Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 359

A moment later, Lu Chen"s gaze moved from the puddle of red liquid on the ground.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

A dark red fog emerged from the blood-red cauldron, lingering around the cauldron"s mouth for a long time.

Lu Chen"s heart tightened as he stared at the cauldron.

Before long, a b.l.o.o.d.y figure slowly emerged from within the copper cauldron, hovering at the mouth of the cauldron.

In the dark red fog, this b.l.o.o.d.y shadow was blood-red. In particular, an even denser infernal energy was being emitted in all directions from the top, making it difficult for anyone to ignore it.

This, was the Blood Fiend King!

A low-grade earth-step Blood Fiend King!

At this moment, the blood fiend aura in the air also became violent.

There seemed to be faint traces of thunder and lightning.

These surging forces all chose the real storm and rushed to gather towards the Blood Fiend King in the cauldron.

In just a few seconds, the blood aura also reached its peak density, constantly surging.

All of a sudden, his vision was distorted!

When the Blood Fiend Ghost King"s entire body was revealed at the mouth of the copper cauldron, its burly body suddenly became like a ghost as it flew at an extremely fast speed. The fog under its feet began to churn as if it was boiling.

In that instant, the b.l.o.o.d.y looking Blood Fiend Ghost King had already left the copper cauldron, floating three meters above the mouth of the copper cauldron.

A thick crimson liquid dripped off its body.

However, when they landed on the ground, they discovered that it wasn"t some sort of liquid, but rather a thick fog.


Then, a cloud of smoke rose into the air.

As the b.l.o.o.d.y mist churned, it once again wrapped around the Blood Fiend Ghost King"s naked body.

The Blood Fiend King"s face was blurry, and its eyes constantly emitted a dazzling red light. It was abnormally fierce and ruthless, captivating one"s soul.

However, the most eye-catching thing on his body was still two fangs that were more than five inches long.

They were long and exposed, reflecting a cold light and looking extremely sinister.

It was as if in the next moment, it would tear its enemy into pieces!

If an ordinary person were to see this scene, they would probably be scared to death.

At this moment, the Blood Fiend Demon King was floating in the air, holding the crimson sickle in its hand and not moving at all.

However, those glowing red eyes were like a laser searchlight, constantly scanning the surroundings.

Whomever his gaze fell upon, his entire body would tremble in fear. For a moment, he would be in a trance without exception.

It was a good thing that everyone"s cultivation was there. Moreover, they were relatively far from each other. Although they would be affected a bit, they quickly adjusted themselves.

However, the more it was like this, the more everyone became focused and calm. No one dared to relax in the slightest.

Everyone knew that the moment the Blood Fiend Ghost King found a flaw, it might suddenly attack and become its target.

After that, it would be immediately taken away from one"s cultivation and blood essence, and become its nourishment.

Silent —

For a moment, the entire s.p.a.ce was eerily quiet.

All that was left was the Ghost King"s breath and everyone"s heartbeat.

At this moment, the situation was weird to the extreme. It was also horrible to the extreme.

Just as the Blood Fiend King emerged from the bronze cauldron, figures began to appear one by one beneath the eighteen Buddha statues.

By the time the Blood Fiend Ghost King had fully emerged, the eighteen Buddha statues were already filled with figures.

These figures all had extraordinary auras, the vast majority of them were experts at the peak of the Superior Grade Profound Ranked.

Even the weakest amongst them was at least at the middle legendary Xuan level.

The experts of the Celestial Sect of Wonders finally couldn"t help but follow along.

Lu Chen"s eyebrows twitched, and a smile crept onto his face.

Actually, when he was the first to enter, he already expected such a result.

He roughly estimated that about fifty people had entered the room.

With such a group of experts surrounding the Blood Fiend King, just this formation alone was enough to suppress him for a good while.

After all, the Blood Fiend Ghost King possessed human intelligence. Naturally, he did not dare act rashly in this situation.

Since the Blood Fiend Ghost King was willing to pay any price to break free of the Five Element Seal, it didn"t want to continue to be in control.

Sensing that the situation in front of him was not good, the Blood Fiend Ghost King suddenly let out a few strange laughs, and its body began to tremble violently.

It seemed to be brewing some kind of terrifying spell!

The expressions of everyone present turned solemn. All of them stared at the Blood Fiend King, but none of them took the initiative to attack.

At this moment, everyone tensed their nerves and continuously circulated the true qi within their bodies, ready to respond to any unexpected situation at any time.

The moment the Blood Fiend King attacked, its explosive power was enough to make anyone"s heart palpitate.

Even an expert at the peak of the Xuan cla.s.s like Han Tian Xing absolutely did not dare to take the risk and attack.

In an instant, the atmosphere became still once again.

Lu Chen felt as if the air had become viscous.

No one spoke, and no one moved.

"Cough cough …" Everyone, once this Blood Fiend Ghost King appears, he will inevitably bring disaster upon the common people.

"This old man is untalented. He is just an ordinary person who cannot cultivate. He is willing to give the world a tiny bit of his strength to carry out justice on behalf of the heavens!"

Mu Feng and the others cupped his hands and bowed, his voice full of sincerity.

As the sound of his voice faded, he retrieved an egg-sized, earthen yellow jade pearl from his robes.

Although the crowd present did not understand the profoundness of this bead, they were all extremely focused.

Everyone was watching Mu Fengming"s actions.

Everyone was well aware of the meaning in Mu Fengming"s words.

He only wanted to break this deadlock and encourage everyone to stand shoulder to shoulder to finish off this Blood Fiend King.

However, the strength of this Blood Fiend King was unpredictable. Before he had a clear understanding of the situation, who would be so stupid as to rush to their deaths?

Once the bead was in his hand, Mu Fengming no longer hesitated. He bit his finger tip and smeared the blood all over the bead.

In the blink of an eye, the blood had already seeped into the bead.

The originally dull and dim pearl suddenly emitted a blinding yellow light, and its aura underwent a drastic change.

The moment the light shone, before anyone could recover, Mu Fengming had already quickly threw the pearl in his hand towards the Blood Fiend King.

Although Mu Fengming didn"t cultivate his spiritual energy, under the support of his Qi and blood, he clenched his teeth and used all his strength to throw the bead thirty meters away.

When the Blood Fiend Ghost King saw this yellow light suddenly appear, it reacted almost as if it were a conditioned reflex.

The Blood Fiend Ghost King raised the sickle in his hand, and a b.l.o.o.d.y wind swept up, instantly shattering the jade bead.

However, even before the jade bead had shattered, the blood-colored wind had already touched the power of the runes contained within it.


With a thunderous sound, the seal within the bead suddenly exploded.

Everyone in the Celestial Sect of Wonders, including Lu Chen, and the Blood Fiend Ghost King were shocked at the same time. All of them gathered their attention and constructed a barrier around their bodies, anxiously waiting for the next attack!