Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 375

Upon stepping into the living room, Lu Chen saw several Fire Bat totems hanging in the center.

It was unknown what was used to carve these totems. They looked lifelike and they emitted an ancient and stern aura.

In just an instant, Lu Chen felt as if his mind was about to merge with it.

Seeing that Lu Chen was about to fall into a daze, the little fox suddenly let out an ear-piercing cry, directly pointing at his mind.

Shocked, Lu Chen felt dizzy and he regained his senses in an instant.

What the h.e.l.l was this totem!

It actually made him lose his mind in just a moment?

How strange!

However, he soon saw clearly that there was a total of eight Flaming Bats. This was the arrangement of the Seven Stars Accompanying the Moon.

Not only that, but these seven stars that accompanied the moon were mixed in with the complicated situation of turning the tides.

Some of them even included the arrangement of the Big Dipper Formation.

It could be said that he was the leader of all the families, and coincidentally, he had combined all of them together.

Thinking about Ma Buqun"s black magic, Lu Chen suddenly felt relieved.

Perhaps it was because the Ma family was good at learning from and summarizing that they were able to create a freak like Ma Buqun.

Otherwise, how could such a low sense of evil possibly contain such profound strength?

For a moment, Lu Chen"s heart was filled with vigilance. He felt that this place was truly out of the ordinary. He had no idea what other secrets or dangers were hidden here.

However, when he felt the cultivation base in his arms slowly dissipating, Lu Chen took a deep breath to calm his emotions.

Quickly abandoning all his personal thoughts, Lu Chen immediately withdrew his attention, forcing himself to look away from it.

This place was a little strange.

Just now, he had been caught off guard and almost fell into a trap.

But that was all.

Even without the little fox"s alertness, the Eye of Merit could still quickly free Lu Chen from this situation.

Right now, the situation was urgent, so Lu Chen didn"t have the time to study it deeply.

If there really was a problem, then that little fox wouldn"t have been as simple as a warning. It would have reminded him of more things.

Everything would wait until Ma Qun succeeded in seizing the body!

Lu Chen gritted his teeth and retracted his attention. Following closely behind the old man, he stopped thinking about it.

However, Zhang Junwei"s mental fort.i.tude could not compare to Lu Chen"s.

Furthermore, this fellow was born with a lot of curiosity. Upon discovering the bat totem, he was immediately unable to shift his gaze away.

He stood there blankly for a very long time, completely immersed in the Fire Bat totem.

When Murong Xin"er saw Zhang Junwei"s expression, she immediately felt that something was wrong.

She patted Zhang Junwei to remind him.

Zhang Junwei felt a sharp pain on his back, and his dazed eyes suddenly regained some clarity.

He suddenly came back to his senses and turned around to look at Murong Xin"er, only to see this young miss"s small face was angrily staring at him.

Zhang Junwei looked at Murong Xin`er with a wronged expression, pursed his lips, then turned around and followed Lu Chen.

Zhang Junwei was also slightly surprised by their previous immersion.

There was a trace of confusion in his eyes, and he shook his head.

However, this fellow"s personality was carefree and he didn"t know how dangerous it was just now.

After entering a guest room in the corner of the living room, Lu Chen quickly placed Ma Buqun on the bed.

At this moment, Ma Qun"s life and soul were both fine.

Even though his cultivation had been nourished by the power of karmic virtue, the rate at which it dissipated was very slow.

However, Lu Chen"s hand was still on Ma Buqun"s heart.

The power of meritorious service in his body was still being channeled unceasingly.

Lu Chen also wanted to continue to stabilize the situation so as to minimize the loss of his cultivation.

In fact, the most fundamental reason was still because Ma Buqun"s body had the Dung Beetle Worm Gu within it.

His life and soul were entrusted to it. He could not destroy it, but he had to prevent its backlash.

At this time, Murong Xin"er was not idle either.

Just as Lu Chen put Ma Buqun"s body down, Murong Xin"er immediately placed the pillow on top of the bed under Ma Buqun"s head.

By now, she already knew that Ma Buqun was Lu Chen"s savior.

Murong Xin`er also felt a deep grat.i.tude towards Ma Qun.

Right now, seeing Ma Qun like this, Murong Xin"er only wanted to help him wherever she could.

Murong Xin"er put down her pillow and stood beside the bed. She could only watch as Lu Chen used a healing skill on Ma Buqun that she didn"t really understand.

However, because of her trust in Lu Chen, Murong Xin"er naturally believed that such a thing was necessary.

Otherwise, with Lu Chen"s strength, there was no reason for him not to understand the situation in front of him.

In the eyes of others, Ma Qun"s body was soft.

If it were not for the slight breathing on his body, as well as the strength released from the awakening of the power, he would have been no different from a dead person.

The broken bones in his body began to show a strange distortion.

The bloodstains on his body were even more shocking.

Murong Xin"er gathered up the complicated feelings in her heart. Looking at Ma Buqun"s miserable state, she couldn"t help but wonder what kind of terrifying things had happened in the underground palace that imprisoned the Blood Fiend King.

Murong Xin`er couldn"t help but be filled with grat.i.tude towards Ma Buqun. She thought that if it wasn"t for the fact that Ma Buqun was lying lifelessly here, it might be Lu Chen.

In reality, when Lu Chen brought Ma Buqun out, Murong Xin`er had felt a heart palpitating power from him.

Murong Xin`er and Ma Buqun had entered the Dao as Gu, so they could be considered to be from the same sect.

Furthermore, because Ma Buqun"s dung beetle Gu was close to two sixty-year-olds, it was actually much stronger than Murong Xin"er"s Heart Devouring Mother Gu.

Normally, even if the two of them faced each other face to face, as long as Ma Qun did not take the initiative to pressure them, this feeling would not be too strong.

But now, even though the toad Gu within the Ma Clan was temporarily calmed down by the power of virtue, it was also because of the power of virtue.

Without Ma Qun"s control at the same time, the aura on his body inevitably emerged.

Others might not be able to sense it, but the Heart Devouring Parent Gu in Murong Xin"er"s body could easily feel it.

Thus, Murong Xin`er had a whole new understanding of Ma Buqun, and she felt extremely grateful towards him.

It was precisely because Ma Qun did not hold back against Murong Xin`er that even such a strong existence became like this. She could imagine how dangerous the situation must have been back then.

"Little brother, please wait here first. This old man still needs to report to the Patriarch about Second Master"s situation!"

The old man saw that Ma Buqun"s body was lying down and his eyes couldn"t help but turn slightly red. He then cupped his fists towards Lu Chen and said.

"Sorry for troubling you!"

Lu Chen cupped his fists towards the old man.