Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 398


Lu Chen"s mind jolted, and the power of merit in his body once again flooded into Ma Buqun"s new body.

The power of meritorious service flowed through his eight extraordinary meridians, rapidly filling his limbs and bones, nourishing his new body.

The injuries caused by the Dung Beetle insect"s attack also quickly healed as if it had never existed.

In the Merit Pool of the Eye of Merit in front of Lu Chen"s chest, the meritorious power that had originally been condensed into a liquid was being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After Lu Chen once again increased the output of the Power of Merit, Ma Qun"s new body gradually recovered.

Not only that, even his soul continued to be nurtured.

However, the power of karmic virtue was only an external force that was applied to the meridians.

With just the support of this power, Ma Buqun"s new body was still unable to adapt to the impact of the power released by the beetle bug, and could live in harmony with it.

For this reason, Lu Chen could only greatly reduce the speed at which the beetle Gu was implanted, so that the meridians of Ma Buqun"s new body wouldn"t be damaged by the prolonged impact.

However, Ma Qun didn"t stay idle during this time.

Although there was a trace of apprehension in his heart, he still had to face it.

From the moment Ma Buqun was born, he was destined to have a rough life.

Hence, his willpower was extremely resolute. The more dangerous the situation was, the more he would be able to maintain his calm.

Ma Buqun was chanting a strange incantation, circulating the true energy within his body with all his might. According to the circulation method of the toad Gu"s power, the black energy flowing into his heart and slowly diffused it into the meridians in his entire body.

Fortunately, Ma Buqun was very familiar with the control of the toad Gu. Although the original owner of this body was only a peak Huang grade, he didn"t spend too much energy on it.

However, it was still alright to rely on his weak zhenqi at the beginning. As time pa.s.sed, it would become difficult for Ma Buqun to control it.

With the infusion of true energy, the three silver needles on Lu Chen"s fingertip began to undergo a strange change.

A ray of azure light began to circulate at the tip of the silver needle.

The originally mysterious Lu Chen had an even more mysterious aura about him.

Suddenly, Lu Chen"s eyes turned cold. With a slight movement of his palm, three silver needles flew out of his hand.

Shua shua shua!

Three silver needles turned into three streaks of silver light, accurately landing in the three acupuncture points of Ma Buqun"s Middle Palace, Spirit Ruins, and Violet Palace.

"[Tripart.i.te Needle Technique]!"

With Lu Chen"s method of controlling the needles with Qi, the shrewd Third Elder immediately recognized him. He could not help but mutter under his breath.

He didn"t expect that this young man in front of him would be able to use this long-lost [Triple Proficiency Needle Technique] so skillfully...

No wonder it could cure the Three Yin Meridians!

However, after a brief moment of surprise, the Third Elder regained his composure.

Lu Chen had demonstrated too many miracles.

The possession of twin souls, the transfer of the dung beetle Gu …

All of these things, one by one, were unbelievable.

Comparatively speaking, the [Three-hand Needle Art] that he had displayed now was still far off from the [Three-hand Needle Art].

Of course, it wasn"t that the [Triple Acupoint Technique] was lacking, it was just that Lu Chen had revealed too many unique skills, causing him to feel numb.

If these skills were used on an ordinary person, any one of them would be enough for a lifetime.

Right now, Ma ZhengRan and the rest were becoming more and more curious about the background that Lu Chen had behind him.

Thus, his gaze towards Lu Chen contained a hint of reverence amidst his shock.

At this moment, in their hearts, Lu Chen was no longer an outstanding junior; he had become an existence that could stand on equal footing.

As for the power backing him, they had to look up to them.

Ma Qun"s new body, which had just been transplanted with the complete Dung Beetle Worm Gu, was still not completely stable.

The most important thing for him to do now was to allow the toad Gu and Ma Buqun"s body to fuse together completely and stabilize as soon as possible.

The Dung Beetle Worm Gu could only display its enormous strength after completely merging with the body of the host.

Otherwise, it would only bring indescribable pain to the host.

Not only would it not raise its strength, it would even drag the enemy down and wait for the opportunity to backlash.

Lu Chen"s fingers flew about continuously as three silver needles landed on Ma Qun"s body.

Lu Chen twisted and turned, slowly adjusting the position and strength of the three silver needles.

Ma Qun"s facial expression constantly changed as Lu Chen moved.

These three acupuncture points were all important places for the toad Gu to rest within his body.

If he sealed these three acupuncture points, the power of the dung beetle would be greatly suppressed.

Although true integration still required Ma Buqun"s efforts, after Lu Chen sealed these three mingmen, he could guarantee that the aura released by the beetle Gu would not harm Ma Buqun"s body in the near future.

Apart from this, the karmic power that was poured into these three silver needles was nourishing Ma Qun"s body, causing Lu Chen to feel a little bit more sensitive towards his body.

From now on, any slight changes within the Ma Clan would be detected by Lu Chen through these three silver needles.

This was equivalent to an extra layer of security, allowing Ma Buqun to adapt to the beetle bug in the process of relatively smooth, less threatening.

"Senior, at this time, you can first slowly circulate the power of the beetle Gu within your body, and try your best to allow it to adapt to your new body."

After sealing the three acupuncture points, Lu Chen immediately spoke to Ma Qun seriously.

The moment the three acupuncture points were sealed was the moment the beetle Gu was at its weakest.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to subdue the Dung Beetle Gu, he would undoubtedly achieve twice the results with half the effort.

At this moment, Ma Qun"s face showed slight hesitation.

With regards to the Dung Beetle Worm Gu, Ma Buqun had used his own blood essence to raise it for several decades, so he definitely had the right to speak.

In this situation, what he needed the most was to recover his Essence; he really didn"t have the spare energy to refine the dung beetle bug anymore.

However, it was clear that Lu Chen was doing this out of good intentions. Furthermore, he seemed to have a deeper meaning to it, so Ma Buqun couldn"t just refuse.

Seeing the situation, Lu Chen immediately understood Ma Qun"s thoughts.

He lightly patted Ma Buqun"s shoulder and said with a smile:

"Senior, please be at ease. Junior will observe your situation in real time from the side."

"The moment there is any fluctuation, it will stabilize as soon as possible!"

At this moment, Lu Chen had completely relaxed.

The little fox had already warned him that the danger on Ma Buqun"s body had pa.s.sed away.

Watching Ma Buqun escape with his life and recover his cultivation, Lu Chen felt gratified in his heart.

But then he sighed again.

If only he had grasped the Eye of Merit earlier, or the little fox had appeared earlier.

If that was the case, then when Hu Xiu was blocking the bullets for him, he would have been the first to act and save him. He wouldn"t have such a great regret.