Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 344

According to the little fox, the underground palace was filled with a rich amount of blood fiend energy. Only then would the Blood Fiend Ghost King be able to reach the strength of a low-grade earth-step martial artist.

To put it bluntly, it was merely seizing the advantage of the terrain.

He could not be considered a real low-rank Earth Realm master.

Once the Blood Fiend Ghost King left this place, it would only be at the Quasi-Earth Stage.

When he mentioned Quasi-Earth Stage, Lu Chen could feel that the little fox had a trace of confidence.

As a result, Lu Chen secretly deduced that the little fox"s true strength was probably at the Quasi-Earth Stage.

Even so, he could not allow the Spirit King to break the seal and leave this place successfully.

Otherwise, who knows how many lives would be lost.

This was because the little fox had also told Lu Chen that once the Blood Fiend King appeared, it would need to absorb a large amount of human blood and soul essence.

After all, the Ghost King of Blood Fiend, who had been living off his blood and soul for a thousand years, had an unimaginable thirst for his blood and soul.

Han Tianxing stood in front of Lu Chen and warned him. Without waiting for him to react, Han Tianxing raised his hands in the middle of the Four Symbols Demon Subduing Formation and immediately formed a seal.

Han Tian Xing"s hand did not stop moving as he quickly began to chant an incantation.

Following the sound of an obscure incantation, a shiny golden ball of light immediately appeared in Han Tian Xing"s hands.

The pa.s.sageway in the underground palace once again became abnormally bright.

Lu Chen was attracted by Han Tianxing"s actions and immediately looked over.

The golden ball of light in his hand instantly transformed into a three-foot-long arrow.

The golden arrow seemed to be fake and real, sometimes real, and then suddenly transparent.

A golden halo of light swirled in the air, mysterious and unfathomable.

"Boundless Heaven and Earth, Cosmic Bend!" Golden arrows piercing through the clouds, a magnificent army of thousands! "Go!"

Following Han Tian Xing"s explosive shout, the golden arrow suddenly left his hand and shot out hurriedly. It flew toward the top of his head and entered the rock wall above before disappearing.

"Martial Uncle Han... This is asking for the help of the entire Celestial Sect of Wonders! "

Qing Yun had been observing Han Tianxing"s actions. When he saw the golden arrow, he immediately understood what had happened. He could not help but feel happy in his heart.

Martial Uncle Han had brought reinforcements!

But right after, his heart suddenly shook.

If it wasn"t a matter of life and death, Martial Uncle Han would never use this secret technique.

Furthermore, even if he called for reinforcements, he didn"t know if he could make it in time.

Just now, he had spent quite a bit of time in this ordeal.

It was almost midnight!

As things stood, it was hard to predict.

The Blood Fiend Ghost King had actually forced Martial Uncle Han, who had always been conceited and disdained the hand of a fake, to such a state …

Qing Yun"s face turned numb, and the money sword in his hand started to tremble.

He recalled the scene when he first entered the corridor. He could not help but feel a lingering fear.

Although he had been tense from the beginning, he didn"t know about the whole situation.

It was then that Qing Yun realized how serious the situation had become!

Qing Yun knew very well in his heart what the Ghost Servant here signified.

He even regretted bringing his Junior-apprentice Sister Lin Siyun into this corridor to gain experience.

This time, it was very likely that the hope for their sect"s future would be in danger.

If he broke the incense, he would be too ashamed to see his ancestor again.

"Junior sister, please be careful, this ghost servant is no small matter!" If there"s a chance in a bit, return to your original path as soon as possible.

Qing Yun trembled as he gripped tightly onto his money sword. His body was still blocking in front of Lin Siyun, not allowing the ghost servant any opportunity to take advantage of him.

From time to time, he would glance in the direction that he had come from.

"Senior Brother, you be careful too!"

In the face of these four ghost servants" terrifying auras, although Lin Siyun"s limbs were a bit weak, she still forced herself to stay alert, feigning calmness as she spoke.

Of course, she didn"t want him to worry too much.

And he didn"t want to run away alone.

When he noticed Junior Martial Sister Lin Siyun"s unintentional glance at Lu Chen, he couldn"t help but sigh inwardly.

Of course Qing Yun knew Lin Siyun"s thoughts about Lu Chen.

However, because Lin Siyun was going to inherit the teachings of her sect in the future, although he didn"t point it out, he was secretly on guard.

This time, the odds were against him, but Qing Yun had already made up his mind. He would protect his Junior Sister no matter what, even if it meant his death!

Moreover, he had a feeling that even if someone died here, Lu Chen would still have a way to protect himself.

For a moment, he actually hoped that Lu Chen would be able to bring Lin Siyun away successfully.

The golden Cloud-Piercing Arrow in Han Tian Xing"s hand came and went even faster.

Watching Han Tianxing shoot the golden arrow out of the underground palace, Lu Chen did not understand and a look of confusion appeared on his face.

He originally thought that this might be a brilliant technique for dealing with ghost servants, but he never thought that instead of shooting towards the ghost servants, the arrow actually shot towards the underground palace.

This was a little puzzling.

The little fox"s originally cold face revealed a happy expression as it quickly explained to him.

According to the little fox, the Cloud-Piercing Arrow that Han Tianxing used belonged to a high-grade Profound Rank — Cloud-Piercing Crossing Arrow!

When the Sky Cloud Piercing Arrow was used, the user would want to imbue it with the important information. The user needed to use up some of his cultivation base.

As such, it was not something that could be easily used under normal circ.u.mstances.

Moreover, this Sky Cloud Piercing Arrow would have to be executed by a high-grade Profound Rank expert and above in order to display its ultimate effect.

Although experts of the middle Xuan grade or below could barely display it, it was still a matter of luck whether or not they could transmit the information accurately.

At the very least, in such an environment, if an ordinary person were to expend so much energy to display his or her cultivation base, the result would probably be unsatisfactory.

After all, the fiendish blood energy here was simply too rich. If the power of the Piercing Cloud Arrow was not enough, it was unknown whether it would succeed or not.

While watching the Ghost Servant"s movements, Lu Chen curiously asked the little fox:

"What message did Senior Han send? Can you sense it?"

"Of course!" The little fox"s face was full of pride as it relayed the information it had sensed to Lu Chen.

"Blood Fiend Ghost King has appeared! Blood Fiend Soul Liquid!"

Han Tian Xing did not hesitate to exhaust his cultivation to unleash the "Cloud Piercing Arrow". Naturally, he completely unleashed its might.

Not only could it ignore any obstacles, this signal could spread to at least half of Jiang Prefecture.

In other words, once this Sky Crossing Cloud Arrow came out, most of the people in the Celestial Sect of Wonders could sense the message inside it.

Of course, a powerhouse whose strength had yet to reach the middle Xuan grade, apart from being relatively close, was hard to detect even from a distance.

However, for the high-grade Profound Rank experts in the Celestial Sect of Wonders, they would naturally be able to catch the fluctuations of information within.

Hearing that, Lu Chen"s eyebrows creased even more. He said in a deep voice: "Senior Han is using the Blood Evil Souls as bait, attracting the experts of the Celestial Sect of Wonders to fight the Spirit King together! It was an extremely good plan. "It"s a pity that I don"t know if I"ll make it in time!"