Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 455

Just from this Pure Heart Curse, there were many levels.

Currently, the effect of this middle grade Profound Rank Tranquil Heart Mantra was not on the same level as the Immoveable Bright King Talisman.

If it was a low-grade earth-step Tranquil Heart Mantra, the effect of expelling the evil energy was self-evident.

From the little fox"s explanation, Lu Chen gradually understood that the Duanmu Family being able to hold a higher position in the sect was not that simple.

It could be said that he had done well in every aspect.

While the black curse absorbed the vicious aura, the remaining energy that wasn"t used for his own use remained in his body.

This became the Duanmu family"s greatest problem.

It was because the evil aura"s strength had improved by leaps and bounds, but it was also because of the evil aura"s bottleneck in the path of cultivation.

Throwing away all his thoughts, Lu Chen walked through the living room in the loft and arrived at the door of a room on the left side of the corridor.

"This is the place, Doctor Lu, please!"

The old man quickly walked to the door of the room and quickly called Lu Chen in. He didn"t dare to be negligent in the slightest.

Just as Lu Chen"s foot stepped into the room, two familiar figures appeared in front of him. They were Duanmu Fudi and Duanmu Yunfeng.

There were also a few elders that Lu Chen had never met before and did not recognize.

However, Lu Chen could vaguely sense that the aura exuded by these few elders wasn"t any weaker than that of Duanmu Fu"s.

At this moment, they were gathered around a bed.

Lu Chen could see that the master bed had already become a sickbed.

Almost everyone present had a grim expression, as if their mood had sunk to the bottom.

In the direction that they were looking at, there was a white-haired old man lying down.

There was no need to ask to know for sure that this was the Patriarch of the Duanmu Clan, Duanmu Pengcheng.

At the same time, at the moment Lu Chen appeared, everyone present immediately reacted.

Immediately, their gazes all landed on Lu Chen.

This was the first time many of them had seen Lu Chen, and their eyes were filled with scrutiny.

This wasn"t a deliberate inspection, but rather, it was too surprising to them.

Looking at Lu Chen"s face, he really was only in his early twenties.

However, thinking about what he did and how he killed three Quasi-Earth Stage experts in a row, it was really unbelievable.

Moreover, they were already clear that the death of the last two Sima Clan Earth Rank powerhouses was still so strange. Not even their corpses remained, and even their auras were spreading in the air.

This was even more difficult to understand.

Duanmu Huanghun was an exception.

He didn"t know what other people thought of Lu Chen.

However, to Duanmu Huanghun, he had a better understanding of everything that Lu Chen was doing.

However, many things were speculation after all, and he would not easily point them out before he had conclusive evidence.

Seeing Lu Chen at this time made Duanmu Huanghun"s heart drop.

His eyes shone with a fiery light, as if he had met a living immortal.

Walking up to Lu Chen, Duanmu w.a.n.g held back the excitement in his heart and respectfully greeted him:

"This old man is slow-witted. I didn"t expect Mr. Lu to come over at this moment. Please forgive me!"

"This is because the Patriarch"s situation is even worse than I imagined. This old one is truly worried, and that"s why I didn"t go out to welcome him. "Sorry, sorry!"

Duanmu Fu had an apologetic expression as he spoke to Lu Chen. The anxiety on his face also slowly surfaced.

"Senior, you are too serious. This is also because this junior did not notify you in advance. This junior really cannot rest easy."

"That"s how I hastily dealt with the things on my hands. After all, the problem of possession can be big or small. I really can"t afford to delay any longer."

At this moment, Lu Chen"s gaze landed on Duanmu Pengcheng, who was lying on the bed.

Seeing his pale face, Lu Chen"s expression also became urgent.

A few days ago, Murong Xin`er"s grandfather, Gu Tianming, had also been possessed by the evil spirit.

With his previous experience, Lu Chen was naturally more aware of the danger.

"Thank you for your trouble, Mr Lu!"

Duanmu Yunfeng, who was standing beside Duanmu Fu, couldn"t help but tense up upon seeing Lu Chen"s eager expression.

He was extremely clear about the Patriarch Duanmu Pengcheng"s situation.

Duanmu Yunfeng did not think it was as simple as expelling the evil aura from his body.

The current situation of their Patriarch was much more serious.

"This matter should not be delayed. I hope that Mister Lu can quickly do something to relieve the pain of my family"s Patriarch!"

Duanmu w.a.n.g hurriedly lured Lu Chen over, urging him with sincerity.

Arriving in front of the Duanmu Family"s Patriarch, Duanmu Pengcheng, Lu Chen noticed that there was an old man with already pale hair standing beside him. His face was full of wrinkles and he looked to be over two sixty-year-olds.

His beard had already thinned out, but he still had a sage-like appearance, giving him a natural bearing.

At this moment, Lu Chen saw beads of sweat the size of mung beans rolling down his forehead.

The old man"s two fingers continued to press down on Duanmu Pengcheng"s pulse.

On his fingertips, a green halo of light continuously circulated. Every time it appeared, it would flow into Duanmu Pengcheng"s body.

This method of continuously using true energy to create a different type of power and then using it to heal the user had obviously caused a great loss to their cultivation.

At this moment, Duanmu Fu arrived in front of the old man. He was sweating profusely, and the entire process seemed extremely tiring.

However, when his gaze descended onto the Patriarch, Duanmu Peng Cheng, he noticed that the Patriarch"s pale face still hadn"t changed.

After a slight hesitation, Duanmu couldn"t bear to look straight at him, but in the end, unable to hold it in, he opened his mouth and respectfully said:

"Dao leader Ye, Mr. Lu just mentioned to you, he just happens to be here! At this moment … How about you let this Mr. Lu come and take a look? "

Duanmu Fu"s tone was filled with respect towards Ye Daoming. If it wasn"t for Lu Chen"s appearance, he wouldn"t have been able to say such words.

When Ye Daoming heard this, he suddenly frowned and his face turned ugly.

But he was silent, as if he hadn"t heard.

The first reason was because he was completely focused and did not have the mood to pay attention to it.

Second, Ye Daoming was well aware of just how serious Duanmu Pengcheng"s injuries were. He definitely wouldn"t let this yellow-clothed youth take over so easily!

Even if it was before he had heard of this young man called Divine Doctor Lu"s extraordinary methods.

As far as he was concerned, this was completely unrealistic.

It was very possible that Lu Chen had used some unorthodox methods to blind everyone.

Seeing this situation, Duanmu Yunfeng"s expression suddenly became nervous. He quickly exchanged glances with the other Elders around him.

He hastily added on to Ye Daoming, "This Mister Lu is skilled in medicine. The jade talismans that are able to dispel the evil Qi were personally crafted by him."

"Now the situation is urgent. I would like to ask Taoist Ye to let Mr. Lu give it a try first, and see if he can turn the situation around!"