Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 443

Regarding his current situation, Lu Chen had a clear understanding of it.

Now, if any Xuan expert were to attack him, not only would Lu Chen not be able to resist, he would not even be able to execute the Heavenly Thunder Steps. He would only be able to stand there and receive a beating.

This shortcoming was very obvious at this moment.

One had to be tough in order to forge iron.

At this moment, Lu Chen realized even more that raising his cultivation base was the most important thing.

Not only had he completely offended the Situ Family, but he had also killed two of the core forces of the Sima Family.

Perhaps the Sima family was considering things carefully and was not in a hurry to make a move against him.

However, once the other party thoroughly investigated his background, they would not care about the existence of a mysterious sect behind him. Even if some indignant members of the Sima family were to use brute force against him, it would still be very dangerous.

As he thought of this, a sense of crisis arose within him.

Lu Chen realized that he had to take the necessary action as soon as possible to avoid this kind of situation as much as possible.

Actually, Lu Chen already knew that things like today would happen sooner or later. It was unavoidable.

However, he had arrived much earlier than he had expected.

Otherwise, if his strength had truly stepped into the Xuan level, then the fight just now wouldn"t have been so taxing.

Furthermore, it would not be like now, where all the energy in his body would be completely drained and he would no longer be able to withstand any kind of impact.

At this time, Shangguan Fengxing who was at the side reacted with a smile on his face, he quickly said goodbye to Lu Chen and revealed a reluctant look.

Lu Chen naturally did not pay too much attention to Shangguan Feng Xing.

In truth, in his heart, he did not think much of Shangguan Feng Xing"s style.

Just as Lu Chen was about to say something to Shangguan Zixi beside him, he saw Shangguan Zixi"s body suddenly move, disappearing from where he stood.

Lu Chen slightly raised his brows and couldn"t help but secretly approve in his heart.

Coming and going like the wind.

Shangguan Zixi was indeed a straightforward woman, her style of doing things was not the least bit dilatory.

Moreover, this kind of personality was also something that Lu Chen admired a lot.

In other words, every man would like this kind of woman!

After Shangguan Zixi left, Shangguan Fengxing could not help but be stunned for a moment.

In his imagination, Shangguan Zixi should at least greet Lu Chen out of politeness in such a situation.

However, since he had already left, there was no point in him staying here.

What"s more, he couldn"t say anything extra.

Shangguan Feng Xing could clearly feel that Lu Chen had a little enmity towards him.

It was already a great honor not to look at each other coldly in that situation.

After a slight hesitation, Shangguan Feng Xing also cupped his fists towards Lu Chen, and with a quick movement, he also activated his Five Elements Escape Technique and left the mountain.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swish …

Many of the Mysterious Gate experts present also followed suit and cupped their fists towards Lu Chen. All of them displayed their movement techniques and disappeared from where they stood.

For them, the fact that they didn"t really fall out with each other was already the best outcome.

If they were to fight with Lu Chen, not to mention whether he would be able to escape unscathed, even if he managed to escape safely in the end, this would be the end of it.

After all, none of them had a tangled relationship with this young man.

Moreover, everyone could feel that even though Lu Chen seemed rather easy-going on the surface, there was still a trace of pride deep in his heart.

Normally, you could joke around with this kind of person and make some harmless jokes. However, if you really offend him, then it would truly be irreparable.

There were even many people who felt like a petty person and couldn"t wait to leave.

Furthermore, he was praying in his heart not to be remembered by Lu Chen.

Normally, they wouldn"t deliberately pursue the matter, but once they had the opportunity, they might cause some trouble. At that time, no one would be able to take it anymore.

In the blink of an eye, the three elders of the Lu family were surrounded by the experts from the Celestial Sect of Wonders. All sorts of emotions and emotions disappeared from Lu Chen"s mind.

Only, Lu Chen noticed that there was a familiar figure that hadn"t left yet.

Who else could it be other than Duanmu Fu?

"Mister Lu …"

Duanmu w.a.n.g hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he couldn"t help but walk in front of Lu Chen.

But when the words were about to come out of his mouth, he stopped.

Lu Chen gently smiled: "Elder w.a.n.g, if you have something to say, then just say it. As long as junior is able to do it, junior will do his best. Senior, please don"t be so polite!"

Looking at Duanmu"s expression, Lu Chen could more or less guess what was on his mind.

Duanmu"s parents were troubled by hostility and had been looking for a solution all along.

This was also because they themselves practiced the black curse technique. Although they had obtained a large amount of a.s.sistance in terms of cultivation, the side effects they brought with it were unavoidable.

Furthermore, the more powerful one was, the more suffering they would suffer. The more they would look forward to successfully dealing with the evil aura on their body.

Now that Lu Chen had displayed this ability, it was no wonder that Duanmu w.a.n.g would have such a reaction.

Previously, Lu Chen had agreed to give Duanmu Fu the Immoveable Bright King Talisman, but this time, he was running all over the place. Although he had successfully refined it, he had not found a suitable opportunity to give it to him.

Just as Lu Chen finished speaking, he took out two safety buckles from his chest and said with a smile: "Junior has been too busy lately, there are quite a few trivial matters."

"Right now, there are not many jade talismans left. These two talismans are able to dispel the evilness from his body. Senior, you should first take them and use them to alleviate some of the pain caused by the evil Qi."

"When junior has the time, I will definitely refine a few even better jade talismans. I believe that I can suppress the hostility in senior and the others to the greatest extent."

When these two pieces were revealed, the Mu Rong family"s men were already slowly approaching Lu Chen.

The eyes of the middle-aged man beside Murong Dancheng were filled with shock.

Although he had long since been prepared and had felt the complex formation jade talisman in Murong Xin`er"s hands, when he saw Lu Chen in person, the middle-aged man still couldn"t help but be shocked and exclaim in his heart.

He was indeed a monstrous genius!

This kind of treasure was personally refined by him?

In the beginning, everyone had thought that these items were made by an expert from Lu Chen"s sect. She had brought them along with her in case they were needed.

However, because of his deep foundation, he could probably ma.s.s-produce these things. Therefore, Lu Chen did not feel bad giving them out.

Of course, everyone was guessing that this might also be a strategy.

Perhaps it was due to some unknown reason, but Lu Chen"s faction had sent this monstrous disciple down the mountain, which could be considered a test.