Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 336

On the surface, Mu Fengming appeared very calm.

But in reality, his breathing and his heartbeat had betrayed him.

Obviously, the scene just now had frightened this old man quite a bit.

Mu Fengming awkwardly smiled, nodded towards Lu Chen and said:

"I"ll have to trouble Mr. Lu and everyone else on this trip."

After Mu Fengming said this, he slightly puffed out his chest. Then, he held the compa.s.s in his hand and once again walked to the front, directly arriving in front of the stone door.

After pa.s.sing by the pile of ashes left behind by the Blood Corpse, he decisively stepped forward without the slightest hesitation.

Lu Chen nodded his head.

No wonder the Mu Clan was able to acc.u.mulate such a ma.s.sive amount of merit power after pa.s.sing the legacy to Mu Fengming. There truly was a reason.

Even if he was weak, he still possessed the spirit to face death for the sake of the common people"s justice. It was truly precious.

It was also at this time that Lu Chen carefully observed the stone door in front of him.

Although this stone door looked no different at first glance than the one at the entrance of the pa.s.sageway, in reality, it was much more exquisite.

Moreover, if one looked more carefully, they would soon discover that even the stone door"s intelligence was different.

This stone door was actually made from a piece of jade!

Furthermore, the exquisite carvings on it were only because it had experienced thousands of years and was constantly being eroded by the fiendish blood energy and spirit energy of the earth veins. These carvings appeared to be dim and dim.

If they didn"t get closer, they would have been ignored.

Even so, standing in front of the stone door, one could still feel the huge amount of manpower and resources required to build it back then.

The eaves of the gate on the left and right were carved with dragons and phoenixes. In the middle was the Nine Heavens Palace, and all the G.o.ds and buddhas were carved.

However, the most eye-catching thing was the content in the middle of the stone door. It was just like an epic poem.

People with different expressions, but only the size of a thumb, were vivid and lifelike.

These people were armed with swords, spears, axes, and all sorts of strange weapons. They were fighting with each other, forming a magnificent picture of war.

On the side of this mini version of the war picture, which was also in the middle of the stone door, a monstrous demonic energy was carved out with complicated lines.

The demonic energy converged into countless hideous demons and devils.

It was clearly an inanimate object, but it seemed to be radiating a rainbow of energy, as if it wanted to break free from the picture.

The biggest of them all was a three-p.r.o.nged evil ghost with a bizarre horn on its head.

The devilish qi from its mouth gushed down towards the earth.

Some of the human warriors were in extreme pain. They could even faintly hear the heart-wrenching shouts. It was obvious that they were suffering from inhuman torture.

At this time, Mu Fengming had his eyebrows furrowed. His gaze was fixated on the trembling compa.s.s in his hand.

To everyone"s surprise, he did not take out some key or other to open the door like the first time.

Mu Feng"s hands were forming hand seals while his feet were stepping on the seven stars. He kept mumbling to himself as he paced back and forth in front of the door. He seemed to be using a secret technique to search for something.

In less than a minute, Mu Fengming"s initially cloudy eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of burning pa.s.sion.

He suddenly stopped at the southeastern corner of the stone door and used the compa.s.s to position himself. Finally, he faced the stone wall and sat down on the ground. He quickly chanted an obscure incantation.

The compa.s.s in his hand violently shook, and the golden light instantly became dazzling.

In the next moment, the golden compa.s.s actually separated from his left hand and slowly floated in midair.

At this moment, the speed at which Mu Feng was chanting the incantation became faster and faster. His face became deathly pale and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

An invisible force suddenly flowed out from the topaz ring on his left pinky and headed straight for the golden compa.s.s.

With the influx of this energy, the compa.s.s suddenly rotated clockwise, its speed becoming faster and faster.

The golden light on the door became increasingly dazzling, gradually turning into a golden sun, illuminating the entire s.p.a.ce around the stone door.

The surrounding blood fiend energy was instantly annihilated by this light.

Even the frescoes that had been tainted by the fiendish blood energy seemed to once again reveal the golden light of the buddhist gate, shining resplendently.

At the same time, Mu Fengming began to chant an incantation, and an incantation began to descend from the sky!

The golden compa.s.s suddenly burst forth with five different colors of light. They were white, green, black, red and yellow respectively, corresponding to the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and earth.

These five rays of light, with the compa.s.s as the center, immediately shot out in the direction of the five elements.

It was like five laser beams, seemingly capable of penetrating everything.

It was as if the walls around him didn"t exist as they slammed into the five formations of the Five Elements Sealing Formation.

As the five rays of light fell, the entire underground palace of the ancient temple suddenly began to tremble.

Although this slight tremble was extremely subtle, Han Tian Xing and Lu Chen were extremely sensitive and could not escape their eyes.

Just as the dazzling scene appeared before his eyes, the entire underground palace began to shake violently.

Han Tian Xing"s snow-white eyebrows jumped as he revealed a shocked expression.

Mu Fengming could actually create such a big commotion just by relying on the most basic of psychic powers.

Obviously, this was all thanks to the golden compa.s.s in his hands.

There could only be one explanation, and that was that the ancestor of the Mu family had most likely predicted that such a situation would occur, so he was prepared.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to use such a high-grade magic tool with just Spirit power.

At this time, Lu Chen was actually not idle either.

With the support of the yellow power of merit, he quickly spread his Spiritual Sense all around him, and even directly seeped it into the wall.

Lu Chen was surprised to discover that the five array gates that represented the five different locations of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth respectively had extremely chaotic auras.

However, after being infused with these five elements, it actually showed signs of leveling off.

And at almost the same time, Lu Chen sensed that the surrounding blood fiend energy had suddenly become restless.

In the midst of this restless blood aura, Lu Chen could vaguely sense that there were actually dozens of moving auras that were rapidly gathering towards this location.

Moreover, Lu Chen quickly discovered that there were more than ten auras moving around.

As they got closer, their numbers increased rapidly.

It was only a matter of seconds, but he could no longer tell how many there were. It was like a continuous stream of water.

Lu Chen concluded that these auras were undoubtedly from Blood Corpses.

In terms of strength, it wasn"t any weaker than the gatekeeping expert from before.

The matter that Lu Chen was worried about just a moment ago had finally appeared.

One or two Blood Corpses, even if they were slightly stronger, would not matter to him.

However, if there were too many of them, Lu Chen would naturally have the ability to protect himself. It would be difficult for him to ensure the safety of the others.

Han Tianxing"s guess from before was not wrong. The Blood Fiend Ghost King should be quite intelligent.

These Blood Corpses had clearly received his profession and were frantically gathering over in order to stop them from proceeding forward.