Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 368

After landing on the ground, Lu Chen looked at Ma Buqun"s limp body and his deathly pale face. His eyes were actually filled with mist.


Lu Chen"s tears rolled down his face and fell onto Ma Buqun"s clothes, wetting the area where they fell.

A man doesn"t cry easily, it"s just that he wasn"t hurt!

Ma Qun had turned himself into such a miserable state in order to save him.

This reminded Lu Chen of a similar scene from the past.

Back then, when Hu Xiu blocked the bullet for him, he did the same thing without hesitation. Even if he died, he wouldn"t regret it.

Grief and sorrow filled Lu Chen"s heart. His entire body began to tremble, and tears continued to fall uncontrollably.

Times had changed, but the thing that was softest in Lu Chen"s heart was the same.

How could he, Lu Chen, be worthy of dying for him?!

Lu Chen knelt on one knee beside Ma Buqun, half-supporting and half-dragging his limp body. He reached out his sleeve to wipe the tears in his eyes.

He did not notice that in the spring of the Merit Pool, the power of Merit was crazily gushing out.

The Merit Pool was instantly filled with the power of meritorious service.

A dazzling yellow light appeared out of nowhere, illuminating the entire s.p.a.ce within the pool.

At the same time, a yellow Merit Pearl quietly condensed.

When the little fox saw this, its face immediately revealed a happy expression.

Merit Beads!

This was not something that could be formed so easily!

One, two!

In the blink of an eye, two Merit Beads had actually been condensed and were emitting an incomparably dazzling light.

The entire s.p.a.ce of the Merit Pool turned golden in an instant.

The little fox was ecstatic. It turned to look at Lu Chen, wanting to share its joy with him.

However, just as he turned his head, the little fox immediately quieted down.

Lu Chen"s face was now filled with grief, a strong emotion spread to his surroundings.

The little fox suddenly felt a wave of melancholy. It shook its little nose in understanding and quietly waited at the side, no longer disturbing Lu Chen.

After an unknown period of time, Lu Chen finally regained his senses.

Seeing the little fox eagerly looking at him, his heart warmed.

The little fox immediately waved its little claw and pointed at Lu Chen, revealing a look of desire.

Lu Chen forced out a smile and nodded his head at the little fox. With a thought, he opened up the sealed s.p.a.ce for meritorious services.

Receiving Lu Chen"s approval, the little fox was overjoyed. With a stomp on its hind legs, it leaped into the Merit Pool, opening its mouth and swallowing a single Merit Pearl that fell to the ground.


The little fox burped loudly and lay in the Merit Pool with a satisfied expression. Other than its round belly, all of its body was immersed in the power of meritorious service.

Not good!

Lu Chen"s expression suddenly changed. He could sense that Ma Qun"s life was rapidly slipping away.

Ma Qun was a Xuan expert, and his life force was beyond ordinary.

Therefore, even though Lu Chen saw that Ma Qun"s injuries were serious and felt pity for him, he never thought that he would actually pa.s.s away.

Now, seeing Ma Qun"s life disappearing bit by bit, Lu Chen immediately became anxious.

He must be saved at all costs!

At this moment, this was the only thought in Lu Chen"s mind.

Lu Chen placed Ma Buqun"s body flat on the ground, then reached out a hand to press against his heart.

The endless power of merit was instantly gathered in Lu Chen"s palm, then majestically flowed into Ma Buqun"s body.

"Cough, cough!"

While he was using the Power of Merit, Lu Chen could not help but cough, his face turning pale.

Forcefully activating the power of karmic virtue and killing the Blood Fiend Ghost King just now had already far exceeded the limits of Lu Chen"s body.

At this moment, Lu Chen did not have enough time to recover and was once again focusing all of his power on cultivation. His already dilapidated body now had many more wounds of varying sizes.

Sensing that Lu Chen"s situation wasn"t good, the little fox couldn"t be bothered to digest the Merit Pearl that he had just swallowed. It jumped out of the Merit Pool and landed on Lu Chen"s shoulder.

The little fox"s face showed a bit of worry as it carefully observed Lu Chen"s situation.

As for Lu Chen"s body, the little fox was not worried at all.

The injuries on Lu Chen"s body were just because he had suddenly taken on too much strength, and was unable to adapt for a moment.

As long as there were no serious injuries, these cracks would quickly be healed by the power of merit.

Even after going through such a process of healing, Lu Chen"s body would still be tempered, and its strength would far surpa.s.s before.

The little fox was worried about Lu Chen"s mental state.

At this moment, Lu Chen had a crazed expression on his face. Without caring about anything else, he circulated the power of karmic virtue with all his might and sent it into Ma Buqun"s body without any stinginess.

He had actually turned a blind eye to the damage to his body.

This state was very dangerous.

After all, even with the help of the Power of Merit, Lu Chen"s body still had a limit.

If one"s body was truly in a state of collapse, no matter how much merit power one had, even the achievement beads wouldn"t be of any help.

Lu Chen was also well aware of the situation he was in. He was not fit to use the power of karmic virtue at all.

However, there was nothing Lu Chen could do to make him watch Ma Buqun lose his life.

I have to save him!

At all costs.

Waves of intense pain, accompanied by the use of the power of karmic virtue, swept across Lu Chen"s body in a crazed manner.

In less than twenty seconds, Lu Chen felt his vision turn black, and he felt like he was about to faint.

However, Lu Chen bit his tongue and forced himself to stay awake, forcing himself to continue channeling the power of merit into Ma Buqun"s body.

As the power of merit flowed in, Lu Chen could clearly see the situation within the group of horses.

It was shocking!

A tragic sight!

Other than these two words, Lu Chen could not find any other suitable words to describe the situation within his group.

His internal organs were dislocated, his limbs and bones were crushed into fine powder, his meridians were torn apart, and his flesh and blood withered.


It was too tragic!

This tragic state made Lu Chen"s heart feel as though it was being stabbed, and he almost cried again.

Not only that, but the Dung Beetle Gu within the horse tribe was also causing trouble, causing his already ruined body to get even worse.

As soon as the last remaining true energy was produced, it didn"t even have time to flow through the meridians and nourish the entire body before it was completely absorbed by the Dung Beetle Beetle Beetle Gu.

However, after absorbing the karmic power that Lu Chen had transferred into the Ma Clan, the Dung Beetle Beetle Gu quieted down.

Under Lu Chen"s reckless channeling of the power of karmic virtue, Ma Buqun"s body stopped collapsing, and his vital signs gradually calmed down.

Lu Chen"s heart was filled with joy. He immediately planned to work even harder and let Ma Buqun recover a little bit more.

He didn"t need to ask for cultivation, he needed to ensure that he could survive first.

Suddenly, the experts of the Celestial Sect of Wonders became restless.

A few dishonest figures were already slowly approaching the copper cauldron.