Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 371

Seeing Shangguan Feng Xing"s actions, the crowd all had mixed expressions on their faces. The most common was naturally the sneer and disdain, but no one said anything.

The Shangguan family had always been a famous family in the Celestial Sect of Wonders, and they held a high position.

Yet now, he was actually able to act so shamelessly and even hide behind others. This was already more than enough.

How could Shangguan Fengxing not understand the contempt the crowd had for him?

He looked like he was going to dry out, and there was even a faint smile on his face.

Han Tian Xing"s eyes couldn"t help but tremble when he saw this sudden turn of events.

Lu Chen"s relationship with him was earth-shattering, and he was secretly delighted in his heart.

His bet was indeed correct!

He just didn"t expect that the result would be a victory without a fight.

However, Han Tianxing was looking forward to see how Lu Chen would deal with the rest of the matters.

At this moment, not only Han Tianxing, even everyone present had their eyes on Lu Chen.

Receiving everyone"s gaze, Lu Chen finally understood.

Everyone stood on his side. No matter what the reason was, he was still happy.

He had originally thought that there would be a tough battle ahead of him, but he didn"t expect that the situation would turn blurry in an instant.

Lu Chen tilted his head slightly, glancing at Shangguan Fengxing who was still under pressure, but did not say anything.

Lu Chen secretly communicated with Dugu Zhengying and told him in detail about the distribution plan of the Blood Evil Souls.

Dugu Zhengying listened attentively and nodded. "This method is very reasonable!"

Afterwards, Lu Chen announced to the crowd that Dugu Zhengying would be given the Blood Evil Soul Liquid.

Dugu Zhengying did not refuse, and nodded his head. Then, he immediately carried out Lu Chen"s instructions.

No one dared to oppose the entire process.

The Dugu Family was renowned in the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

Not only were they respected by the other eight clans, but the powers outside of the nine great clans were also inextricably linked to the Dugu Family.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, the Celestial Sect of Wonders would not be able to resolve their grievances. If someone from the Dugu Family could be invited to judge, everyone would be convinced.

It was precisely because of this that Lu Chen had set his sights on Dugu Zhengying.

"Duanmu w.a.n.g …"

"Nangong Luda …."

Dugu Zhengying followed Lu Chen"s instructions and methodically distributed the Blood Evil Spirit Liquid to the various great clans and the others.

During this process, it could be said that they were happy and worried.

Although Lu Chen"s distribution plan was relatively fair, it was impossible for it to be absolutely fair.

And some people who would like to haggle, will inevitably have resentment in their hearts at this time.

However, due to Dugu Zhengying"s face, they still chose to swallow their anger in the end. They could not help but show some displeasure on their faces.

Lu Chen didn"t pay much attention to this.

His attention was completely focused on Ma Buqun.

At this moment, Ma Qun"s vital signs had stabilized.

If he were to keep his breath, he might not die.

However, Ma Qun"s soul was also severely injured.

It was one thing for his cultivation to constantly scatter.

The spiritual flame was like a candle flame in the wind, ready to be extinguished at any moment.

Ma Buqun"s current injuries were several times more severe than the injuries he had suffered in the battle during the Two Elements of Creation Formation.

According to the little fox, not only was there a problem with his soul, his body was also no longer usable.

Lu Chen actually knew Ma Qun"s current situation. His heart had already sunk to the bottom.

The double damage to the soul and body, and it seems irreparable.

Wasn"t this the same as sentencing Ma Qun to death?

In the battle against the Blood Fiend King, Ma Buqun had not cared about his life and death, and had clashed with it to the very end.

Right now, the Blood Evil Soul Liquid was already in the hands of everyone, but Ma Buqun was going to become a cripple?

Lu Chen"s heart was in pain, and he couldn"t bear it any longer.

He asked the little fox in his heart, "Is there really no other way to resolve this crisis?"

"Of course!" The little fox immediately replied, as if it had already expected Lu Chen to ask this.

"Oh? Say it quickly! " Lu Chen seemed to see hope and immediately felt relieved.

In the end, the little fox only told Lu Chen the only way, which was to possess another body.


Lu Chen naturally knew what it was.

In the inheritance of the Eye of Merit, this was a clear indication.

The little fox thought that Lu Chen did not know about this, so it immediately explained: "This is a mysterious Taoist technique, it rarely appears in the world."

"The method is to borrow the body of another to return the Yang. As long as the soul does not die, then the possession can be carried out!" Furthermore, even if your soul is damaged, you can still gradually recover with the help of the power of merit. "

Lu Chen didn"t really want the little fox to know his secret, so he asked again, "Then after Possession, is he the same as before? For example, cultivation! "

Not only did Lu Chen want Ma Buqun to recover his HP, he also wanted to ensure that his strength would not be affected.

Of course, it would be even better if he could help Ma Buqun improve by leaps and bounds.

No matter what, it was not an exaggeration to repay someone who had sacrificed their life for him.

Moreover, Lu Chen needed this sort of help.

That was because the situation had given Lu Chen a warning.

If it weren"t for the benefits of his previous good karma, allowing Dugu Zhengying and the others to stand by his side, even if Lu Chen had a way to protect himself, his future life wouldn"t have been so good.

"Of course not!" The little fox first grumbled a sentence and then said with some hesitation, "However, if you use a special method, it"s possible …"

"Quick, tell me, what kind of extraordinary method is this?" Of course, Lu Chen knew what the little fox was going to say.

Seeing Lu Chen take this matter seriously, and being so anxious, the little fox finally spoke of this taboo method.

With the support of the Power of Merit, Lu Chen"s success rate should be extremely high.

However, the difficulty was that the person who was willing to possess the body for Ma Buqun had to be of the same bloodline as him as well as someone who was alive.

The same bloodline?

When Lu Chen said his request, everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

How could there be such a person in this underground palace!

Seeing everyone"s reaction, Lu Chen"s expression turned grave for a long time. He stood there dumbly without uttering a word.

"Since this is the underground palace, I naturally can"t find such a person. According to me, as long as we can keep him alive, it would be a great fortune in misfortune. As for the rest, we"ll just leave it to fate!"

Dugu Zhengying put a hand on Lu Chen"s shoulder and patted it lightly as he tried to comfort him with a sigh.

Lu Chen did not make a sound. With a thought, he fed the other Merit Pearl to Ma Buqun.

Without any hesitation, he picked up Ma Buqun and headed out of the tunnel.

After Han Tianxing and the others distributed the Blood Evil Soul Liquid, they immediately followed behind Lu Chen.

Lu Chen had long since arranged for Ma Buqun"s portion of Blood Evil Soul Liquid to be kept by Dugu Zhengying.

Because Lu Chen believed that Ma Qun would definitely come back to life.