Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 366

Lu Chen"s extremely bright eyes stared fixedly at the Blood Fiend Ghost King that was emitting a terrifying aura, his expression becoming increasingly grim.

Such strong Yin Qi!

The substantial infernal energy surrounding the Blood Fiend King actually caused his movements to slow down, as if his entire body was being soaked in an invisible liquid.

Not only did it become hard to breathe, it was also difficult to raise his hand and slap the Thunder Palm down.

It was no wonder that these experts of the Celestial Sect of Wonders held back. The defensive power of the Blood Fiend Ghost King was so strong that no one had the confidence to defeat it in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Lu Chen even suspected that even if everyone went all out, they might not be able to injure the Blood Fiend Ghost King.

After all, this place was not only a vent for the Earth Vein Yin Qi, but also had the support of the Blood Evil Spirit Liquid. The defensive capabilities of the Blood Fiend Ghost King had definitely reached its peak.

Furthermore, Lu Chen had also faintly realized that from the very beginning, Blood Fiend King had probably planned to use this method to stall for time and consume the energy of the people from the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

Lu Chen sighed inwardly. It was too late to say anything now.

Letting the members of the Celestial Sect of Wonders work together with him and risk their lives was an extravagant hope in itself.

The one no one wants to sacrifice.

Who didn"t want to stay in the end and take Blood Fiend Night into their pockets, becoming the final winner?

The Blood Fiend Ghost King had probably realized this long ago, which was why he chose to wait and wait for time.

At the same time, Lu Chen could clearly see the changes that occurred around the Blood Fiend King"s sickle.

The blood-colored gale that was originally wrapped around Qin Lie suddenly expanded. It appeared to be even more solid as it emanated a ghastly chill.

Under this cold storm, the people nearby shuddered and subconsciously retreated.

Lu Chen knew that this Blood Fiend King must have sensed the danger brought by his Palm Lightning and was prepared.

In this way, the Blood Fiend Ghost King would not dare to hold back and would use all its strength to fight back.

One step wrong, one step wrong.

Now that the strength of the Blood Fiend Ghost King had increased and it was already on its guard, it was probably even more difficult to deal with it …

However, the reason why the Blood Fiend Ghost King possessed such terrifying defensive power was entirely due to the b.l.o.o.d.y copper cauldron beneath his feet.

Or to be more accurate, it was the Blood Soul-Essence within the copper cauldron.

It was precisely this thing that provided the Spirit King with endless power.

Therefore, if they wanted to kill the Blood Fiend King, they had to make it leave the cauldron.

As the Blood Fiend King was gathering its aura, Lu Chen did not stay idle either.

Under the dual support of the Eye of Merit and the little fox, the dark purple Everlasting Palm in Lu Chen"s hand suddenly changed color.

The thunder from his palm slowly turned into a bright purple color!

Then, from within the purple radiance, rays of red light bloomed.

Lu Chen"s face paled.

So it turned out that this red light was formed from a drop of Lu Chen"s blood.

The power of his inner blood, which was fused with the Supreme Yang Qi in his palm lightning, instantly soared.

At this moment, Han Tian Xing suddenly felt regret in his heart. His body moved and he immediately disappeared from where he stood!

The strength that the Blood Fiend Ghost King had displayed was actually more than twice as strong as before.

The situation was grim as the Blood Fiend Ghost King used all its strength to channel its power. The sanguinary wind grew stronger as the entire underground palace erupted with violent winds.

The dust and gravel on the ground were all swept up by the wind, and the buddhist statues that were erected on the ground began to tremble from the force of the wind, and the buddhist statues that were close to them soared into the sky.

All of a sudden, sand and rocks flew all over the underground palace.

The entire underground palace was covered in dust and the figures of Lu Chen and Blood Fiend Ghost King were buried in the dust.

However, in the middle, there was the unceasing rumbling of thunder that resonated through the nine heavens. That aura shook the mind and almost no one dared to approach it.

Everyone"s expression was cold and grave. Purple lightning could be vaguely seen shining in all directions. The crimson blood light shone, shining through the gaps between the dust and reflecting a soul-stirring radiance.

The Blood Fiend King"s reaction was extremely fast, and the crimson sickle in his hand accurately welcomed the strange lightning strike that Lu Chen had been trying his best to send down.

The moment the two sharp powers made contact, a thunderous explosion occurred. The entire s.p.a.ce shook violently, as if it was going to collapse in the next moment.

Lu Chen"s eyes turned cold, and a look of determination flashed across his pale face.

He looked at the gap in the Blood Fiend King"s movements and suddenly stomped his legs in the air, his body disappearing from where he stood.

The Blood Evil Spirit King paused for a moment before letting out a strange roar.

It was completely enraged!

Who would have thought that after being imprisoned for a thousand years, there would be someone who dared to challenge his prestige?

This was especially so since this fellow"s cultivation was so low. He was clearly just an ant, yet he was releasing such terrifying lightning power.

The more it was like this, the more the Blood Fiend Ghost King did not want to let Lu Chen go.


A huge figure that was emanating a blood-red glow flew up into the air, leaving the copper cauldron that was drenched in blood.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes.

Of course he knew that the reason why the Blood Fiend King wasn"t willing to leave was because it wanted to s.n.a.t.c.h the second to absorb the Blood Fiend Essence and strengthen itself as much as possible.

The sickle in the Blood Fiend Ghost King"s hand viciously swung out, but the person in front of it was nowhere to be seen.

It was surprised and quickly retracted its hand. However, it was too used to it. Even if it reacts, it wouldn"t be able to retract its hand for a short period of time.

With the old move, the scythe impressively struck the air.

This blood-colored wind was incomparably powerful. Wherever it pa.s.sed, the air itself was transformed into nothingness.

In the end, the blood colored wind landed directly on the waist of a slumbering statue of the Arhat in the underground palace.

Immediately, the three meter tall Buddha statue seemed to have been cut into two pieces, as if it was made of tofu.

Not only that, but the b.l.o.o.d.y wind had also crashed into the ground, creating a huge crater of five meters in depth!

The surrounding area was full of holes as well. It was obvious that they could not withstand the impact of this incomparable Blood Fury Qi.

Even so, the sickle in his hand did not hit its target, causing the Blood Fiend Ghost King"s anger to deepen.

The Blood Fiend Ghost King let out another soul-stirring roar as it flew up into the air in a fit of rage.

It hovered in the air like a blood-stained demon G.o.d, waving its weapon in front of it in a series of violent slashes.

Wherever the scythe pa.s.sed by, rocks and dust would fly everywhere, and it was a complete mess.

The experts of the Celestial Sect of Wonders had long retreated.

Even though it was far away, it still sucked in a breath of cold air when it saw the fierce attack.

Just as they were secretly amazed, a surprising scene appeared.

Lu Chen, who had just disappeared, suddenly appeared in front of the Blood Fiend King like a ghost.

His speed reached its limit, and in the blink of an eye, he was less than half a meter away from the Blood Fiend King.

The brilliant lightning in his palm struck down, striking precisely at the heart of the Blood Fiend King.


Someone exclaimed in surprise.

The timing of Lu Chen"s appearance was too ingenious!

However, at this moment, Lu Chen felt a sharp force attacking him from the side, causing him to be greatly alarmed.

It turned out that the moment Lu Chen disappeared, the Blood Fiend Ghost King had already released its other hand, preparing an extremely powerful attack.