Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 388

"Yan Ting!" Have you forgotten what I just told you? Calm down, and straighten your chest, and be a real man! "

"In any case, your current situation is hopeless. If you help your grandfather, that would mean you would help the entire Ma family by doing your filial duty!"

The Great Elder couldn"t help but berate Ma Yanting when he saw his body trembling slightly.

Even though he said that, the Great Elder"s eyes became moist and his vision blurred.

No matter what, Ma Yanting was still the great-grandson of his direct kin.

Originally, Ma Yanting was also a seedling that the Great Elder had high hopes for. As a result, he had expended a great deal of effort and resources to cultivate.

However, no one had expected that half a year ago, an accident would happen to Ma Yantai when he was trying to break through to the Xuan level. His soul would suffer a backlash and his cultivation would go berserk.

Although the Grand Elder had acted in time, he was still a step too late.

Ma Yantai"s cultivation fell from the original peak of the yellow rank to the high rank of the yellow rank.

That"s all.

Ma Yanting"s mind was often influenced by his hostility, and under the pain of his soul, he fell into a crazed state.

Not only hurt others, but also self-mutilation, the tendency to seek relief.

In this past half a year, the Great Elder had expended a great deal of mental and physical effort in order to suppress the inner demon in Ma Yanting"s heart.

However, the current him could no longer continue to cultivate, and was already equivalent to a cripple.

Just now when Lu Chen made his move, Grand Elder shockingly discovered that Ma Yating had lost eighty to ninety percent of his strength.

Moreover, the damaged soul seemed to have received nourishment and showed signs of recovery.

The more it was like this, the more distressed the Great Elder felt.

He obviously knew that although the situation on Ma Yanting was extremely serious, it wasn"t as if there was no cure.

It was just that in this era of chaos, the attainments within the Celestial Sect of Wonders were as rare as phoenix feathers and qilin horns, and they were even more powerful than him.

Moreover, the Ma Family was marginalized now, so it was difficult to find a helper to save Ma Yating.

Originally, according to the Great Elder"s plan, he would temporarily rely on his own cultivation to help suppress them. After he achieved a further breakthrough, he would then treat Ma Yanting. This could also be considered as leaving a seed for the Ma family.

However, there was no time to delay the issue of Ma Qun.

Thus, after weighing the pros and cons, the Great Elder decided to sacrifice Ma Yating"s life.

But in any case, even though he had seen hope on Lu Chen, he still had to watch helplessly as his great-grandson, Li Dai, stiffened on his behalf. Lu Chen still felt an extreme heartache.

After hearing what the Great Elder said, Ma Yanting, who had already completely recovered, clenched his fists tightly. A resolute expression appeared on his face.

His gaze swept across the Patriarchs and Elders present. Seeing the look of antic.i.p.ation in their eyes, Ma Yanting deeply felt that he carried the hope of the family with him!

Since he was born and bred as a Ma family member, sacrificing his life for the Ma family, it was his responsibility and glory!

Moreover, Ma Buqun was his biological grandfather. Under such circ.u.mstances, he should have been unwilling to accept this responsibility.

"Mr Lu, I am ready. Please begin!"

Ma Yating"s words were filled with vigor, and it was followed by an aura that could put life and death on the line.

"I"m only temporarily letting you live in another form in this world. Rest a.s.sured, you can leave everything to me!"

"I can guarantee that one day, when you see the light of day again, you will be reborn from your coc.o.o.n and have an unimaginable ending!"

Lu Chen did not reveal to anyone that he was using the power of karmic virtue. He could place Ma Buqun"s soul into Ma Yanting"s body, and the two would coexist and improve each other.

However, before he cast the technique, he was somewhat unwilling to do so in his heart.

As a result, with the little fox"s help, he leaked a bit of information to Ma Yanting, hoping to give him a glimmer of hope so that he could become less resistant to it.

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, he flipped his palm towards Ma Yan Ting"s Heaven Gate.

Ma Yanting stiffened. Before he could ponder the meaning behind Lu Chen"s words, he immediately felt a formless soul power pressing down on him.

Following that, Ma Yanting felt his consciousness become fuzzy, and then the entire world went dark …

Before performing the Possession, he had to seal Ma Yanting"s soul within his sea of consciousness, causing him to fall into a coma and lose consciousness.

Otherwise, the terrifying pain caused by the soul repelling effect during the process of soul fusion would have been unbearable for Ma Yanting.

Then, Lu Chen needed to completely transform Ma Yantai"s body into a body that did not exist at all, just like an empty container.

Only then could he greatly reduce the resistance of Ma Buqun"s soul.

In the end, wrapped in the power of karmic virtue, Ma Buqun"s soul was placed into Ma Yanting"s body without suffering any damage. This perfect possession, or rather, the symbiosis of the soul, was completed.

In this way, the two souls coexist and coexist and perish.

But of course, two souls living together had to have a primary and secondary side.

The reason why Lu Chen had actually displayed this possession technique was mainly to save Ma Buqun.

In terms of strength, Ma Buqun was on a higher level.

Thus, with Ma Qun"s soul as the main body, controlling this body was undoubtedly the best choice.

Not only would it help Ma Buqun recover his cultivation and even help him break through, it would also help Ma Yanting increase his strength.

Time was of the essence. Lu Chen pressed his palm against Ma Yating"s Heaven Gate, and the power of karmic virtue quickly circulated in his palm, directly flowing into the depths of his soul through the Heaven Gate.

Ever since his Power of Merit had risen to the third stage, Lu Chen could feel this vigorous energy becoming more and more proficient.

At the same time, the yellow power of karmic virtue was far stronger than the last stage.

Under the a.s.sault of Lu Chen"s power, Ma Yanting"s body suddenly stiffened.

His body was stretched taut, and the frightened expression on his face was frozen at this moment. "This is …" "This is … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the … the"

His round eyes stared straight up.

Slowly, his eyes began to lose their l.u.s.tre, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

Lu Chen"s eyes were tightly shut, but his Power of Merit was able to sense that a humanoid soul body had vaguely appeared in the depths of Ma Yanting"s Heaven Gate.

With a thought from Lu Chen, he vigorously channeled the power of karmic virtue and formed a giant invisible net, sealing Ma Yanting"s soul body.

Only Lu Chen who possessed the power of karmic virtue could achieve such a result. He would be able to give a special treatment to Ma Yanting"s soul body.

This was also the reason why most of the people in the Celestial Sect of Wonders had heard of the art of Possession, but no one knew the specific steps.

Even if he knew the specific steps, he wouldn"t be able to put it into practice.

If he wanted to have zhenqi as thick as Lu Chen"s, in addition to his ability to manipulate souls, it was simply too difficult.

Without the power of merit, even a peak Xuan expert would not dare to rashly attempt it.

On the other hand, stepping into the earth level was no longer a difficult task as far as the supply of true energy was concerned.

Moreover, after stepping into the Earth Stage, the power of the soul would also increase, so one could naturally use the art of possession.