Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 319

Everyone quickly exchanged glances and followed him.

The moment his front foot entered, he seemed to have suddenly opened his eyes.

Under the intense light of the pearl in Qing Yun"s hand, a majestic underground palace appeared before everyone"s eyes.

But as far as the eye could see, he couldn"t see the end of the palace!

The direction that the blood aura was heading in was especially horrifying.

Lu Chen calmed himself down and his gaze fell on the stone wall that was brightly lit.

It was impressively painted with beautiful golden murals.

Among them were Tathagata Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Thousand-Hands Monastery, Sleeping Arhat, Descending Dragon Arhat, Subduing Tiger Arhat …

After counting the number, they were all figures from the buddhist faith.

Lu Chen could faintly feel that within these golden frescoes, there were traces of golden buddhist light.

However, due to the effects of the rich blood fiend energy, these golden lights seemed to have lost their l.u.s.ter.

And the brilliance of the Deities that filled the sky above these murals was also hard to see.

At this moment, Qing Yun"s voice sounded out.

"This Penniless Priest looked at these murals that faintly glowed with a golden light, br.i.m.m.i.n.g with light and righteousness."

"Furthermore, I can feel the slight fluctuations of spiritual power coming from it. It doesn"t look like anything ordinary."

"Logically speaking, there should be an extremely positive golden light. Therefore, the Blood Demon Qi should be able to avoid it."

"Yet, right now, it"s all dark and lifeless. It"s completely suppressed. "From this, it can be seen that the mantra here has been broken. Everyone, you must be careful."

Qing Yun frowned as he looked nervously at Mu Fengming and Lu Chen, as if he wanted to see what they would say.

Lu Chen also understood Qing Yun Zi"s warning when he saw his gaze.

Actually, the blood aura in this area was still tolerable. If he continued to walk further in, it would definitely become denser.

This meant that if there was a Blood Corpse inside, then the strength of this Blood Corpse was incalculable.

Just as Lu Chen was about to say something, Mu Fengming"s voice suddenly rang out.

"According to the ancient records left behind by the ancestor of the Mu Clan, the ancient temple was built to seal the Ji Yin acupoint below."

"And these frescoes of the underground palace were carved by the venerable monks of the temple in order to suppress these demons and monsters, even at the cost of blood essence and cultivation."

"On the surface, these are lifelike Buddha statues of Guan Yin. In reality, this is a golden Buddhist formation."

"A normal evil being would be destroyed in an instant by the golden light if it were to approach."

"So, before these murals appeared, there must have been a lot of monsters and monsters here."

"As time, these Buddhist Golden Light Arrays are continuously being eroded by Yin Qi, and their power will naturally become weaker and weaker."

Mu Fengming sighed and continued, "Based on the current situation, the golden light formation of the buddhist dao can no longer suppress this fiendish blood energy."

When Mu Fengming said this, he held the compa.s.s in his hand and stared at the needle inside the compa.s.s.

After everyone heard his explanation, they all nodded their heads.

This argument was indeed very consistent with the current situation.

"Other than the Blood Corpse, I wonder what other ghosts Daoist Qing Yun encountered in the tunnel?"

"I guess with Dao leader Qing Yun"s strength, a normal blood corpse wouldn"t be able to pose any threat to you."

Lu Chen glanced at Mu Fengming before shifting his gaze to Qingyun Peak and asked.

After all, Qing Yun was the first one to enter the tunnel. He had already fought with the Blood Corpse.

According to the little fox, the closed stone door would open at the moment when the Miasma was at its peak.

And the wound on Lin Siyun"s arm just now wasn"t caused by the Blood Corpse. Instead, it was caused by a wild cat infected with blood fiend energy.

Originally, one or two wild cats shouldn"t be a problem for Lin Siyun.

However, a group of Wildcats had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Although he had ultimately eliminated all of these wild cats that had been infected with Blood Fury Qi, there was still a wound on his arm.

In other words, with his talent and the support of the Immoveable Bright King Array, the consequences would be dire.

"Although this humble one"s strength is lacking and I have seen quite a few ghost and evil monsters over the years, only the b.l.o.o.d.y corpse last night was the most powerful."

"Last night, I was at the cave entrance fighting with the Blood Corpse, but I was too weak and was forced to retreat."

"With the help of junior sister and the help of the traps that have been set up in the surroundings, the Blood Corpse will be trapped, and only then will we be able to escape."

"Later on, Chou Huang"s time was approaching and the stone door of the underground palace had to close again. So, that guy forcefully broke free and at long last, there was no danger."

"If it is given a little more time, the spells and traps I have set up earlier will not stop it. The consequences would be unimaginable."

Qing Yun"s heart was still palpitating with fear as he narrated the thrilling scene from last night. The money sword in his hand was trembling slightly.

As the current master of the Dragon Tiger Mountain"s Clear Void Monastery, Qing Yun was not afraid of ordinary Blood Corpse ghosts.

However, a blood corpse that came out of the hole had already taken so much effort. The existence of demons and ghosts here was indeed not to be underestimated.

However, what was rare was that even though he knew this place was full of danger, Qing Yun still chose to stand guard here.

Regardless of one"s own strength, just this point was worthy of respect.

As they walked forward, they noticed that the underground palace was littered with broken rocks and rotten wood. They were exuding a strong sense of bloodl.u.s.t.

Of course, this blood fiend aura did not attract much attention. Everyone"s attention was focused on the front line.

As they went deeper and deeper, the thick and dense blood fiend energy in front of them gradually became restless.

It was clear that the wind was calm, but everyone felt as if a terrifying storm was brewing.

When Qing Yun felt the fluctuations of the blood energy, the money sword in his hand started to tremble.

Moreover, as time went on, the vibrations became greater and greater.

He was already prepared to act at any moment.

Due to his innate talent, Zhang Junwei had a different feeling towards the various auras compared to others. He had been leaning against Lu Chen"s side the entire time.

Now that he saw that everyone present had become vigilant, his nerves also tensed up even more.

Zhang Junwei could not help feeling the safety b.u.t.ton of the double array formation, the Vajra Subduing Formation, in his chest. Subconsciously, he held it in his hand.

Zhang Junwei naturally knew that since Lu Chen suddenly gave him this safety b.u.t.ton, there must be a deeper meaning behind it. Perhaps, at the most critical moment, Lu Chen would be able to protect him completely.

Furthermore, Zhang Junwei could clearly sense the power that came from above with his keen perception. It gave him a sense of rea.s.surance.

Holding this safety b.u.t.ton in his hand, his originally most uneasy feeling calmed down a lot in an instant.

Suddenly there was less fear.

Of course, he still followed Lu Chen closely.

It was because the power of contribution points exuded from Lu Chen"s body made him feel more at ease.