Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 315

Seeing Lu Chen only turn his head and look at him without saying anything, Zhang Junwei thought that Lu Chen didn"t understand what was going on and hurriedly explained:

"Director He, he … Sigh! Master, you don"t know, but I just slightly twisted my body a little, and he kept hitting me on the head with a stick. "

"The first time is fine. I already told him that he"s too nervous, but he didn"t listen. I just wanted to get up and he came again …"

"You"ve only left for a short while, he"s already attacked me six or seven times. The point is, I didn"t even move and he hit me with a stick. "

"It"s not like you don"t know that I can"t stay idle. It"s better to let me die than to just sit there quietly like this."

The moment Zhang Junwei finished speaking, Lu Chen couldn"t help but burst out laughing.

He had been holding it in for a long time, how could he still endure it now?

Actually, Lu Chen understood Director He quite well.

Director He had not only taken on the pressure from the construction project, but also suffered the loss of human life at the construction site.

Plus, the tent was located in the center, so he had to be wary of these monsters. It was already extremely difficult for him to reach this step.

However, to be honest, Zhang Junwei was the only one who was willing to stay inside. If something really happened to him, he might be able to run out and get away, which would be even more dangerous.

It would be better to let Director He stay inside by himself and let Zhang Junwei have a look for himself.

Although he could not help but be distracted and take care of it, he still put on the [Vajra Body Protection Sigil] that he had refined previously.

If Zhang Junwei was not lucky enough to be attacked and he could not rescue him in time, he would at least have the strength to protect himself and not lose his life.

Lu Chen didn"t hesitate and directly nodded his head. He threw a safety buckle with double array glyphs engraved on it to Zhang Junwei, telling him to put it on as soon as possible.

Zhang Junwei didn"t know the uses of this jade talisman, but it was enough to stun Qing Yun and Lin Siyun.

The pair of senior and junior siblings quickly exchanged glances, both of them revealing a look of shock.

Although Mu Fengming also felt that this item was extraordinary, because it was originally an ordinary person, he didn"t know the use of this safety b.u.t.ton for now.

Lu Chen waved to Boss He who was standing at the entrance of the tent, then turned around and continued walking.

Zhang Junwei followed beside him with a fawning expression on his face. He was not the least bit aware of the imminent danger he was facing; instead, he was happy.

It was as if he was more willing to face unknown dangers than having his head smashed for no reason.

All along the way, Lu Chen had constantly instructed Zhang Junwei to listen to his instructions, otherwise, he would let him return to the tent.

Zhang Junwei kept nodding his head. He had never thought that it would be impossible to send him back even if something really happened because of him.

A few minutes later, the group of five arrived at the edge of the tunnel.

Lu Chen let the other three retreat first, while he stood on the mound of dirt at the entrance of the tunnel.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Chen calmed himself down and used his full force to look inside.

He could clearly see a large hole in the ground. He estimated that the hole was nearly ten meters deep.

Lu Chen"s Spiritual Awareness was originally extremely sensitive. Not only was the blood fiend energy emitting from it extremely dense, it also seemed to carry a mind-devouring aura.

At the very first moment, Lu Chen"s karmic power was ignited, forming an invisible barrier around him.

Lu Chen immediately turned his head to look at Mu Fengming. Other than his gloomy face, he didn"t see any discomfort.

Lu Chen nodded his head in approval.

With the power of karmic virtue, this blood fiend energy was simply unable to approach his body.

In addition, the compa.s.s in his hand began to emit a faint golden light due to the stimulation of the Blood Slaughter Qi.

Initially, Lu Chen had estimated that this Blood Fury Qi should have stopped within an inch of his body, unable to get close to him.

But right now, he couldn"t even get within three feet of it.

Very quickly, his attention landed on the ring finger of Mu Fengming"s left hand.

There was a topaz ring there, and it was emitting a faint light.

Most of the blood fiend aura in the air was blocked by this power.

The little fox immediately helped to estimate that it was actually a magical equipment that had been pa.s.sed down for at least five hundred years.

The inscriptions inside were impressively the Vajra Subdues Demons Formation.

Although after the baptism of time, the power within had already showed signs of decay, it still could not be underestimated.

Lu Chen asked the little fox if it could think of any way to help him. The little fox told him that there was no need to help him.

This was because the power of karmic virtue that was attached to Mu Fengming"s body had the effect of strengthening this type of magic item.

Lu Chen nodded towards the crowd, indicating that they weren"t in danger. Qing Yun took a big stride to his side.

"The ancient Blood Corpse"s coffin was dug out from five meters deep in this place."

"When the blood fiend aura became more and more obvious, This Penniless Priest could only have Boss He arrange for the workers to continue digging down for another ten meters."

"As expected, there"s a lot to be said about this pa.s.sage. It"s very possible that it"s the entrance to the underground palace to the ancient temple remains that Brother Mu talked about, and there"s a ghost king and other evil beings underneath it. "

Qing Yun"s eyes were fixed on the intersection, his voice trembling as he spoke.

Thinking back to what had happened at the entrance of the tunnel these past two days, he still felt a lingering fear.

Looking at the calm and collected Lu Chen, Qing Yun calmed down a little and suppressed the fear in his heart.

He took out a pearl the size of a pigeon"s egg from his pocket, and with a jolt of his mind, he formed a hand seal with his right hand, chanting an incantation rapidly.

"Buzz ~ ~ ~"

With a slight tremble, the jade bead suddenly floated in the air, shining brilliantly like a red sun.

Lu Chen looked at the pearl in Qing Yun"s hand and sighed in admiration.

He hadn"t thought that Qingyun Peak would have something like this in their hands.

Actually, Lu Chen had recognized the origin of the pearl at the very first moment he saw it.

If it was a normal person, they would call it the Night Pearl or something similar, but in reality, it was called the Spirit Ming Pearl.

Although it was similar to the Night Pearl in itself, it was not just a visual illumination.

At the same time, it could light up one"s mind, preventing the evil energy from disturbing one"s mind and making them lose themselves.

Moreover, the light it emitted could also disperse some of the fiendish blood energy.

Finally, Qing Yun"s eyes fell on the crowd. He nodded and jumped into the tunnel.

Afterwards, Lin Siyun immediately followed and similarly jumped in.

Zhang Junwei was surprised to see two figures jumping into the deep tunnel.

However, what made Zhang Junwei even more surprised was that the two figures didn"t make any sound as they jumped into the tunnel for nearly three seconds.

How deep...

All of a sudden, he felt a little like retreating.

It might not be a bad thing to stay in the tent, and with his skills, it wasn"t like he couldn"t handle that Director He!