Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 339

As for the Big Dipper Sword, it was definitely made from meteorites in the outer s.p.a.ce. Only after seven to four hundred days of forging did it finally melt.

He would have to undergo another forty-nine days of tempering before he could take form.

After that, he placed it in the Big Dipper Formation for forty-nine days and used the spiritual energy from the person who forged the sword to catalyze it.

The last step was to open the seal with blood essence and combine the three elements.

One sword was almost successful in training. One would have to lose half of their life in order to temper it, and they might not be able to recover for a long time.

Not to mention how difficult it was to refine the Big Dipper Sword, just setting up a Big Dipper Sword wasn"t something an ordinary person could do.

The Big Dipper Formation was a high-grade earth-step formation. Only an expert at the peak of earth-step was qualified to enter it.

Therefore, the Big Dipper Sword must be forged by an Earth Stage Peak Rank or even Heaven Stage powerhouse.

In the past, when Earth was rich in spirit energy and Earth Level experts were prevalent, a magic treasure like the Big Dipper Sword might not be particularly dazzling.

However, in this era of chaos, let alone peak earth-step, half-step heaven-step powerhouses, even low-grade earth-step powerhouses were rare existences like phoenix feathers or qilin horns.

This kind of magical equipment was almost non-renewable.

And the Big Dipper Sword was like a treasure to those in the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

However, in comparison, the Blue Lotus Treasure Sword stored in Lu Chen"s Cat"s Eye Pendant was even more precious.

After all, this Blue Lotus was the seventh ranked sword of the top ten divine swords of the Primordial Era.

He wondered what kind of shocking power the little fox would display when it undid the seal on the Blue Lotus Sword.

This thought flashed across his mind. The blood corpses swarmed over, and in the blink of an eye, they were in front of Lu Chen.

Immediately afterwards, the lightning in Lu Chen"s palm shot towards the nearest Blood Corpse.

With a loud bang, the terrifying power that exploded out immediately pierced through his chest.

And the Blood Corpse that bore the brunt of the onslaught couldn"t withstand the burning thunder. In the blink of an eye, it was enveloped by the purple flames and turned into a pile of ashes. It fell straight down and scattered on the ground.

Not only that, but even though the companions that followed this blood corpse didn"t receive the direct attack, as soon as they touched the purple thunder, they also began to burn.

Under the constant roars, the two blood corpses were also burnt to a crisp and fell to the ground.

In just a single exchange, Lu Chen had already killed the three strongest Blood Corpses. Everyone was shocked, and all of them simultaneously let out a sigh of relief.

The three Blood Corpses of middle Xuan grade or higher were as easy to kill as cutting tofu!

If they hadn"t seen it with their own eyes, no one would have dared to believe that the scene before them was real.

Lin Siyun"s exquisite facial features moved slightly.

At the same time, she subconsciously put her hand on the nameplate that she wore on her chest.

This was the only thing that allowed her to gradually control the spirit energy within her Heaven"s Life Vein.

And in a short period of time, his cultivation base had advanced by leaps and bounds, directly stepping into the low-grade Profound Rank.

All of this was naturally done by the young man in front of him.

Lin Siyun sighed with emotion as she secretly made up her mind. She must think of a way to grow as quickly as possible.

If he encountered such a situation again, he wouldn"t have to hide behind the other party"s back. Instead, he would have to stand by their side and fight alongside them.

At this moment, Han Tianxing also made his move.

With a wave of his hand, the seven swords that were suspended in the air turned into seven golden flames at the same time.

He only had one of the Seven Stars Treasure Swords in front of him. The other six swords roared forward and weaved through the group of Blood Corpses.

As Lu Chen continuously bombarded the Blood Corpse in front of him, he directed a sliver of his attention towards Han Tianxing.

He could clearly see that each time the golden flame of the seven star treasure sword that Han Tian Xing had displayed flew past, two to three Blood Corpses would simultaneously turn into ashes.

From the direction of the first wave of Blood Corpses, there were nearly twenty of them.

The whole process had taken less than three seconds to kill all twenty Blood Corpses, turning them into ashes.

He was truly worthy of being a Quasi-Earth Stage expert. With the help of the magical equipment"s power, he was extremely powerful!

The golden flames produced by the Big Dipper Sword were extremely gorgeous. It was truly the attack of the sword.

Of course, not only was the power exploding out abnormally strong, the Seven Stars Sword Technique that he was displaying was also very good.

Han Tian Xing had clearly reached the realm where he could do as he pleased.

At the same time, Lu Chen did not stay idle either.

In the blink of an eye, all of the blood strings that were rushing towards him had turned into a purple fireball.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


However, even with the power from the Merit Pool, Lu Chen still felt exhausted after continuously attacking.

This was because the power of the Limitless Thunder Curse"s Thunder Palm was extremely tyrannical, and its consumption rate was also beyond imagination.

Especially for Lu Chen, who relied solely on the power of his karmic virtue to surpa.s.s his cultivation realm, the consumption rate was huge.

Other than the first time he had struck three Blood Corpses with an explosive burst of lightning, Lu Chen had also restrained his ability to use the Palm Lightning.

He wrapped his fists in lightning and combined it with the Mouthy Mountain Technique"s Heavenly Thunder Steps. When the Blood Corpse came close to him, he managed to strike the lightning on his fists away.

As expected, this method greatly reduced the consumption of the power of meritorious deeds, causing him to secretly breathe out a sigh of relief.

However, compared to Han Tian Xing"s ease and ease when he wielded his sword to slay the demon, Lu Chen"s fighting style was much more ruthless.

Also, as more and more Blood Corpses poured in like floodwaters, the range of Lu Chen"s movement became smaller and smaller. Naturally, he was not able to move about as easily as he did in the beginning.

On the contrary, it gave people a feeling of danger, and they couldn"t help but be worried for him.

Although Lu Chen was not afraid, in the eyes of the bystanders, this kind of attack was way too dangerous.

Especially when Lu Chen was just a hair away from the Blood Corpse"s sharp claws and biting, Zhang Junwei could not help but cry out in alarm.

As for Lin Siyun, she clenched her fists and waited to take action.

She had already secretly made up her mind. The moment Lu Chen encountered any danger, she would immediately rush out.

Even though she knew that it would be useless even if she did, and that she would very likely be defeated in a single exchange, Lin Siyun was still fearless.

To Lin Siyun, doing this was better than watching Lu Chen deal with these Blood Corpses by himself.

It wasn"t strange for Lin Siyun to have such a feeling.

Lu Chen"s actions seemed to be extremely dangerous.

If he was even the slightest bit careless, he would have been struck by the Blood Corpse and instantly turned into a meat patty.

In reality, for Lu Chen, even if it was just one versus one battle, there wasn"t much of a problem.

On the contrary, it made him want to temper himself a little and fuse the skills he had grasped.