Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 378

"Not a human!" It"s the Blood Fiend Ghost King … " Lu Chen said seriously.

However, halfway through his words, he heard many hurried footsteps coming from outside the door.

Looking in the direction of the voice, he saw seven or eight figures walking in from outside the guest room. They were all white-haired old men.

There were a few who had a sage-like appearance, but the others looked gloomy and listless.

Lu Chen paused for a moment before feeling relieved.

Someone must have just reported that Ma Buqun was heavily injured and sent back. The Ma Clan"s people all rushed over to investigate.

The Ma Family was also considered to be a Voodoo Gu family. The elders of the Ma Family in front of him all seemed to be slightly dispirited. The first thing that Lu Chen felt was that they were plagued by the rebound of the black magic that they were cultivating.

After all, there was an intrinsic difference between dark magic and the orthodox Mysterious Gate techniques.

Dark spells were a different type of spell. They were more likely to be used by others as their own.

In the process of cultivation, he had his own methods and methods.

There were even some that were particularly evil, such as Heaven and Earth, that were not tolerated by those on the righteous path.

There would be gains and losses.

Although this method could speed up one"s cultivation, it was still quite risky for a cultivator"s body and even their soul.

With good control over the situation, it wouldn"t cause too much damage to his body. With his cultivation, he would be able to suppress the other party with great difficulty.

It could even be combined with other methods to nurture one"s body to become better and better.

The red light was covering his face, as was Ma ZhengRan.

The white-haired elders with dull faces were the exact opposite.

It was obvious that they had suffered from the backlash of the dark Magi and more or less suffered from it, which was why the situation was like this.

Just as these Ma Clan elders walked in, they happened to hear Lu Chen"s words and immediately stopped in their tracks.

Blood Fiend King!

The group looked at each other.

A look of shock appeared on Ma ZhengRan"s face and he spoke first, "Mister Lu, are you talking about the Blood Fiend Ghost King that was born last night?!"

Last night, he had also sensed the Sky Piercing Arrow cast by the experts of the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

It was carrying information about the birth of the Blood Fiend Ghost King and the Blood Fiend Soul Liquid.

However, he didn"t pay too much attention to this matter at that time.

People know their own worth.

As the head of the family, Ma ZhengRan had to carefully consider his own strength.

Ma ZhengRan naturally knew how much weight the Ma Clan held.

"This is the Blood Fiend King that was born last night. Senior Ma Buqun was injured by it, and both his soul and spirit were damaged." Lu Chen nodded and answered.

Then, he lowered his head and continued, "It"s fine to have a battle with the Spirit King, but when he saw that I was in danger and was about to be injured by the Blood Fiend Ghost King, he did not care about his life and death and charged forward to save me.

"Although he was able to protect me, both his body and soul suffered heavy injuries. Fortunately, my sect"s secret arts can still be maintained temporarily, but it cannot be sustained for long. "

"By the way, seniors, could I ask if Senior Ma is the only one who came to the Ma family since the arrival of the Celestial Sect of Wonders last night?"

After Ma Buqun was injured, Lu Chen did not notice any other Ma Family members appearing.

He had a vague guess and could not help but ask.

Everyone from the Ma Clan looked at each other, then shook their heads.

From the looks of it, most of them did not know about this.

It was probably just like Ma ZhengRan had thought. He knew that he was weak, and even if he managed to catch the information of the Piercing Cloud Arrow, he knew that he was weak. He had no intention of joining in the fun.

"This Old Ma is too reckless!" there should be such a calamity. " Ma ZhengRan sighed and said.

Seeing Ma ZhengRan"s reaction, Lu Chen suddenly realized that he clearly did not know about Ma Qun"s trip to the underground palace.

At the very least, if Ma Buqun were to fight for the Blood Evil Souls, he would definitely inform the Ma family.

Even if he didn"t go to the underground palace to take the risk, he should at least be in the vicinity to provide support.

If Ma Buqun"s goal wasn"t to fight for the Blood Evil Soul Liquid …

A possibility suddenly flashed through Lu Chen"s mind, and he felt warm in his heart.

Could it be that Ma Buqun only came after finding out that he was in the underground palace?

This thought flashed across his mind.

When Lu Chen"s gaze landed on Ma Buqun once again, his vision couldn"t help but blur.

Ma Buqun had pulled him back from the gates of h.e.l.l, and his character had also changed.

When humans were born, they were naturally kind-hearted!

Or rather, everyone had the potential to be kind.

Some people can be enlightened after suffering.

Some people for the rest of their lives, can only be a little by the reality of the good annihilation, until there is no.

"My dear nephew …" You"re really confused, the Blood Evil Spirit Liquid is a good item, but it"s not like you don"t know how difficult it is to deal with the Blood Evil Ghost King! "

"Besides, there are so many experts in the Celestial Sect of Wonders. The nine n.o.ble families are eyeing us covetously. The strength of the other first-rate families is also extraordinary. Even if we go, we might not get a share!"

When he heard Lu Chen"s tone of certainty, Ma ZhengRan sighed in grief.

The Ma Clan elders also deeply agreed.

As they whispered amongst themselves, they shook their heads and sighed.


This Blood Soul-Spirit Liquid was indeed a good item, but the more difficult it was to obtain.

After calming himself down, Ma ZhengRan said seriously, "Last night, I also sensed the Sky Piercing Cloud Arrow sent by an expert from the Celestial Sect of Wonders."

"However, this old man knows his limits. The Blood Evil Soul Liquid does have a great temptation, but one must have the ability to do so!"

"Sigh!" It"s mainly because Young Nephew Qu has not returned from his home in a while, and this old one does not know his exact whereabouts! "

Hearing Ma ZhengRan"s explanation, Lu Chen finally understood the reason behind it.

From Ma Zhenglian"s reaction, Lu Chen could already confirm that Ma Buqun"s position in the family had a certain amount of weight.

In the mother"s womb, Ma Buqun was grafted with the dung beetle Gu.

For the Ma Clan, they must have spent a lot of effort and invested a large amount of cultivation resources.

In this era of chaos, cultivation resources were extremely scarce.

Currently, the Ma Clan members were struggling to make use of the lack of cultivation resources, but it was instead Ma Buqun who was usually unremarkable. He went out to find a solution to the problem and revitalize the reputation of the clan.

Although Ma ZhengRan didn"t think that he would find any good formulas, what if …?

After all, there was no chance at all if he did not give it a try.

From the looks of it, Ma Buqun did entrust a lot of hope to his family!

However, looking at the large consumption of dark magic, the Ma Family probably could not afford to waste cultivation resources, which was why Ma Qun was willing to be an advisor of the Du Family.

Thinking about how Ma Buqun was being cautious and tolerant with the help of Du Wenfeng, carrying the entire Ma Family"s hope but was able to block the fatal blow at such a crucial moment, Lu Chen felt even more grateful towards him.