Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 44

"What"s the matter?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

Of course he could tell that Doctor Lei had really run into some trouble.

Of course, after hearing about him from Song Yanran, Lu Chen actually had a good impression of this doctor who charged a lot.

Besides, the others had helped him greatly. If there really was any trouble, Lu Chen would not hold back to help.

Doctor Lei smiled and said, "Actually, even if you didn"t look for me, I would have also looked for you. Recently, I"ve accepted a weird patient and tried many different methods, but to no avail, so I wanted to trouble you to take a look? "

"Strange? What"s so strange about that? "

Hearing that Doctor Lei had the word "weird" on his t.i.tle, Lu Chen"s interest was piqued. He picked up the tea on his right hand and sipped on it, then asked in curiosity.

Seeing that Lu Chen did not refuse, Doctor Lei"s eyes immediately lit up, and he quickly said:

"The patient vomited a lot, but he was neither pregnant nor physically abnormal. I just can"t eat anything. "

"Even to the point of retching every half an hour. She has been in this state for more than half a month. "

"Did you eat something wrong?" Lu Chen said, then subconsciously shook his head.

With Doctor Ley"s medical skills, he should have been able to rule out such a situation.

Sure enough, Doctor Lei gently shook his head. "That"s impossible. I"ve already done a systematic check on her, so it shouldn"t be a matter of food."

"Furthermore, during the period of time after my consultation, everything she ate was a recipe set down by me. Logically speaking, there"s no way for her to continue retching."

"However, it"s been quite a few days and there"s still no effect. On the contrary, there"s even signs of it getting more and more severe."

When Doctor Lei said this, he appeared to be extremely helpless. He looked at Lu Chen with eyes full of hope, clearly hoping that he would be able to help.

"Oh? There was such a strange patient? "I"d really like to see that." Lu Chen took the initiative to ask.

"That"s great." Doctor Lei said excitedly, "Teacher Lu is willing to make a move, that"s what I"m hoping for!"

The reason he had spoken so earnestly was because he hoped that Lu Chen would be able to take over this th.o.r.n.y problem.

Of course, Doctor Ley did not state the patient"s background for the time being.

Perhaps in his opinion, a person like Lu Chen definitely did not have a simple background.

If the ident.i.ty of the patient was revealed directly, it might be counterproductive.

Besides, the parents of a doctor should treat every patient equally in the eyes of a true doctor with lofty medical ethics.

Of course, the other party"s background also gave Doctor Lei a lot of pressure.

Since he had already taken over, if he wasn"t able to treat her, the other side might not really come looking for trouble, but the consequences wouldn"t be good for him.

Now that Lu Chen was willing to take over, the large stone in his heart also instantly fell to the ground.

He had absolute confidence in Lu Chen"s medical skills.

As long as Lu Chen was willing to accept it, it was very likely that he would be able to resolve the issue.

Doctor Lei did not say anything else and pa.s.sed all the information he had on this th.o.r.n.y patient to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen instantly felt as if he had been cheated by this fellow …

But when Lu Chen saw the patient"s appearance, his interest was piqued.

This patient"s appearance was actually similar to He Qian"s, and her eyes were especially intelligent.

"Wu Siqi?" Lu Chen muttered this name.

The strangest thing about this patient was that someone had to make an appointment with a doctor, and she had to ask the doctor to accommodate her time.

Lu Chen took a quick glance and realized that this female patient was seeing Doctor Lei either at noon or after midnight.

"Lu laoshi, I"ll have to trouble you to take care of this matter." This woman is very ill. " Doctor Lei also felt that his action of throwing away his burden wasn"t too right and apologetically said.

"No worries, we agreed on it at the beginning, why don"t you introduce me to some of the more difficult illnesses?" If that"s not the case, then what is it? " Lu Chen waved his hands nonchalantly.

"That"s good, that"s good." Thunder let out a sigh of relief.

He was truly afraid that Lu Chen would take offense at this.

As a doctor, especially a doctor who had reached a certain level of strength, Doctor Lei actually wanted to experience Lu Chen"s superb skills and even learn from him.

In Doctor Lei"s eyes, the fact that Lu Chen dared to specifically pick on these difficult cases showed how confident he was.

Unbeknownst to him, although Lu Chen"s own strength was all there, the main reason was that he possessed the Eye of Merit.

As long as he paid a certain price and exchanged it with the Nine-tailed Sky Fox, any disease would be easily solved.

As for Lu Chen, he was able to reap more of the power of karmic virtue. Step by step, he moved closer to his goal.

Only after Doctor Lei sent Lu Chen to school did he leave. He also said that he would contact the patient to leave Lu Chen"s contact details behind.

Although Lu Chen had held back, he was still worried about what would happen to Hu Diechang"s father.

After all, w.a.n.g Qiang could only be considered to be a snake in a small region. In the end, the binding ability of w.a.n.g Qiang was limited.

In the face of absolute benefits, developers who were rich and had deep roots wouldn"t care about the threat of a mere social hooligan.

All in all, just in case, Lu Chen called a taxi back to Five Willows Town overnight and sneaked into the Wu Family"s small house.

Before infiltrating the Wu residence, Lu Chen had even carefully observed the surroundings and found that someone was following him. Furthermore, there was more than just a group of people.

He could not help but think that he was in danger. Fortunately, he had returned. Otherwise, there might have been a problem tonight.

Lu Chen believed that one of the waves was sent by w.a.n.g Qiang.

As for the other group of people, they might be the developers.

The person w.a.n.g Qiang had sent was obviously because of what he had said at noon. He had to consider his own internal injuries to prevent Papa Hu from accidentally getting into trouble.

As for the other group of people, they were waiting here sneakily. They obviously didn"t have any good intentions.

When he saw Lu Chen, Hu Diechang"s father was stunned.

"Little Lu, why are you back?"

At this moment, Papa Hu"s condition was quite good. He had just finished drinking the traditional Chinese medicine that he had prepared. His originally pale face had turned rosy.

"I was a bit worried about those guys, so I came here to take a look." Lu Chen said lightly, but did not tell Hu Ziyan"s father about the situation outside.

He didn"t want the other party to be too worried.

"Is that so?" When Hu Yangxuan"s father heard this, he immediately became nervous. "Then I"ll tell Lingling to be more careful while she"s at school."

Lu Chen immediately shook his head: "She should be fine at school for now, so don"t tell her. It"ll save her a lot of worry."

Hu Yangxuan"s father hesitated for a moment before he nodded. "Alright."