Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 396

Putting aside the strange power of the dung beetle Gu, it had already reached the pinnacle of the dark cla.s.s.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, it should have been two sixty-year-olds.

Once they escaped from Lu Chen"s grasp, they would face immeasurable danger.

Even if all the elders present were to work together, they might not necessarily be able to subdue this beetle bug.

There was a saying that said, "prevent everything from happening too soon".

Although this barrier could not really withstand the attack of the beetle Gu, it was still better than nothing.

And those Ma Clan juniors who had been shocked by the appearance of the Dung Beetle Worm Gu finally regained their wits at this moment.

Naturally, they did not stay idle either. They hurriedly used their powers to strengthen the invisible barrier as much as possible.

This was also the strength that Lu Chen had just displayed, giving Ma ZhengRan and the rest a lot of confidence.

Otherwise, they would have immediately told everyone to retreat and not wait here.

Of course, they also prayed for nothing to happen to Lu Chen.

As a family that raises dung beetle insects as a secret technique, they were actually hurt in turn. If this got out, wouldn"t it become a joke?

I can"t let this happen!

Zhang Junwei stood at the door of the guest room. Seeing that the Ma Family elders in front of him were all looking vigilant, he couldn"t help but worry about Lu Chen.

From the reactions of these elders, it seemed like the toad Gu in Lu Chen"s palm was extraordinary, actually causing all the Ma Family elders to feel fear.

Besides, everyone was already in a defensive position, so Zhang Junwei could not help but become nervous.

He subconsciously looked towards Lu Chen.

However, he found that his master was still calm.

Actually, Zhang Junwei had witnessed this situation several times.

It seemed that at the moment when everyone felt that this problem was abnormally th.o.r.n.y, as his master, he would miraculously deal with it and achieve an unexpected result.

He felt that this was probably no exception.

He was simply too familiar with the expression on Lu Chen"s face.

Moreover, in his impression, his master seemed to be omnipotent.

That"s right!

Master definitely has a way, there"s no need to be nervous.

Zhang Junwei said to himself in his heart.

This was especially so when he had heard of the underground palace. Lu Chen had promised that he would impart some Dao Techniques to Zhang Junwei as soon as possible. The worry in Zhang Junwei"s heart was swept away, and he became exceptionally excited instead.

At this moment, the little fox was also nervously looking at Lu Chen controlling everything.

Seeing that Lu Chen was getting closer and closer to success, it finally relaxed a little.

The little fox turned its head and saw Zhang Junwei standing by the door. It couldn"t help but frown.

This fellow was frowning at times and grinning at times. Could it be that he had become a demon?

Now that the little fox saw him putting his palms together and closing his eyes, it didn"t know what he was mumbling about. The little fox couldn"t help but feel curious.

"Master is wise and capable, master is omnipotent, master you are a G.o.d …"

"When this matter is done, you"d better hurry up and teach me!" I also want to see how powerful you are! "

The little fox was immediately stunned and immediately cursed in its heart.

What a crazy fellow!

At this moment, Murong Xin`er also heard Zhang Junwei mumbling to himself.

She frowned and turned her head. "Hey! What scripture are you reciting? Don"t disturb your master! "

When Zhang Junwei heard the voice of the Mu Rong family"s Eldest Miss, although he did not fear her, it was still Lu Chen"s turn. He quickly opened his eyes and explained:

"Master is so amazing, I admire him in my heart, so I want you to teach me earlier …"

Murong Xin"er"s frown deepened as she sized him up: "Teach you? You actually thought of him that way? "

Zhang Junwei puffed out his chest and said proudly, "Of course! As a disciple of Master, of course I want to be like Master! "

Murong Xin"er exaggeratedly rolled her eyes and rudely beat him up: "Let me say, not everyone has that kind of status. I advise you to hurry up and do what you need to do!"

Without waiting for Zhang Junwei"s reply, she moved to Lu Chen"s side.

"You, you …"

Zhang Junwei innocently choked. He stared at Murong Xin"er, not knowing what to say.

If he knew that there was still another little fox that was silently cursing and ignoring him, he wondered what would he think.

Zhang Junwei was infuriated. Just as he was about to approach Murong Xin"er to argue with her, he was stopped by a few cold gazes.

It was none other than the Ma Clan members.

Zhang Junwei subconsciously shrunk his neck, revealing an awkward smile.

Of course, Zhang Junwei knew that they were not in the mood to say anything. On the contrary, they had to smile.

However, he couldn"t help but retort in his heart.

To put it bluntly, these people did not trust his master enough!

As for Lu Chen, he was in no mood to pay attention to the reactions of the people present.

Watching him concentrate, he held the dung beetle close to the heart of Ma Yantai"s body.

Sensing that Ma Buqun"s soul aura was much stronger than before, Lu Chen felt a bit more confident.

This transfer of the beetle bug Gu will determine whether Ma Buqun can use this body to successfully recover his strength.

Otherwise, without sufficient strength, it would be no different from a cannon without a cannon.

The key to success or failure lay in this step. It was impossible to be careless.

The worry in Ma Qun"s heart was swept away as a burning pa.s.sion flashed across his eyes.

In such a situation, it was actually possible for him to recover his full strength, or even break through to the Earth Stage!

After a short moment of pleasant surprise, Ma Qun immediately regained his wits.

He retracted his mind as well, waiting for that moment to come.

Everyone was very curious. This body of Ma Yanting"s was only a young man in his early twenties. Could his meridians really withstand the power of the beetle beetle?

Sensing the change in Ma Buqun"s body, Lu Chen secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

If Ma Buqun was constantly this distracted, the implantation of the beetle Gu would be affected to a certain extent.

Seeing Ma Qun"s gaze on him, Lu Chen nodded calmly.

Ma Qun"s confidence was boosted greatly, and his heart also became calmer.

How could he not know that his emotions would not be good for what would happen next?

Slowly adjusting his breath, it didn"t take long for Ma Buqun"s entire body to relax.

Lu Chen took a look and knew that the best time to implant the c.o.c.kroach Gu was here!

Once he made up his mind, he no longer had any hesitation as he quickly implanted the toad beetle Gu into Ma Buqun"s new body.

He first channeled the Power of Merit with his other hand to protect Ma Buqun"s heart.

This area of the heart is the key to the implantation of the dung beetle worm Gu.

This body was still young, and the meridians and bones weren"t very tough.

However, with the support of the Power of Merit, Ma Qun"s heart meridian had been tempered.

Coupled with the fact that the power of karmic virtue had formed a thin film in the meridians, even if the dung beetle Gu transformed into black energy and attacked the meridians, it would still be unable to cause any harm to the meridians.