Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 453

It didn"t take long for Maybach to arrive at the intersection of the highway. He quickly tried his best to enter the quiet and secluded town.

With the nourishment of his spiritual energy, Zhang Junwei"s various hidden abilities were gradually released.

He had a strong sense of direction to begin with, and now his ability to recognize the way was even more extraordinary.

According to what Duanmu Fu had mentioned on the slip of paper, Maybach pa.s.sed through the deserted streets of the town and finally found a manor in an open area next to a stream that had the style of a southern Sichuan house.

With just a glance, Lu Chen was almost certain that this was a manor of the Duanmu Family near Jiangzhou City.

If there was no surprise, a large number of core members of the Duanmu family would be gathered here as the Profound Gate Great a.s.sembly was approaching.

"This Duanmu family is way too rich. They actually own such a large manor."

Zhang Junwei muttered to himself as he looked at the luxurious manor in front of him.

The manor in front of them, let alone how luxurious it was, occupied an area of over 10000 square meters.

Although he was also from a rich second generation, his family"s small net worth was used for eating, drinking, and entertainment. Occasionally, on a whim, he would ask his parents for some subsidies to buy a sports car, which was his limit.

However, if he were to buy such a large manor, unless his parents were to help, it would be impossible for him to do so.

Murong Xin"er smiled lightly and explained, "The Duanmu family has always focused on the path of artifact forging. The amount of money these artifacts can be sold for is simply incalculable."

"Other than the Dugu Family being able to match up to them in terms of pills, the rest of the families would be far behind."

"Other families often run traditional businesses such as hotel properties such as jade and stones. These chains of business and industry bring in revenue that is relatively stable, but it"s hard to keep it all to yourself. "

"However, this year, we have acc.u.mulated quite a bit of wealth."

"But no matter what, I can"t sell the magic tools at a high price. In the end, the profit ratio is still limited."

"The Duanmu family has always been one of the wealthiest forces in the Celestial Sect of Wonders. They are not to be underestimated."

"In terms of true strength, even though the Duanmu family can"t become the number one clan, just this manor alone is enough to prove it."

On the surface, not letting Xin"er explain it to Zhang Junwei was actually what he wanted to say to Lu Chen.

Originally, Lu Chen did not know what she was implying, but upon noticing the crafty look in her eyes, he immediately understood.

Murong Xin"er seemed to be reminding herself that if she was lacking money, she could take this opportunity to earn some.

However, this suggestion was rejected by Lu Chen in his heart.

The reason why he was so anxious to donate the merit points was because he wanted to use this opportunity to quickly acc.u.mulate some merit points so that he could earn more merit points.

Of course, it was necessary to explain to Zhang Junwei.

As Lu Chen"s disciple, Zhang Junwei needed to know more.

At least he was always by Lu Chen"s side, so he wouldn"t make a fuss over nothing. Murong Xin"er, on the other hand, felt that she had lost face.

Of course, Lu Chen was in favor of this.

This girl usually looked rather naughty, but now she knew to help him out a little.

Based on this point, Lu Chen felt gratified.

After all, Zhang Junwei"s improvement was not just in strength.

He needed a clearer understanding of the Celestial Sect of Wonders and the distribution of power.

Of course, to be honest, Lu Chen also needed to know more about the Celestial Sect of Wonders in order for him to have a better relationship with the various forces within the Celestial Sect of Wonders.

The manor was very big. The open s.p.a.ce here was enough to accommodate a lot of vehicles.

Zhang Junwei found a place to park the car, then Lu Chen and Murong Xin`er got off the car.

"Big Brother Lu, why aren"t you leaving? Right in front of us is the Duanmu family"s manor. Is there something wrong here? "

Seeing Lu Chen suddenly stop, Murong Xin"er couldn"t help but ask him.

In fact, just a moment ago, Murong Xin"er had also sensed the fluctuation of a special aura in this manor.

However, although the heart devouring insect in her body could feel that aura, Murong Xin"er"s power was limited and she could not see through the special secrets that were hidden within it.

"It"s nothing. I believe you sensed the aura fluctuations here." However, in a large clan like theirs, having the support of a formation outside their manor is not something that"s too strange! "

Seeing that Murong Xin`er had also felt the fluctuation of this aura, Lu Chen reminded her directly.

The heart devouring bug in Murong Xin"er"s body was extremely sensitive to these strange energy fluctuations or Spiritual Energy senses.

However, even with that being the case, Murong Xin"er had limited experience and she still could not determine what kind of power it was in a short period of time.

"Little fox, there seems to be some strange energy fluctuations coming from here. What kind of formation is here?"

Taking a few steps forward, Lu Chen suddenly frowned.

He felt that his entire body was slightly heavy.

On the other hand, Murong Xin"er beside him acted as if nothing had happened.

It was as if these forces had not caused much of a disturbance to her.

Perhaps it was because of the heart devouring bug in Murong Xin"er"s body that this strange aura couldn"t invade her body.

However, Zhang Junwei"s expression was rather unsightly, as if he was unable to catch his breath.

However, from the looks of it, there shouldn"t be any major problems.

Most likely, the formations here were a large area of effect, so they weren"t too powerful.

Presumably, the purpose of this manor was to prevent ordinary people from entering.

With this question in mind, Lu Chen naturally wanted to get a more detailed explanation from the little fox.

"Lord, this is only a secondary type formation, I"m sure you can guess its uses."

"It"s one thing to stop ordinary people from entering this manor. Furthermore, little fox can feel that there is a truly huge formation deep underground in this manor."

"If little fox"s perception is not wrong, that formation should be a low-grade earth-step Spirit Subduing Formation. It has the function of suppressing and storing the evil aura."

The little fox truthfully told Lu Chen the information it had obtained.

Then, it suddenly thought of something.

The little fox continued to talk to Lu Chen, "The hostility here is the same as Duanmu Fu"s."

"From the looks of it, this is undoubtedly the base of operations for them. "It"s just a small restaurant. The Duanmu family has quite a bit of background to have to be able to do something like this."

Towards the little fox"s explanation, Lu Chen secretly nodded in agreement.

However, Lu Chen had quite a bit of doubt regarding the low-grade earth-step array that the little fox had mentioned — the Spiritual Subduing Array.