Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 320

At this moment, everyone present was extremely alert, and no one dared to slack off in the slightest.

Under Mu Fengming"s lead, the group carefully moved forward less than twenty meters.

"Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~"

Lu Chen suddenly discovered that on the left side of the ancient temple"s underground palace, there was a two meter tall stone door. After a violent tremble, it actually caved in.

Lin Siyun was the closest to this stone door!

Suddenly, a rotten corpse with a hideous face appeared in front of everyone"s eyes.

Its body was emitting an extremely foul stench of blood as it dripped down.

A strange red light radiated from his eyes, and an unknown yellow liquid dripped from the corner of his split mouth.

The flesh on her face continued to peel off, its appearance was more disgusting and horrifying than any zombie in a horror movie!

This wasn"t all.

This blood corpse"s speed was extremely fast. It opened its mucus stained mouth and rushed out from the two meter high door, bringing along a nauseating wind. It turned into a blur as it pounced straight towards Lin Siyun!

Lin Siyun had followed Senior Brother Qingyun for many years to cultivate. Coupled with her natural talent, she had learned quite a bit of basic knowledge.

Although he had only recently stepped into the low-Xuan level, he must have dealt with a lot of demons and ghosts together with Qingyun"s hateful personality. It could be said that he had a lot of experience.

Not to mention the Blood Corpse monsters he had seen in the past few days, he had also seen many scenes where he had accompanied Qingyun Peak to kill demons. These scenes were even more horrifying and disgusting.

Even as the stinking and disgusting Blood Corpse came pouncing towards her, Lin Siyun"s expression did not change. She had already untied the monetary whip at her waist and tightly gripped it in her hands.

Weng …

With the infusion of true energy, the long whip in Lin Siyun"s hand immediately began to emit a golden light, violently trembling as it exuded an extraordinary aura.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

With a flick of her wrist, Lin Siyun brandished her long whip and ruthlessly lashed it at the Blood Corpse.

As the long whip filled with money lashed out, the air hissed wherever it pa.s.sed.

This was all thanks to Lin Siyun"s boundless spirit energy.

Although his cultivation had restricted the usage of his spiritual energy, the amount of spiritual energy stored inside was beyond his imagination.

At the same level, there were very few people who could surpa.s.s Lin Siyun in terms of the density and quant.i.ty of their spirit energy.

Of course, Lu Chen, who possessed the power of merit, was an exception.

Lu Chen did not make his move immediately.

As far as he was concerned, Qingyun Peak was also a chance for Lin Siyun to gain experience.

This Blood Corpse seemed terrifying, but in reality, it shouldn"t be difficult to deal with. Let her practice first before talking about anything else.

At the same time, he was ready to make a move at any moment.

At this time, he didn"t dare to rashly interfere.

Even the slightest mishap disrupted Lin Siyun"s line of defense.

However, at this moment, Lu Chen"s gaze was on Mu Fengming.

The old man"s gaze was calm and collected, as if he didn"t feel anything from the appearance of the Blood Corpse, or perhaps it was something that he had originally planned.

Lu Chen became even more curious about Mu Fengming.

Just what terrifying method did the head of the Mu Clan, who hadn"t even stepped into cultivation, use?

This hideous looking Blood Corpse did not possess the intelligence it should have. Its attacks were completely random, and it was obviously an ordinary Blood Corpse.

Of course, because of his lack of intelligence, he naturally didn"t know how to be afraid.

Even in the face of the sudden appearance of this golden whip, the Blood Corpse let out a m.u.f.fled roar and rushed towards Lin Siyun without the slightest hesitation.

The Blood Corpse"s speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it had arrived.

At this time, Lin Siyun"s monetary whip had also accurately landed on the Blood Corpse"s chest.

Boom! *

At the moment of collision, there was a dull sound. Lin Siyun"s monetary whip suddenly shook, and a crackling sound erupted from the Blood Corpse"s body. Smoke rose, accompanied by a charred stench.


The Blood Corpse trapped by the Money Whip let out an angry roar and abruptly flew up, attempting to lift Lin Siyun off the ground.

Lin Siyun frowned and let out a delicate shout. She gripped the long whip with both hands and pulled with all her might, attempting to forcefully stabilize her body.

Perhaps in terms of spirit energy, Lin Siyun would have the upper hand with her weapon, but in terms of pure strength, she was far inferior.

With a stagger, Lin Siyun was forcibly lifted three feet off the ground.

Helpless, Lin Siyun could only let go.

The moment she let go of her hands, the money whip immediately lost the support of her spiritual energy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were another three rapid explosions, followed by the sound of coins being scattered on the ground. Lin Siyun"s monetary whip had already been forcibly snapped.

Lin Siyun, on the other hand, borrowed the strength of this blood corpse to break free of the money whip. With a stomp, she quickly pulled herself out of the way and retreated back ten feet.

Lin Siyun"s gaze turned cold as she stared at the b.l.o.o.d.y corpse. At the same time, she was panting heavily.

This was just a confrontation. The great disparity in power between her and the Blood Corpse was vividly displayed.

At this moment, Zhang Junwei"s mouth was wide open, and shock could be seen in his eyes.

This was an incomparably shocking experience for him.

Lin Siyun was around the same age as him, but even in the face of such a disgusting and terrifying blood corpse, she was still able to calmly launch an attack.

Even though he had been defeated in a single exchange, he was much stronger than him.

Seeing this, Zhang Junwei could not help but clench his fists as his desire for power increased even more.

Lu Chen saw that although Lin Siyun"s strength wasn"t enough to contend against the Blood Corpse, her movements just now had been as fluid as flowing water.

At such an age, to be able to remain fearless in the face of danger was truly not an easy feat.

If she continued to work hard according to the pace of her growth, her future achievements would definitely be limitless.

When he saw that the time had come, he finally made his move.

He grabbed from his chest and three red lines impressively appeared between his fingers.

"Boundless Heaven and Earth, World Borrowing Art …"

As Qing Yun finished his incantation, three red lines appeared in his hand.

In that instant, the three red lines seemed to have life.

In less than a second, they intertwined and astonishingly formed a three-meter-wide web.

Qing Yun then gave a loud shout, and a huge red net covered the sky and covered the earth, flying towards the Blood Corpse.

Lu Chen shook his head lightly when he saw Qingyun Peak"s actions.

This was because he could see that whether it was Qing Yun or Lin Siyun, they were still lacking when it came to dealing with this tyrannical Blood Corpse in front of them.

At this moment, the Blood Corpse came to its senses.

However, when he wanted to struggle, he was caught by the huge red net.

He struggled and screamed for a long time, but the sound kept getting tighter and tighter until he could not move at all.

As expected, this situation had only lasted for less than three seconds. Lu Chen saw Qingyun"s expression quickly turn grave, and even the hand that was holding onto the red thread was trembling.

In the next moment, Lu Chen discovered that the steel-like red line suddenly began to break from top to bottom, turning into powder.