Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 337

With the Five Element Spirit Sealing Formation suddenly restored, the Blood Fiend King must have sensed it at the first possible moment.

At the beginning, the Blood Fiend Ghost King had only tried to use ordinary Blood Corpses to stop it.

But now, with regards to the intruder who was trying to repair the array formation, how could the Blood Fiend Ghost King let him go so easily!

In his rage, regardless of what kind of power he wielded, he would not hold anything back. No matter what, he had to stop Lu Chen and the others from advancing further.

It could even buy it some time. This was more than enough.

It was getting closer and closer to midnight.

According to what Mu Fengming said just now, when the Yin Qi was at its peak, the Blood Fiend Ghost King might be able to break free from the Five Elements spirit sealing array shackles for a short period of time.

This was ultimately the Blood Fiend King"s territory. After being imprisoned for a thousand years, not only had it suffered, but it had also become the sole ruler of this place.

All the blood corpses in the underground palace were gradually affected by the Blood Evil Qi and were connected to it by blood vessels. They would definitely listen to the Blood Evil Ghost King"s commands.

However, with such a large number of Blood Corpses, Lu Chen couldn"t help but feel a chill in his heart.

When his gaze landed on Han Tian Xing, he instead discovered that Daoist Priest Han was still calmly standing on the spot.

This piqued Lu Chen"s curiosity.

Such an obvious fluctuation of aura would definitely not be able to escape Han Tian Xing"s eyes.

It was unknown what other methods he was hiding to appear so calm and collected.

Subconsciously shaking his head, Lu Chen"s gaze turned towards Qing Yun, who was preparing to take action.

At this moment, the sword in Qing Yun"s hand was trembling visibly.

Qing Yun had already been in contact with the Blood Evil Qi for several days.

Qing Yun Zi"s cultivation was relatively weaker, but with such a large movement, he was sure that it wouldn"t be able to escape his senses.

The first time he came in with Lu Cheng"s group, a low-grade Profound Rank blood corpse was already a little difficult for Qing Yun to deal with. In the end, it was only Lu Chen who managed to kill it.

There were so many of them, and they were all much stronger than he had expected.

Lin Siyun"s talent allowed her to feel this flood of blood fiend energy.

Her face was as calm as water, secretly gathering her strength. However, there was no fear in her eyes, as if she was prepared to face death at any moment.

Only Zhang Junwei felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere and frowned slightly.

According to Zhang Junwei"s experience, if something like this happened, something dangerous would definitely happen.

Almost subconsciously, he moved closer to Lu Chen"s side and reached for the safety b.u.t.ton on his chest.

In his subconscious, no matter how strong Han Tianxing was, it was still not as safe as following Lu Chen.

Of course, the safety b.u.t.ton that Lu Chen gifted him also gave him a lot of comfort.

Even though he was nervous, he looked calm on the surface.

At the same time as the Blood Fury Qi was changing, Han Tian Xing"s gaze became stern. He pointed the Seven Star Treasure Sword in his hand toward the ground.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

His left hand gently caressed the blade of the sword. Immediately, a b.l.o.o.d.y light flashed and the faintly flickering golden True Blood of the Pure Yang slowly flowed along the blade of the sword.


Golden flames soared as the entire sword blade seemed to be enveloped in flames, reflecting thousands of rays of golden light, as though even the air itself was burning.

This golden light seemed to have been guided by an invisible force and reflected on Mu Fengming"s body.

Weng! *

The s.p.a.ce seemed to tremble violently. Mu Fengming trembled slightly, and then he quickly chanted an incantation.

In an instant, with Mu Fengming as the center, a three foot wide golden circle of light expanded layer by layer.

Lu Chen"s eyebrows couldn"t help but twitch.

He astonishingly discovered that the golden light that Han Tianxing was using was actually exactly the same as the power released by the golden compa.s.s in Mu Fengming"s hand.

The little fox could not help but exclaim.

"It"s actually a Buddhist golden light!" He really did not expect that this old Daoist Ox-nose was also a dual buddhist cultivator. No wonder he was so confident! "So it turns out that we"ve already planned for this."

Lu Chen asked with some doubt, "Are you saying that this Daoist Priest Han is also proficient in Buddhist cultivation?"

The little fox laughed, "Isn"t that obvious? Just like old man Mu, this old Daoist Niu also knows Buddhism. "

As the man and fox conversed, Han Tian Xing indeed began to chant the Buddhist incantation — the foot curse.

At the same time, Mu Fengming quickly chanted the Great Brilliant Curse.

After the first round of incantation was completed, the golden circle turned into a huge golden cover.

The moment the golden bell was formed, Lu Chen saw that on the transparent surface of the golden bell, there were four vivid and lifelike G.o.dly beasts carved in the north, south, east, and west directions.

They were the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, and Black Tortoise Elephants that represented the Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Fire elements.

This time, there was no need for Lu Chen to ask any further. The little fox had already solved the doubts in his mind.

This was a high-grade dark cla.s.s formation - the Four Symbols Demon Subduing Formation.

Defend in attack, attack and defense at the same time.

It had the same effect as the Diamond Protection Formation.

Unless it was a low-rank Earth Realm expert, even a quasi-Earth Realm expert would not be able to defeat the four Demon Subduing Formations within a short period of time.

Unless the spellcaster ran out of spiritual energy and couldn"t maintain the formation, it would be invulnerable.

Of course, there were always two sides to everything.

Although the defensive power of the Four Symbols Subduing Formation was extremely strong, it still consumed a great deal of the caster"s energy.

From the information that Little Fox had obtained from his mouth, Han Tian Xing seemed to have long since known about the trump card that was hidden within Mu Fengming"s golden colored compa.s.s.

As a result, it provided him with an appropriate amount of mana at the first possible moment.

It was precisely because of this power that Mu Fengming was able to activate the hidden formation in advance.

Otherwise, they would have to wait for the Blood Corpse army to approach, only then would the formation display its power.

Before now, the power within the golden compa.s.s had already been greatly depleted. It was obvious that there wasn"t much left.

At that time, even if he was able to barely unleash his strength, it was likely that the duration would be quite limited.

While Han Tianxing and Mu Fenglin were working together to activate the Four Directions Demon Subduing Formation, Qing Yun reacted immediately after a brief moment of astonishment.

Qing Yun Zi knew a little about his martial uncle"s background.

Han Tianxing had always been a maverick, never sticking to his sect.

For Han Tianxing, he was willing to try any method that could increase his own strength.

Even some unorthodox techniques, or even some unorthodox methods, he would usually be able to accept them.

According to Han Tian Xing"s own words, as long as one was able to maintain a Dao Heart, one would not have to worry about what sort of method one used.

It was also because of this reason that Han Tian Xing could be considered an evil existence within the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

Thus, even though Han Tian Xing"s strength was extremely powerful, and represented the strongest battle power in their faction, the position of sect head was not pa.s.sed on to him.

Of course, Han Tian Xing didn"t care about this at all.

On the contrary, even if they gave it to him, he probably wouldn"t accept it.

This was also the reason why when Qingyun Peak encountered difficulties, the first person they thought of was Lu Chen, not this powerful martial uncle.