Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 45

Lu Chen smiled, "Uncle Hu, your movements were much quicker just now. You should be able to recover soon."

"It"s not that much better!"

Papa Hu signaled Lu Chen to sit on the sofa and hurriedly poured him a cup of water from the water dispenser. He chuckled and said:

"I"ve never felt so comfortable being tortured by pneumoconiosis before!"

Lu Chen took the cup of water that Hu Diechang"s father handed to him, and lightly took a sip. He smiled and said, "Uncle Hu is too kind. Hu Xiu is my comrade, and also my good brother. I have a really good relationship with him."

"I"ve never seen my parents since I was young. It was my grandfather who brought me up. Since Uncle Hu is Hu Xiu"s father, he"s also my father. "Speaking of which, this son of his is treating father"s illness. How can there be such a thing as not doing your heart out?"

Thinking of Hu Xiu, Lu Chen"s heart sank, and he couldn"t help but sigh.

"It"s just that Xiu Zi is currently ordered to go abroad on a secret mission and is unable to return home. Before retiring, I promised that he would come and take care of you guys. This can also be considered as helping him with his filial life that he hasn"t been by your side for all these years!"

"That brat has finally shown some consideration." "I just don"t know when he"ll be able to return home!"

When he mentioned his son, Hu Yangxuan"s father"s eyes turned slightly red, a hint of tears appearing in his eyes.

After a moment of silence, he gently wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, then raised his head and said to Lu Chen:

"Little Lu, when you have the chance to contact him, help me talk to that brat. Try to send a message or make a phone call!"

"I also know that it is the duty of a soldier to obey orders. Since he has brought this bowl of rice, the nation has no choice but to take responsibility for it."

"However, this is a place where he was born to raise him. Even if his duty is not to return, he should still contact us."

"Like now, it will take a long time before we can contact each other. It"s always worrisome not to call back in advance and let them know."

Hearing his father"s words, Lu Chen felt waves of stabbing pain in his heart.

He tried to control his emotions and smile as naturally as he could.

"Alright, Uncle Hu, you don"t have to worry about that. Xiu Zi is like a ghost, and his skills are also good. After this mission is completed, he should be able to do it."

"This is a big deal. As long as we successfully complete the mission, I"m afraid we"ll be able to get a major."

Papa Hu smiled. "Ah! It"s not that important to not mention it, it"s good that he can come back safely. "

"But let"s not talk about anything else. Just tell me, on the day Ling Ling gets married, no matter what, he must come back for me. That was his mother"s wish before she died. "

Papa Hu said as he glanced up at the living room.

There was a picture of Hu Xiu"s mother.

It was a beautiful middle-aged woman. Hu Lingling clearly inherited all of her mother"s advantages.

Hearing this, Lu Chen felt like there were countless steel needles piercing his heart.

Such a beautiful scene would probably be impossible to achieve.

However, if Hu Lingling were to be married off, he would definitely play the role of Hu Xiu and marry her off.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn"t help but clench his teeth.

Even if the chances were slim, he still had to give it a try.

If he could gather enough power one day, he could use the Eye of Merit to travel through time and s.p.a.ce, finding his target ahead of time and avoiding Hu Xiu"s death.

Suddenly, Lu Chen felt the Eye of Merit on his chest tremble slightly.

In the next moment, the liquid power surrounding the Eye of Merit began to surge.

Of course he knew that this was because he had more or less acc.u.mulated some merit power after curing Uncle Hu.

However, the acc.u.mulated contribution points this time was not enough, so he did not condense even a red contribution point.

As for the greedy little fox, it only opened its eyes for a moment before it continued to lie down and doze off.

"Uncle Hu, let me help you with your pulse!" Seeing that you have recovered so well, it"s time for us to make a move and completely cure this pneumoconiosis as soon as possible! " Lu Chen decided to change the topic.

Father Hu was filled with confidence in Lu Chen"s medical skills, so he didn"t think much of it. He quickly reached out his left hand.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but nod his head in approval.

The pulse pattern looked pretty good, a qualitative change from before.

After drinking the rest of the medicine, he would comb through his meridians a few more times and take good care of himself for a while. Not only would his father"s lung disease recover, his body would also recover as soon as possible.

Just as he said.

With a thought, Lu Chen immediately used the Eye of Merit and injected the power of Merit into his zhenqi, using the pulse checking process to continuously channel zhenqi into Hu Diechang"s father"s body.

Hu Yangxuan"s father clearly felt the strangeness in his body and looked at Lu Chen in surprise, but didn"t say anything.

Just like that, when Lu Chen let go of the finger pressing down on Hu Diechang"s father"s wrist, he had already carefully combed through his meridians.

Although he had the power of meritorious service, this level of internal force usage still consumed a lot of Lu Chen"s energy.

As for Hu Diechang"s father, he had just recovered from a severe illness. Coupled with the surge of karmic power he had just received, his entire body felt sluggish. A wave of fatigue washed over him, and he couldn"t help but yawn.

Because he knew that there might be some unforeseen events tonight, in order to not make Hu Yangxuan"s father worry too much, Lu Chen had purposely stimulated his father"s sleeping point just now, hoping for him to sleep early.

Something unpleasant might happen next, and he didn"t want his father to see it.

Lu Chen said a few words to Hu Diechang"s father, then pulled him back into the room to rest.

The moment father Hu went to bed, although he wanted to keep his spirits up and say a few more words to Lu Chen, a strong sense of weariness. .h.i.t him and he quickly fell asleep.

Lu Chen looked at Hu Diechang"s sleeping face and sighed softly. Then, he looked in the direction of the door.

Sure enough, a series of hurried knocks came from the door.

Lu Chen"s lips curled up into a sneer. These guys finally couldn"t hold themselves back any longer.

Without any hesitation, Lu Chen walked toward the entrance.

As soon as he walked up to them, he heard the sound of cursing.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Chen opened the door.

The one leading them was actually the familiar face of w.a.n.g Qiang.

Lu Chen frowned: "You still dare to come?"

When w.a.n.g Qiang saw that it was actually Lu Chen, a trace of surprise and joy actually appeared on his face.

He quickly squeezed out an awkward smile and explained: "Brother Lu, please don"t misunderstand. This really has nothing to do with me. How would I dare to act recklessly?"

"The first thing I did was get those guys to report your request. However, the higher ups refused to comply with the conditions you put forth today."

"I had no choice but to follow them and take a look. He originally thought that even if they flatten the house today, he would definitely ensure Uncle Hu"s safety. "

"It can"t be..." w.a.n.g Qiang gritted his teeth and said painfully, "I will do my best to fulfill your request." I only hope that you will be merciful and not make things difficult for me. "

Before Lu Chen could say anything, a man with dyed yellow hair behind w.a.n.g Qiang knocked the ground with a wooden stick, and arrogantly asked: "You are the Lu Chen that had such a big mouth, are you tired of living?"