Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 401

The remaining elders who were hesitating exchanged glances with each other and followed suit.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Junwei slightly clenched his fists, his eyes filled with excitement.

His master had once again used his strength to conquer the Ma family, so it was only natural that he would be honored as a disciple.

"As senior, there is no need to do this. Junior should not receive such a great gift. With senior Ma Qun"s body, junior still needs to do something about it."

Lu Chen went up to help Ma Qun up.

Ma Qun"s appearance really caused Lu Chen to feel uneasy.

The Ma family"s actions were far beyond Lu Chen"s expectations.

Although he could imagine what they were planning, it seemed understandable.

Seeing that everyone was listening to him and getting up, Lu Chen couldn"t help but reveal a bitter smile.

"Is there really a possibility that this old one"s body can recover again?"

Ma Qun was stunned for a moment before he asked in disbelief.

This body, the meridians were all destroyed, ruined beyond recognition, and there was even a chance of recovery?

Ma Buqun suddenly became excited as a glimmer of hope flashed across his eyes.

This body of Ma"s was indeed younger and more vigorous.

However, this was Ma Yating"s body after all. It was not as familiar as Ma Qun"s own body.

If one could recover their body well, who wouldn"t want to use their own?

Moreover, Ma Yanting was able to regain his own body and gain a new life.

Ma Qun was visibly excited.

Ma ZhengRan and the rest had heard Lu Chen mention it from the very beginning, and after experiencing so much astonishment, they didn"t have any objections.

They all felt that if Lu Chen said this, it would be much more believable.

Lu Chen walked up to Ma Qun"s original body.

Ma Qun"s body was in such a state of disrepair that it was practically wasted. It was much more serious than when he had become a plant.

However, according to the little fox, it was not impossible for her to cure him. It was just that she needed to spend a huge amount of time to go through a long and arduous process.

Lu Chen sized it up for a moment and no longer hesitated. With a wave of his hand, a yellow pearl appeared in his palm.

This bead was none other than the Merit Pearl!

Although the little fox felt somewhat regretful at the fact that this achievement bead had been used up, it merely smacked its lips and turned its head away. It did not dare to look at the enticing achievement bead.

Lu Chen moved very quickly. After taking out the Merit Bead, with a wave of his hand, he sent the Merit Bead into Ma Buqun"s ruined body.

The crowd only saw a flash of yellow light and guessed that Lu Chen had used some sort of treasure.

However, he couldn"t see clearly what Lu Chen was giving to the horses.

Moreover, even if he could see them clearly, it was impossible for him to know them.

However, very quickly, everyone"s attention was no longer on this.

The true energy within Lu Chen"s body burst out, forming powerful gusts of air around him.

This flow of zhenqi circulated unimpeded within Ma Buqun"s broken body.

Along with the circulation of his true qi, Ma Buqun"s body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

True qi can be used in such a way?

Everyone was shocked again.

Lu Chen had truly given them too much surprises.

In this short day, they had seen more surprises from Lu Chen than they had ever experienced in their entire lives.

However, all of this happened very naturally to Lu Chen, and he didn"t feel any discomfort.

Lu Chen did not pay attention to the crowd"s reaction. After all, almost no one knew about the existence of the Power of Merit.

Even if there were people who knew about the power of meritorious service, Lu Chen believed that the little fox would deal with it well.

Kill all those who harbored malicious intentions towards the power of virtue just like Nan Gong Tai Xing.

The yellow achievement bead was placed between Ma Qun"s abdomen, where there was a fatal injury.

As soon as the Gongde Bead fell into Ma Buqun"s stomach, it turned into a bunch of yellow light and engulfed the wound.

Under the dense yellow light, the great recovery effect of the Power of Merit started to evaporate, causing the Blood Evil Qi that lingered around Ma Buqun"s wounds to slowly dissipate.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen"s palms respectively landed on Ma Buqun"s Middle Palace and Violet Palace acupoints.

Then, the true energy that was circulating around Ma Buqun"s body suddenly slowed down.

Following these two acupuncture points, he began to slowly inject it into Ma Buqun"s ruined body.

Haste makes waste.

It would be impossible for Ma Buqun"s body to recover in a day and night.

Now, after a few cycles of the Power of Merit, it could no longer be of any help to Ma Buqun"s body.

All Lu Chen could do was to store all of his merit power into Ma Buqun"s body, allowing the power of merit to slowly nourish Ma Buqun"s body.

Following the little fox"s instructions, Lu Chen"s palm began to circulate the power of karmic virtue in a specific pattern.

The flood of karmic power was blocked by Lu Chen"s meridians in an orderly manner.

The best method was to let the water flow in long streams and take a long time to nourish the body.

The karmic power that had been sealed within his meridians was circulating very slowly.

However, each time the circulation is to the meridians of Ma Buqun, help Ma Buqun to disperse the negative energy in the body.

Ma Qun"s muscles, bones, and meridians all gradually became purer.

It wasn"t an exaggeration to say that after going through Lu Chen"s application, Ma Buqun"s body could recover to its peak state, even better than before he was injured.

Lu Chen finally stopped moving. At this moment, Ma Buqun"s chest was rising and falling slowly, looking like an ordinary old man sleeping.

Even though there was no soul in his body, no one would think that he was a corpse.

Everyone could feel that Ma Qun"s broken body, which was originally lifeless, had now completely regained a new life.

Under the circulation of his body"s functions, his meridians and flesh slowly flowed.

The power of virtue was the driving force behind Ma Buqun"s bodily functions.

It allowed Ma Buqun"s body to emit a wave of vitality from inside to outside, slowly wiping away the damage.

Although this kind of healing was extremely slow, it was the best way to avoid having abnormal recovery situations occur.

Perhaps this method wouldn"t have an immediate effect, but it was undoubtedly the most harmless.

Lu Chen did not hesitate to spend another Merit Pearl in order to let Ma Buqun return to his original body if he was in danger again.

Training in the Dao was filled with countless difficulties and dangers.

It was hard for Lu Chen to guarantee that nothing unexpected would happen again, so he could only be on guard.

After this experience, Lu Chen only wanted Ma Buqun to have a few extra layers of protection.

Lu Chen no longer wanted to experience the heart-wrenching pain of someone dying.