Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 42

In the blink of an eye, a group of hoodlums fell to the ground, crying and laughing at the same time. The scene was really weird.

There was a clear contrast between the two groups of people. One was smaller, the other was smaller, and the more, the more, the more, they would retreat three steps.

"Why aren"t you attacking!" Are you all stupid? " The fatty, whose vision was blocked by his own lackey, was still confused and started shouting loudly from the back.

A delinquent who saw the opportunity quickly withdrew his hand and stammered with his eyes wide open, "Elder … Boss, I suddenly remembered that my mom called me something. "I"ll be leaving first."

Someone took the lead, and immediately another person said, "Brother Xiong, I suddenly remember that my family"s gas has not been turned off, I … "I"ll be leaving first."

… ….

Seeing Lu Chen take another step forward, the lackeys who were slightly behind and managed to escape by doing so were already scared out of their wits.

Some of them could not even think of an excuse and threw away the weapons in their hands, disappearing from the alley as fast as they could.

She probably hated her parents for not giving birth to two more legs.

"What kind of excuses are these!?" "p.i.s.s off!"

When Brother Xiong recovered from his scolding, he suddenly realized that there was no one around him.

Looking at the ground, he saw a bunch of his lackeys falling in disorder. They were either laughing or crying, and the miserable state they were in was absolutely terrifying.

Normally, he relied on his little brother"s unruly behavior. Although his physique was tall and st.u.r.dy, his appearance could still be considered fierce, but he was not some bold person.

Watching Lu Chen move towards him step by step, the fat on Brother Xiong"s body trembled, and he stammered: "Brat, you … What are you trying to do? I... "Let me tell you, I"m not afraid of you!"

The smiling Lu Chen was like a devil in the eyes of his elder brother.

A single unarmed person was able to defeat all of his brothers in just a few moments. He was even more terrifying than a devil.

Unfortunately, Brother Xiong"s body was too weak, and his legs were weak from fright.

At this moment, not to mention running, even moving one"s legs was extremely difficult.

He could only watch as Lu Chen walked in front of him. Lu Chen"s body was like a sieve, scared to the point of almost wetting his pants.

"Don"t worry, I won"t do anything. I"ll just ask you a few questions." Lu Chen said with a smile.

"You … You ask? " Brother Xiong felt like his tongue was about to clench into a knot.

"There should be a very famous Chinese medicine library here, Sanhe Hall. But why was it that after searching for so long, I still couldn"t find it? " Lu Chen asked.

"This!" You really asked the right person. The government has long used this place as a demolition site. This place is now half a building. "

"Everyone is very concerned about their lives now, how could they possibly pa.s.s through such a dangerous building? That"s why there aren"t many people around here. "

Although Brother Xiong was cowering, he was no longer stuttering. He even had a few fawning smiles on his face.

"What about the infirmary?" Lu Chen frowned.

He didn"t believe that Dr. Ley would deliberately give him an address that was already out of date.

"The Three Peace Hall you mentioned has not been moved away. It"s just that this infirmary"s diagnosis is extremely expensive, and anyone who can stay in this infirmary is an expert from the Apricot Forest Nation. "

"The people who are here to treat them are either the rich and powerful families or the rich and powerful families. How could they possibly come here to seek medical treatment? "Of course they"re all here for services."

Although Brother Xiong was just a lackey, it was these lackeys that had the most information.

After all, it was extremely important to them who they could offend and who they couldn"t touch.

If he accidentally provoked a group of people that he could not handle, at least he would suffer a bit, and at worst, he would be imprisoned.

As the local tyrant, Brother Xiong had a good impression of the San He Hall, which normally seemed like a place where there were few people on its doorstep.

"Alright, hurry up and bring me over to take a look." Lu Chen instructed.

Since he had decided to use this clinic to practice medicine, even if he didn"t need to stay there, it would be good to see this unusual clinic.

"Then come with me." Brother Xiong nodded as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders, carefully leading the way in front of Lu Chen.

At this moment, Song Yanran, who had been silent all this time, looked at Lu Chen with eyes full of surprise.

She had originally been holding onto one of Lu Chen"s hands tightly, but now she was holding onto him instead.

The front door of the Hall of Peace was not as big as he had imagined. On the contrary, it was more like an old saying: the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depths of the alleyway.

It was located in an inconspicuous alleyway and seemed to be hidden in the city.

"Big brother, this is the Three Peace Hall that you are looking for, I …" Can we go now? " The elder brother trembled as he asked, forcing out a smile that was even uglier than crying.

It was clear that Lu Chen"s terrifying skills had scared him out of his wits, and he still hadn"t fully recovered his strength yet.

"Scram!" "In the future, if I see you causing trouble outside again, you know what I"ll do." Lu Chen sneered and gestured with his fist.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I"m going, I"m going. "I will never do it again, never do it again!" As if granted amnesty, the male brother repeatedly promised with a nod and a bow.

After saying that, he quickly turned around and ran away at top speed while swinging his body.


Brother Xiong had only run a few steps when he suddenly heard Lu Chen"s shout.

The huge inertia made him unable to stop and almost fall to the ground.

He turned his head around, his face pale, and asked with a tearful face, "Bro... Brother, is there anything else? "

"Take her to the exit. If I knew that you dared to bully her, I would make you regret living in this world. "Brother Xiong!"

Lu Chen could finally see it. Although this fatty was the boss of these hoodlums, at best, he was a guy who had a heart of a thief but no guts. He was a bully to the weak and was afraid of the strong.

Lu Chen even suspected that these small fry were just looking for someone to carry them on their backs, which was why they deliberately pushed this r.e.t.a.r.ded guy out to be their boss.

After all, there was a difference between being ordered to do bad things and being ordered to do bad things.

"Don"t be afraid, if this d.a.m.n fatty dares to bully you, call me. I"ll take care of him. "

As Lu Chen spoke, he gave his phone number to Song Yanran.

Looking back from this position, San He Hall wasn"t too far from the intersection. It was only two minutes away.

However, the facade of this place was extremely concealed. If it wasn"t for the fact that the old man who had lived here for three to five years didn"t come, it would be impossible to find him.

In truth, just now, Lu Chen had already wandered around the vicinity three times under Song Yanran"s guidance.

Who would have thought that this Chinese medicine hall would be so remote and that it would be stuffed into the corner of a small alley?

Song Yanran was very curious about Lu Chen and was unwilling to leave just like that.

However, when she remembered that Lu Chen had given her his phone number, she obediently nodded her head.

With a way to contact him, would he still be afraid of being unable to see him in the future?

Furthermore, her Big Brother Lu seemed to have something he needed to do. Song Yanran was intelligent, so she naturally did not want him to find it troublesome. Thus, she would obediently listen to him.

Brother Xiong did not dare to have any bad intentions, he didn"t even need Lu Chen"s special warning.

Right now, all he wanted to do was complete the mission and leave immediately.

The pressure that Lu Chen was giving him was simply too great.