his steps.

He was surprised to find that the red line around the tent behind him started to tremble.

The copper coin on the red line hissed along with it.

In the next moment, a chilling wind blew across Lu Chen"s face, causing chills to run through the hearts of those who saw it.

Lu Chen raised his head to look at the sky, then raised his wrist and quickly checked his watch.

It was only nearly four in the afternoon.

Just now, when he had arrived at the small town, the sun had been shining brightly. In such a short time, the sky had been covered with dark clouds and the sun had already disappeared into the horizon.