Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 372

While running forward, Lu Chen continuously used his merit power to ensure that Ma Buqun"s soul was stable. At the same time, he used his free hand to continuously make calls to Du Wenfeng, but no one answered.

Now is the time, Du Wenfeng should be sleeping.

"Answer the phone!" Hurry up and answer it! Hurry up and pick up the phone for laozi … " Lu Chen gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

Beads of sweat appeared on his already pale face.

In his desperation, he lost even more blood.

"Don"t worry, slowly fight!" Han Tianxing consoled her from behind.

No rush. If he was not, even if he could save Ma Qun"s life, his cultivation would have disappeared completely.

Moreover, it would probably take a long time for his soul to recover.

Lu Chen did not have that much time to waste, so he had to race against time and deal with Ma Qun as soon as possible.

Lu Chen breathed rapidly as he looked at Ma Qun, his eyes filled with anxiety.

Ma Buqun was currently unconscious, so Lu Chen had no way of getting information about his family"s location from him.

Although the Power of Merit could ensure Ma Buqun"s life, Lu Chen did not just want him to keep his life.

Right now, his only hope was to contact Du Wenfeng as soon as possible.

At that time, the longer it would take, the more cultivation Ma Buqun would lose and the more severe the damage to his soul would cause. It would only become more troublesome.

As an aide of the Du Family, it was likely that Du Wenfeng was well aware of his situation.

Finding Du Wenfeng was just a helpless decision.

After running for who knows how long, everyone finally ran out of the tunnel.

Just as he stepped out of the corridor, Lu Chen saw a familiar figure, waiting anxiously for him.

Who else could it be other than Murong Xin"er?

"Big Brother Lu, what"s going on? "What happened to you? Where did you get injured?"

Seeing Lu Chen"s pale face, Murong Xin"er couldn"t help but ask with worry in her heart.

"It"s fine, I"m fine!" Lu Chen explained a few things to Murong Xin"er, rea.s.suring her.

But when Murong Xin"er saw his pale and bloodless face, how could she believe that he was fine?

"You … Are you injured? Why do you look so awful? Brother Lu, what happened to you? Let me see it! "

Murong Xin`er shouted out involuntarily as she tried to examine Lu Chen"s body, ignoring the fact that everyone was present.

Hearing that, Lu Chen hurriedly stopped him, "I"m indeed fine, but this friend of mine is about to die, I have to save him!"

Once she said that, Murong Xin`er stopped and turned her attention to the dying Ma Buqun.

Of course she didn"t know that Lu Chen was still talking a little too lightly about death.

Qing Yun Zi and the rest had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Lu Chen"s desperate situation, he said nothing more.

He felt that he couldn"t help, so he didn"t disturb him and took his leave.

After thanking Dugu Zhengying and the others, Lu Chen returned to the tent where Boss He was.

Seeing Lu Chen"s pale face and his exhausted strength, Director He was very worried.

On the other hand, Lu Chen was the one who told him not to worry, he was just a little tired.

After a while, seeing that Lu Chen was indeed fine, Director He finally calmed down and asked Lu Chen about his experiences in the underground palace.

Lu Chen nodded his head in agreement and briefly explained the situation.

The whole process was going up and down in ups and downs, and he could hear the lingering fear in Director He"s heart.

When he heard that the Blood Fiend Ghost King had been killed, he was naturally extremely excited.

Although he had been tormenting himself for so long, the end result was still pretty good. He could finally suppress this matter.

"What an unprecedented experience!" Director He said with a look of admiration.

Following that, he patted Lu Chen"s shoulder, praising loudly, "It"s all thanks to you this time, Mister Lu. You actually managed to take care of Blood Fiend Ghost King!"

At this moment, Lu Chen naturally could not care about Director He"s praise. His heart was already burning with anxiety.

Ma Qun had been severely injured for a long time already.

The situation looked worse and worse, but Du Wenfeng still wasn"t able to contact him.

Without being able to contact Du Wenfeng, Lu Chen saw that Ma Buqun"s soul aura started to fluctuate again, and his expression couldn"t help but darken.

Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, Lu Chen decided to use the power of merit to continue helping Ma Buqun stabilize his damaged soul.

As for why he was cultivating, Lu Chen had temporarily given up.

In any case, with the power of meritorious service and the Blood Evil Souls, Lu Chen was confident that he would be able to help Ma Qun recover in a short period of time, possibly even reaching a higher realm.

The power of merit continuously flowed into Ma Qun"s body. As Ma Qun"s soul gradually stabilized, Lu Chen"s face turned paler and paler …

At that moment, a corner of the tent was flipped open.

Lu Chen looked up and saw that it was actually Murong Xin`er.

"Didn"t you leave? "Why..." Lu Chen asked in confusion.

"I"m naturally worried about you. What are you doing?"

Seeing Lu Chen put his hand on that person"s chest without moving, Murong Xin"er seemed to have realized something.

Although Ma Qun was still at death"s door, the undulations from his body had calmed down due to Lu Chen"s efforts.

As for the change in the soul, with Murong Xin"er"s cultivation, she naturally couldn"t feel it.

Lu Chen slowly raised his hand, ending the flow of the energy in his body. The power contained in the Merit Pearl was slowly released. At least, he would be able to hold on for a little longer.

After reaching the third stage, other people would be able to directly absorb the power from the Merit Pearl.

However, the current Ma Buqun was in a completely unconscious state. Without any external help, it was impossible to make use of this power.

Lu Chen"s lips slightly moved, and he explained to the worried Murong Xin`er: "Luckily we have him this time; otherwise, I might not be able to get out!"

Murong Xin`er was stunned, she finally understood why Lu Chen did what he did.

Lu Chen stayed in the tent all night, while Murong Xin"er stayed by his side.

It was inconvenient for Qing Yun Zi and CEO He to stay in the tent. After thanking Lu Chen a few times, they left after their time had pa.s.sed.

It was another sleepless night, and Lu Chen had not slept at all.

Seeing him like this, Murong Xin"er naturally comforted him wholeheartedly.

Why? There was something on Lu Chen"s mind, and his brows were knitted tightly.

When dawn broke, Lu Chen received a call from Du Wenfeng.

Excited, Lu Chen told him about Ma Buqun"s current situation and asked Du Wenfeng to tell him about the Ma Family"s situation.

Du Wenfeng already had a whole new understanding of Lu Chen, so he was very sincere.

He did not hesitate to tell him everything he knew about Ma Buqun and his blood relatives.

He could finally save the horses!

Excited, Lu Chen felt a huge weight in his heart.

He also hadn"t thought that Du Wenfeng would be so positive when he contacted him.

This Du Wenfeng was indeed a character. If nothing unexpected happened, he would be able to accomplish something big.