Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 389

However, currently, Earth Stage powerhouses only existed in legends. Even if they did, they would definitely not be willing to take the risk of expending their cultivation in order to steal another"s body.

The whole process took less than three minutes. Ma Yating seemed to lose all control of her face and gradually became serene.

At this moment, his stiff body also became soft.

He was like a sleeping person, motionless.

Noticing that Lu Chen had already succeeded in temporarily sealing his soul, the Great Elder was pleasantly surprised.

He suddenly thought of something, but was not too sure.

This was simply too difficult.

The art of Possession was clearly extremely difficult, whether or not it would succeed was still up for debate.

However, Grand Elder never expected that Lu Chen actually wanted to protect Ma Yating"s soul!

The Great Elder of course had seen the relevant records.

However, even in that incomplete book, it was hard to predict how the two souls would coexist.

Ma ZhengRan and the rest saw with their own eyes that Ma Yating"s body had lost its consciousness in less than three minutes, just like an empty sh.e.l.l. They couldn"t help but be stunned.

What kind of method was this?

He actually managed to turn someone into an empty sh.e.l.l in such a short time?

It was simply unbelievable!

Everyone was shocked and their expressions changed.

If they were to use the same method against others, wouldn"t it mean that even if they met a stronger opponent, they would still be able to win in an unbeatable manner?

Fear might be fear, but at this moment, all the members of the Ma family were looking at Ma Buqun, as if they were afraid that they would miss a single detail.

Although the other people didn"t have the same level of cultivation as the Great Elder, they were still able to immediately sense that there were no longer any aura fluctuations coming from Ma Yating"s soul.

Just like that, a living person had stopped thinking. In the end, the body that remained behind was just a sh.e.l.l.

As fellow members of the Ma Family, many of them were similarly saddened.

But when they thought about the Ma Family"s future, and the technique Lu Chen had just displayed, everyone convinced themselves that such a sacrifice was worth it.

Especially Ma ZhengRan, as the Patriarch, he was sweating profusely in his heart.

However, he noticed that the Great Elder"s expression was strange and could not help but have some doubts.

He knew how much the Great Elder cared about Ma Yanting.

He had clearly noticed that his eyes were bloodshot and tears were rolling down his cheeks, but now, there was no grief in his eyes. On the contrary, it had been replaced by shock. It seemed somewhat unusual.

It was a pity that his cultivation was far inferior to the Grand Elder"s in the soul realm. He simply didn"t know the details of Ma Yanting.

Thus, Ma Zhengwen calmed himself down and focused his attention back on Lu Chen, revealing an even more expectant expression.

"Mister Lu!"

By the side, the Third Elder had also noticed this. He wanted to say something to Lu Chen, but Lu Chen raised his hand to stop him.

The possession was only half completed. There was still the crucial step that he had yet to take.

Lu Chen couldn"t allow himself to be distracted, and he didn"t want anyone to disturb him.

The third elder opened his mouth and closed it. Then, he stood to the side quietly.


Once the Great Elder found out what Lu Chen wanted to do, he couldn"t help but focus his mind and carefully sense the changes in Ma Yanting"s body.

As expected of an existence whose soul cultivation had reached the Superior Grade Profound Ranked.

Even though Lu Chen had already sealed away Ma Yan Ting"s soul, the Great Elder could still faintly sense that Ma Yan Ting"s soul body was still alive. He had only temporarily stopped moving!

Possession was basically a complete obliteration of the original host"s soul. Only then would a new soul be able to gain control of the body.

At this point, he was completely sure that Lu Chen wanted to use the two souls" symbiosis to find another way to possess another body.

His heart trembled as he recalled the fragment"s description of the twin souls living together.

Although the process was unclear, once it was successful, the result would be very exciting.

In a moment, the Great Elder was extremely excited. His eyes turned red once again and his vision blurred.

Murong Xin`er, who was standing at the side, was relatively close to Lu Chen. The mother insect and the heart devouring child in her body also felt the soul aura fluctuate.

Thus, with the help of her Innate Ability, Murong Xin"er had a better understanding of the current situation than the Great Elder.

At this moment, Murong Xin`er"s eyes, which were burning with admiration and admiration, landed on Lu Chen"s sharp face.

Previously, Murong Xin`er had already seen Lu Chen personally defeat the Witch clan expert Wu Qiming, who was proficient in soul force.

Naturally, they knew that he also had extraordinary skills in the path of the soul.

Afterwards, Lu Chen had repaired the Vermillion Bird Soul Locking Array in his grandfather"s body, Gu Tianming, and was even able to communicate directly with his soul.

But now, he was actually able to help a person"s soul carry out possession …

In the past, Lu Chen had been able to shock everyone. Now that the Heartchild Parasite had been sent back to her, Murong Xin`er actually had a lot of confidence in Lu Chen.

This was a man who would never disappoint others!

It was definitely worth it to entrust his entire life to him …

In an instant, a hint of bashfulness flashed across Murong Xin"er"s face.

Lu Chen did not pay attention to the astonishment of the surrounding people. Instead, he focused all of his attention on Ma Yanting.

At this moment, Ma Yantai was lying there quietly, as if he had an empty sh.e.l.l, as if he possessed vitality other than his body.

Sealing his soul was just the beginning.

Lu Chen"s palm did not leave Ma Yating"s Heaven Gate.

On the contrary, he pressed his palm even tighter, controlling the power of karmic virtue to become even more stable.

Ma Yanting"s soul had temporarily stopped moving, and he hid in his sea of consciousness, falling into a deep sleep.

But precisely because of this, his body"s potential was completely stimulated, and all sorts of power flowed through his meridians, forming a strange balance on the surface.

But in reality, once there was any interference from an external force, the money would immediately explode with an unimaginable power.

In other words, the current Ma Yanting was more susceptible to external influences.

Because of this, if Ma Qun wanted to merge with his soul, even if he had the power of merit, he had to be extra careful.

Otherwise, once these terrifying potentials were activated, they would inevitably be obstructed beyond imagination.

This type of action couldn"t be wrong. It could be said to be a matter of life and death.

Lu Chen was actually a little nervous.

He stared unblinkingly at the body in front of him, his movements slow and serious.

It was as though every step had been carefully thought through …

The little fox"s expression was equally cold.

It was focused on staying by Lu Chen"s side, watching his every move with wide open eyes, not daring to be the slightest bit careless.

Just now, the little fox had finally realized what Lu Chen wanted to do.

The little fox obviously could not stop it.

He was only very shocked that Lu Chen would know such tricks.

However, it quickly came to the conclusion that Lu Chen had most likely inherited some of the knowledge it did not know from the Eye of Merit.

Regarding this, the little fox didn"t particularly mind.

Who doesn"t have a secret?

There were many things that it did not admit to Lu Chen.