Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 392

It was quite difficult for twin souls to coexist!

Although Ma Yanting"s soul had gone through a secret technique and shrunk to a corner of his sea of consciousness, it still existed.

Now that he had brought in Ma Buqun"s primordial spirit, it immediately triggered Ma Yanting"s body"s instinctual rejection.

The current situation was already at the limit of what Lu Chen could do.

But not enough.

Seeing that possession was about to fail, not only did Ma Buqun lose all his soul, but even Ma Yanting himself was about to be caught in the crossfire, and even his soul was about to be destroyed.

A trace of determination flashed across Lu Chen"s eyes.

He gritted his teeth and, regardless of the consequences, channeled all of his karmic power into it.

All of a sudden, an even more violent power of merit surged into Ma Yating"s body, washing away all the meridians in his body.

At the same time, the little fox was already prepared. It instantly turned into a streak of white light and flowed into Ma Yanting"s body.

With the little fox"s a.s.sistance, Lu Chen"s spiritual force control had been properly made up.

The repulsive force in Ma Yating"s body was slowly dissipating.

Ma Qun"s primordial spirit gradually returned to its place in Ma Yating"s body.

Seeing this, Lu Chen finally let out a sigh of relief. He looked towards the little fox with grat.i.tude.

This process seemed easy, but the consumption rate for the little fox was extremely high.

If the little fox hadn"t spent so much effort helping Lu Chen make up for his mistakes, this possession technique would not have succeeded.

A cold sweat broke out on Lu Chen"s back!

He secretly decided that if he didn"t need to, he wouldn"t dare to use this possession technique again before his strength reached its peak.

As Ma Buqun"s primordial spirit gradually entered, Ma Yantai"s body changed once again.

Under the infusion of the new energy, the originally stiff body underwent a drastic change.

The tense muscles on Ma Yanting"s body began to slowly return to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A distinct blush appeared on Ma Yating"s cheeks.

Seeing the changes on Ma Yating"s body, Lu Chen completely relaxed.

This meant that Ma Buqun was about to borrow Ma Yating"s body to revive him.

Although the process had been rough, the final result was comforting.

Hu Xiu"s expression flashed across Lu Chen"s mind once again as he looked at Ma Buqun in front of him.

The Eye of Merit had seven stages: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, cyan, cyan, blue, and purple. When Lu Chen"s Power of Merit reached the purple stage, he would be able to travel through s.p.a.ce and time to save Hu Xiu.

This matter had always been on Lu Chen"s mind.

The Great Elder who was closest to Lu Chen immediately reacted.

He was still thinking of what he could do to help Lu Chen, but in just a split-second, Ma Yanting had experienced such a great and good change in his body.

Lu Chen was actually able to turn the tables in an instant. It was simply G.o.dly!

In the Ma Family"s ancient book, there were many detailed records of Lu Chen"s recent appearance.

However, the Great Elder was well aware that in the records of this manual, if such a situation were to occur, the result would be a failure of possession.

Since ancient times, no one had been able to turn the situation around and restore the possessed person back to normal!

Other than having a strong soul force, Lu Chen had also used his soul force control to such an exquisite degree. Even the miraculous Possession skill was nothing to him?

Because of their cultivation, the Ma family"s juniors had extremely sharp vision, far surpa.s.sing that of ordinary people.

Even though they were still quite a distance away, they could still clearly see the changes happening to Ma Yanting.

At this moment, looking at the changes on Ma Yating"s body, their hearts were filled with incomparable shock and respect.

As a Ma Clan disciple, he naturally hoped that one day, he would be able to leap up to become the Ma Clan"s pillar of support.

And right now, Lu Chen had already established a lofty image in their hearts.

If they had Lu Chen"s attainments, why would they not be able to become the pillar of the Ma Family and lead the Ma Family to the next step, becoming an incomparably glorious existence in the Celestial Sect of Wonders?

These young disciples clearly heard the conversation between the elders just now, and what followed was a sense of loss and frustration.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen"s current attainment was not something they could catch up to in a short time.

The Ma Clan juniors all lowered their heads as they felt an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

However, moments later, quite a few people raised their heads once more. They clenched their fists as a resolute expression appeared in their eyes.

They were still young, and they still had a future!

From today onwards, diligently training might lead to such a day in the future.

In the hearts of the Ma Clan"s juniors, many seeds were silently sprouting and then quickly growing and spreading.

Mu Rong Xin"er was extremely calm throughout the entire process.

She had no reason to believe in Lu Chen.

At this moment, Lu Chen"s possession success was within Murong Xin"er"s expectations.

Besides observing the expressions of the crowd, Zhang Junwei was also trying to use his spiritual consciousness.

After stepping into low-rank yellow-rank, he had already begun to understand how to use his spiritual consciousness.

Through his Spiritual Sense, Zhang Junwei was able to sense the fluctuations within the aura. Although his senses were not detailed enough, he was still able to vaguely understand the situation on Ma Yanting"s body.

When Ma Yating"s body returned to its normal color, it lasted for nearly ten minutes. The possession process could be considered to have been completed.

In addition, Ma Yanting"s soul was also perfectly preserved, but Ma Buqun"s soul was in the lead.

As for Ma Yating"s soul, it could only be used as a spectator through Lu Chen"s efforts. It could not affect Ma Qun at all.

However, to Ma Yanting, this was definitely an excellent opportunity.

He was able to observe Ma Qun"s every move and even his thoughts.

Ma Qun was experienced and had extraordinary strength.

It all depended on Ma Yanting"s luck to learn how much of the latter he had through observation.

When Lu Chen withdrew his hand from Ma Yanting"s Gate of Heaven, the Ma Yanting that was lying on the bed …

No, it should be called Ma Qun.

He immediately opened his eyes.

Ma Buqun looked at Lu Chen excitedly, his eyes constantly moving up and down as he sized him up.

"It"s Senior Ma Qun …?"

Seeing the expression on Ma Yanting"s face, Lu Chen knew that he was no doubt Ma Qun, but he still couldn"t help but ask.

"Mr. Lu … Benefactor Lu! Are you hurt? Has the Blood Evil Spirit King been killed? "

Ma Qun nodded his head. He felt somewhat astonished and asked about the more important matter.

Ma Qun was still shocked by the power contained in the blood-red vortex of the Blood Demon King"s palm.

However, before Lu Chen could reply, Ma Buqun was instantly surprised.

He discovered that his initially withered hand had actually turned into a piece of tender skin and flesh.

He quickly waved his arms and realized that he was actually following his will.

Ma Qun did not react immediately, thinking that everything before him was just a dream.