Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 358

Once again, Lu Chen silently injected a sliver of the power of contribution into Mu Fengming"s body before slowly releasing his arm.

As the power of merit entered his body, Mu Fengming"s mood finally calmed down.

Especially when he sensed the calm and collected aura coming from Lu Chen, he felt that the Blood Fiend King before his eyes wasn"t that terrifying.

The Mu Family had a deep foundation, so Mu Fengming naturally had a protective movement technique.

However, Mu Fengming was, after all, just an ordinary person without a shred of true energy in his body.

No matter how profound the magic tool was, in the hands of Mu Fengming, it could at most be forcefully activated by the stimulation of the surrounding aura.

Although Mu Fengming did not know what Lu Chen had done to him, he knew that it was all because of this young man.

He gratefully looked at Lu Chen. After taking a few deep breaths, his eyes became extremely calm.


Suddenly, an intimidating shout came from the center of the eighteen Arhat statues!

Caught off guard, Lu Chen, who was bearing the brunt of the onslaught, was immediately seized by his state of mind. He actually fell into a trance for a moment.

The voice suddenly resounded in his mind, striking directly at his mind. It was unavoidable and impossible to defend against!

In that instant, all the strength in Lu Chen"s body retreated like the tide, and it was as if his strength was sucked out of him.

His four limbs instantly became like soft noodles, completely unable to withstand the pressure.

So tired, so sleepy!

He really wanted to sleep forever!

Lu Chen"s vision darkened, and boundless darkness engulfed him.

Despair and fatigue, as well as other negative emotions, surrounded him heavily.

Not good!

All of a sudden, Lu Chen felt a chill run down his spine as he realized something was wrong.

This was probably another Blood Fiend Ghost King"s sonic wave attack.

The most terrifying thing was that this attack was aimed at him!

Indeed, the tree would be destroyed by Lin Feng.

Lu Chen walked at the very front, and the power of contribution points that he emitted had stimulated the Blood Fiend King, so the other party must have treated him as their greatest enemy.

Lu Chen did not think too much about it. In this moment of life and death, he maintained a trace of clarity in his spiritual altar. At the same time, he struggled to channel his karmic power within his body to defend against the Blood Fiend Ghost King"s sonic wave attack.

Fortunately, the karmic power within Lu Chen"s body was the nemesis of this strange energy.

Under this strong stimulation, the Power of Merit began to circulate explosively. Everywhere Lu Chen went, all his limbs and bones felt warm. The tiredness was quickly swept away.


The Power of Merit circulated at an unprecedented speed for a full cycle. Only then did Lu Chen sweep away all the negative emotions in his heart, waking up from his stupor.

He let out a long breath, feeling that everything before him had become clear once more.

A vicious beast like the Blood Evil Ghost King was not something that could be underestimated, even if it had yet to reach its peak!

Lu Chen sighed with emotion.

After sighing with emotion, Lu Chen"s gaze swept across Mu Fengming, but he was surprised to find that the old man was still in high spirits, not affected in the slightest.

How could this be?

Lu Chen was taken aback. He found this unbelievable.

After all, even with the power of merit, at most, Mu Fengming would not be completely bewitched by this close proximity.

However, he was definitely not going to act like nothing had happened.

However, Lu Chen quickly found the answer.

His gaze once again fell on the yellow jade ring on the ring finger of Mu Fengming"s left hand.

At this time, a halo of light revolved around the yellow jade ring, and a vast wave of energy dispersed outwards. It actually forcefully swallowed all of the surrounding blood fiend energy!

That yellow jade ring had been pa.s.sed down for at least five hundred years, and it also contained an earth-step defensive formation.

More importantly, this kind of formation did not simply utilize the power of spiritual energy. It was actually able to directly absorb the power of contribution for one"s own use.

Originally, Mu Fengming"s merit power could only keep the formation inside from collapsing.

But now that Lu Chen had injected his active karmic power into the wood wind forest, it was equivalent to giving birth to the activity of the karmic power within Mu Feng Lin"s body.

Because of this, the array formation was stimulated by the thick blood aura in the surroundings and began to revolve at full strength. It formed an invisible barrier that blocked all attacks outside of it, and it actually protected Mu Fengming from any effects.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but sigh in amazement.

The Mu Clan"s background was indeed deep, and the Mu Clan"s foresight was G.o.dly.

It was as if everything that had happened today was within his expectations, and he had made the perfect preparations.

Lu Chen"s expression turned cold, and he stealthily placed his eyes on Mu Fengming.

In this place where danger lurked everywhere and where every step was filled with killing intent, one could not afford to take even half a step wrong!

Mu Fengming was not a member of the Celestial Sect of Wonders and did not have a shred of true energy on his body. Apart from those magic tools, he was the weakest one here.

However, it was completely unbelievable that an ordinary person with a weak strength could make it this far step by step.

Among them, even though he had Lu Chen and the others" help, Mu Fengming"s innate background couldn"t be ignored.

Vaguely, Lu Chen"s previous thought once again appeared in his mind.

It was likely that if he wanted to resolve this matter completely, he would have to blame it on this originally somewhat despised old mister Mu.

This was the place where the Blood Fiend King had appeared. It was filled with danger, and every step he took caused fear to well up in his heart.

Although Mu Fengming was aware of the situation here due to the ancient records of the Mu Clan, he had a general idea of the situation here.

However, an ancient book was still an ancient book. In the book, it was recorded that the same person was in a similar situation. The difference between the two could be said to be like the difference between heaven and earth.

Anyone who was caught in this ordeal would be nervous.

Mu Fengming"s trembling performance just now was completely within reason.

However, for some reason, Lu Chen felt that something was wrong.

Lu Chen"s gaze swept across Mu Fengming for a moment, but nothing happened.

Did he think too much?

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Chen could only temporarily shift his gaze away.

Suddenly, a red light flashed.

Lu Chen"s heart skipped a beat as he looked in the direction where the red light appeared. Surprisingly, it was the center of the Buddha statue.

In the center of the Buddha statue, a three-meter-tall cauldron appeared out of nowhere.

This cauldron was originally used to worship incense. It had three legs, two ears, and was covered in buddhist engravings.

This copper cauldron had gone through countless years. Under the corrosion of the infernal blood energy, its entire body was dyed blood-red.

Even the ground around the copper cauldron was covered in puddles of red blood.

This was …

Blood Fiend Soul Liquid!

That"s right, the aura that it was emitting was so strong that it could even be the Blood Kill Heroic Soul!

When the little fox saw this, it became extremely excited and hurriedly informed Lu Chen, who had already discovered the same thing.

Lu Chen quietly stared at the pool of scarlet red liquid. Even though there was a distance of almost 30 meters between them, the rich energy contained within it still made one"s heart tremble.