Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 36

What did Lu Chen just say?

After taking two more days of medicine, Hu"s father"s lung disease will be completely cured?!


Is this true?!

Hu Lingling could not believe it and looked at Lu Chen with a blank expression.

Then, catching his a.s.sured look, Hu Lingling asked with a bit of expectation,

"Big Brother Lu, did you just say that the lung disease that my dad had for so many years could be cured in three days?"

Lu Chen nodded and smiled confidently: "I"ve already said it before. I guarantee that I"ll be able to cure Uncle Hu. If Uncle Hu doesn"t recover well in three days, you"ll have to question me!"

Meanwhile, Papa Hu looked at Lu Chen with excitement, his heart full of grat.i.tude.

Of course he knew his own illness best.

He no longer felt suffocated like he used to. Instead, he felt refreshed, as if he had returned to his youth.

He shook Lu Chen"s hand and said excitedly, "That little b.a.s.t.a.r.d in my family actually knows a master like you. It"s like a dream. "

"Little Lu, thank you so much this time. Uncle Hu, I had already given up all hope, I didn"t expect that there would be a day when I would recover from my illness. "Don"t leave today, stay for dinner!"

Papa Hu was overjoyed. He sat up straight from the bed. His originally stooped body had subconsciously straightened.

"Uncle Hu, you"re welcome. I have a close relationship with Hu Xiu." Hu Xiu"s father is my father, and Hu Xiu"s sister is also my sister. "From now on, you will use me as your own son."

Saying that, Lu Chen felt a wave of guilt in his heart.

At this moment, he thought of that well-built young man with a rather simple and honest smile.

Although Lu Chen really wanted to accompany his father in Hu Xiu"s stead, he was worried that his words would reveal something.

If he accidentally leaked it, then he would be discovered by Hu Ziyan"s father and be investigated thoroughly, and that would be the end of him.

On the surface, Hu Diechang"s father, who had just recovered from his illness, looked full of vigor, but it was actually because of the true energy that Lu Chen had intentionally left in his body.

This kind of Zhen Qi could help his father recover as soon as possible, but once he knew about Hu Xiu"s matter, he would definitely not be able to bear such a huge blow.

If something were to happen to him, Lu Chen would never be able to forgive himself.

Therefore, with the excuse that he still had to attend cla.s.s tomorrow, he politely declined Hu"s father"s invitation.

After instructing Hu Ziyan"s father on how to take the medicine, the three of them went to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

As for Hu"s father, Hu Lingling had already cooked a pot of coix congee according to Lu Chen"s instructions. Now, it was ready for eating.

Originally, Hu Lingling wanted to stay and take care of her father, but her stubborn father firmly refused. He hoped that she would not delay her studies.

Without any other choice, Hu Lingling could only obey her father"s orders.

The restaurant in the town was of average condition, but there was an Audi Business and a few Volkswagen Metans parked in front of the entrance.

However, these cars looked a bit familiar. He had seen them outside Hu Lingling"s house.

The two girls were talking and laughing, so they obviously didn"t notice this detail.

On the other hand, Lu Chen only had a smile on his face, as if he didn"t care at all.

The three of them walked into the main hall, randomly found a table, and ordered a few ordinary dishes.

Hu Lingling looked at Lu Chen with a look of admiration, and said with a tone of praise, "Big Brother Lu, are you the reincarnation of a genius doctor? That dazzling medical technique, I"m afraid only the G.o.dly doctors of the ancient legends would know of it, right? "

He Qian also chimed in, but her words were a bit exaggerated.

"This doctor should only be found in the heavens. How many times in the mortal world can we meet?" Maybe Lu Chen"s medical skills were taught to him by some deity! "

Curiosity would grow.

Right now, He Qian wanted to know more and more who Lu Chen"s master was.

Therefore, although those words sounded like a joke, she did not take her eyes off Lu Chen and waited for his answer.

How could Lu Chen not understand He Qian"s thoughts?

However, when his grandfather had willingly hidden his ident.i.ty and brought him to live in a secluded mountain village, there must have been a reason for his actions.

As the saying goes, one shouldn"t have any wariness against others.

Before he figured out He Qian"s true ident.i.ty, Lu Chen naturally wouldn"t easily reveal it.

Lu Chen chuckled: "Look at what you two are talking about, my grandfather taught me his medical skills. I lived with my grandfather since I was young, so it can be said that I grew up in a pile of herbs." After living with it for so long, I"ve naturally learned a few things. "

Of course, He Qian was not satisfied with Lu Chen"s answer.

When Hu Lingling went to the washroom, she suddenly lowered her voice and said to Lu Chen:

"When I saw you treating Uncle Hu earlier, I didn"t disturb you. Now that you"re free, you have to be honest."

Lu Chen raised his brows, then asked with a smile, "Student He Qian, what do I need to say?"

"Don"t interrupt!" He Qian looked at Lu Chen seriously, then said seriously, "What technique did you use, the smell of the medicine seems a little unusual … "Don"t think I can"t smell it."

"Unusual?" Lu Chen pretended to be puzzled as he said, "I smell so-so? I"m afraid you"re thinking too much! "

He Qian stared at Lu Chen with burning eyes: "Using appendages as an ingredient is very troublesome, but you chose to use raw appendages instead. "I don"t believe that you would use a risky move against Uncle Hu."

Lu Chen did not want to reveal the secret on his body, so he said half-heartedly: "Young Miss He, you think I won"t panic? "Of course I know that this retainer is hard to deal with, but Uncle Hu"s body condition is special and he can use the poison from the raw retainer to fight against the poison. On the contrary, he has an unexpected effect."

"I was just thinking that I should control the weight a bit. I didn"t dare to use too much. Who knew that I would overdo it? The drug"s potency is too strong, causing Uncle Hu to suffer."

"Is that so?" He Qian looked at Lu Chen in doubt.

"Am I lying to you?" Lu Chen curled his lips and said, "It"s just that Uncle Hu"s physique is special, so he can take Dust Lung Powder for a long period of time." If it were someone else, I would definitely not dare to use Ice Lung Powder to treat them. "

"Really?" He Qian frowned and asked.

"Of course. How could I lie to you? " Lu Chen calmly met her gaze.

He Qian was obviously not someone who could be fooled that easily. Even though she had a hint of doubt in her eyes.

For a moment, the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

At this moment, Hu Lingling walked over with quick steps and complained, "I just met someone who was so unreasonable. I wanted to fish up a giant crucian carp from a river, but he was clearly a big man, yet he still wanted to s.n.a.t.c.h it from me."

"They even said that their boss was invited to eat something good. "There really aren"t any rules at all. He even talked about first come first serve, and almost got into an argument with him."

Hearing that, Lu Chen consoled, "We don"t need to care about them. Isn"t it just a fish? Just give it to them. They said it was fished out of the river, who knows? "

"Exactly!" Hu Lingling smiled and said, "But the carp I picked out for Brother Lu sounds pretty good. Furthermore, the sweet and sour carp in this restaurant was well-cooked and was their signature dish. Brother Lu, just wait and taste it! "

He Qian originally wanted to ask Lu Chen some questions, but now that Hu Lingling was here, she couldn"t ask.

At this moment, Lu Chen"s ears suddenly twitched, and he couldn"t help but frown.