Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 330

However, this seemed understandable.

In this place where the fiendish blood energy and earth meridians" spirit energy interweaved, without this protection, most likely these bricks would have already been corroded and collapsed.

However, they didn"t know what would happen if Mu Fengming didn"t know what was going on here.

While Mu Fengming was walking forward, his gaze fell on the compa.s.s in his hand, which had a halo of golden light revolving around it.

According to the trembling of the needle, it was constantly changing its direction and sticking to the walls on both sides of the wall as if it was searching for something.

Lu Chen did not say anything to disturb him, but he had already sent out a wisp of his Spiritual Awareness to explore the area in front of him.

It was so quiet here.

Other than their breathing, the sound of their heartbeats and footsteps, there was no other sound.

This kind of atmosphere made people feel extremely depressed.

The deeper they went, the stronger the feeling became.

In order to avoid any unexpected situations, Lu Chen had already secretly released the Power of Merit, forming an invisible force field around him within a radius of ten meters.

The first thing Han Tianxing did was discover a hint of an inkling. He frowned slightly as he examined his surroundings. In the end, his gaze landed on Lu Chen.

On the other hand, Lu Chen didn"t feel anything was amiss. He simply nodded his head in acknowledgement.

On the surface, Han Tian Xing"s expression did not change, but in reality, his heart had also become stormy.

Although he himself had the ability to disperse the blood fiend energy and the Earth Vein Yin Qi, he couldn"t do anything about it like Lu Chen had done.

In fact, the air wasn"t as turbid as he had imagined. On the contrary, because the Blood Fury Qi was filled with spirit energy from the earth meridians, people who wore the "Innate Spirit Gathering Symbol" would have a rather comfortable feeling.

However, this was just a feeling.

After all, the spiritual talisman could only be used to gather and purify spiritual energy. However, the Yin energy in the spiritual energy in the earth vein was too rich, so absorbing too much might not be a good thing.

In addition, there was also a blood fiend aura lingering around it. Unless Zhang Junwei possessed the Diamond Protection, it would be counterproductive.

Furthermore, even Zhang Junwei would react when the number of partic.i.p.ants reached a certain level.

It was precisely because he did not want to see such a result that Lu Chen did not hesitate to expend the power of merit to lay down an invisible barrier to protect everyone.

Regardless of whether it was Lu Chen or Han Tianxing, both were extremely focused, not daring to let their guard down in the slightest.

Naturally, they did not dare to place all their hopes on Mu Fengming.

Speaking of which, Mu Fengming had only used the family"s ancient records to understand the structure of this temple"s underground palace as well as the Five Element Seal Array.

It didn"t matter how strong Mu Fengming was, it was his first time entering this place after all, and he could only grasp the theory.

The reality, however, has more or less changed over time.

As the saying goes, the slightest mistake would cause a thousand miles of difference.

Often even the slightest change can lead to a chain reaction.

Not to mention the records in the books, even the experience was not reliable.

This continued for nearly three minutes before Mu Fengming"s eyes suddenly lit up.

His footsteps paused again as his gaze fell on a stone wall to his left.

Then, Mu Fengming took out a charred half-fist-sized wooden mallet from his bosom.

It gave the impression that the old man had already prepared everything beforehand, as if he had already prepared everything beforehand.

Moreover, this small, ordinary-looking mallet actually had the aura of thunder and lightning coiling around it.

This was …


In addition, it had been strengthened by a special type of lightning element formation.

With the wooden hammer in his hand, Mu Fengming did not hesitate and directly hammered the stone bricks on the wall one by one.

Dong, dong, dong! Dong, dong, dong …

After Lu Chen heard Mu Feng knock down on the stone bricks, a thick sound came from behind him.

However, Mu Fengming did not show the slightest intention of giving up. Instead, a resolute expression could be seen on his face.

It was as if there was something hidden within the stone tiles on the wall.

Dong, dong, dong … Dong, dong, dong …

He tapped along the stone bricks one by one, pushing forward a distance of ten meters.

Everyone was attracted by his movements and p.r.i.c.ked up their ears to listen with him.

When Mu Fengming heard the hollow sounds coming from one of the stone bricks, his face suddenly lit up with joy.

"Found it!" This is the place. "

He shouted excitedly, immediately putting away the wooden hammer, extending both of his hands to press down on the top left corner and the bottom right corner.

There was the sound of a mechanism opening up, and the stone block actually caved in slightly before being pushed out by the mechanism.

"This is …"

As the stone bricks were taken out, Lu Chen was surprised to see that there was actually an exquisite snake-shaped lock inside. The lock was facing outwards, sparkling with a unique brilliance unique to bronze artifacts.

Mu Fengming didn"t pay attention to the bewildered stares of the crowd as he quickly took out a thumb-sized bronze key.

The key was tied to his neck with a red string.

Then, he explained to the doubtful crowd, "This is one of the keys to the Five Elements Sealing Formation pa.s.sed down from generation to generation in the Mu Family. It can open the crux of the Five Elements Sealing Formation."

"Using this method can avoid the formation"s attack and directly enter the center. However, it can only be used once."

"I never thought that this old man"s bloodline would still have a use for this bronze key."

As Mu Fengming spoke, he bit the tip of his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood at the key. Then, he inserted the bright golden key into the snake"s mouth.

The instant the bronze key entered the snake"s mouth lock, a golden light burst out from the gap between the key and the lock.

Following which, another set of sounds was heard, and the surrounding stone bricks rose up one after another.

Mu Fengming kept chanting. After performing a hand seal search, he finally took out a bamboo scroll that was only the size of a palm from the fourth brick on the right.

Because of the pa.s.sage of time, the bamboo scroll had turned dark brown and was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with an ancient feeling.

However, it showed no signs of decay due to the effects of the years.

However, Lu Chen knew that apart from its natural texture, it also benefited from the defensive arrays on the stone bricks.

Earlier, Lu Chen had thought that these array formations were only there to ensure that this pa.s.sage wouldn"t be eroded.

It turned out that the more important thing was to protect the hidden mechanisms and the important items.

Mu Fengming carefully held the bamboo scroll in his hand. He was very excited, and there were even tears flowing down his cheeks.

He obviously didn"t think that this bamboo slip would look exactly the same as the Mu Clan"s records.

Most importantly, this bamboo slip was the work of the Mu family"s ancestor.

Mu Fengming was silent for a long time before he finally came back to his senses. He then took a deep breath to calm his mind, and started to mutter an incantation.