Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 461

Ye Daoming had never heard of the relationship between acupuncture and corpse qi!

This was something completely unrelated to him. Just what was going on in this stinky brat"s gourd?

Was he really capable or was he just trying to trick people!

It was taken for granted that it might be the latter.

Could it be that he didn"t know that this was the Duanmu Family"s pavilion, and that almost all of the core members of the Duanmu Family were gathered here?

If Lu Chen dared to lie or tease the crowd, wouldn"t he be seeking his own humiliation!

He might even lose his life.

Even though he had previously heard from the Duanmu Family that Lu Chen was an expert in this field, using Qi to control the needles was not a problem.

Furthermore, he could tell that Duanmu Fu, who had come in contact with Lu Chen, was extremely respectful towards him.

Ye Daoming was very clear about Duanmu"s personality.

Moreover, this person"s insight could also be considered to be vicious. Since he was able to give Lu Chen such an evaluation, it was impossible for Ye Daoming to not hold him in high regard.

However, because he was proficient in medicine, Ye Daming felt that all of this made no sense.

This time around, the situation that Lu Chen had to face was clearly not that simple. The power of the medicinal pellets would definitely not be effective.

Duanmu Pengcheng held his breath. It wouldn"t be wrong to say that his life was hanging by a thread.

If nothing unexpected happened, even if he did his best, he could only last half a year at most.

If things got to that point, at least the Duanmu family would keep their promise and give him what they had promised.

However, if he let this young man in front of him mess around, then once there was a slip up, it would be difficult for everyone to deal with it.

Since it involved his own interests, Ye Daoming naturally wouldn"t sit idly by.

"Don"t worry, Taoist Ye. Junior has quite a bit of experience in acupuncture and moxibustion and has achieved quite a bit."

"It seems like there is no connection between the corpse qi and acupuncture, but in fact, there is a big relationship between the two."

"The corpse energy and true energy within the Duanmu clan head"s body have fused together and flowed through the eight extraordinary meridians in the human body. There must be some connection."

"I hope you don"t worry too much, Taoist Ye. Junior will take care of himself!" It actually did not cause Patriarch Duanmu"s condition to worsen. "

Seeing Ye Daoming"s anxious expression, Lu Chen did not know if it was because Ye Daoming was truly worried or because of some other reason, but in the end, he still patiently explained everything to him.

After all, Ye Daoming and Duanmu Pengcheng"s corpse qi had been stable for three years. If they stood out and spoke now, they would naturally have quite a bit of weight.

Although the other Duanmu Family members were filled with antic.i.p.ation, now that Ye Daoming had raised this question, they too were filled with doubt.

Of course, this did not escape Lu Chen"s eyes.

Thus, Lu Chen"s explanation was necessary to rea.s.sure them.

Just now, when Ye Daoming had finished speaking, the higher ups of the Duanmu family had no choice but to remain silent.

Actually, they were all anxiously looking at Lu Chen, waiting for him to finish.

They do need a reasonable, or convincing, explanation.

Otherwise, it would be hard for them to feel at ease.

After all, this was the head of the family.

Duanmu Pengcheng definitely could not afford to make the slightest mistake.

Otherwise, not only would they suffer from the immense pressure from the outside, even the Duanmu Family"s internal structure would be unstable.

The most important thing was the approach of the Profound Gate Great a.s.sembly, which was held every three years.

If something like this happened at this critical juncture, it would definitely have a huge impact.

Therefore, even the higher-ups of the Duanmu family were puzzled by this, let alone Ye Daoming.

If not for the fact that Lu Chen had used acupuncture to expel most of the hostility from Duanmu w.a.n.g"s and Duanmu Yunfeng"s bodies, they would not have believed the truth.

At this time, Ye Daoming finally opened his mouth.

"Divine Doctor Lu, this is no small matter. This old man trusts your ability."

"Besides, it has been a hot topic in the Celestial Sect of Wonders for the past few days. Everyone admires it. How could I dare say that I am not?"

Ye Daoming could not tolerate Lu Chen causing trouble in his heart, but he still did not dare to speak bluntly.

He was not afraid of Lu Chen, but was rather high ranking members of the Duanmu Family. If he said something inappropriate, the Duanmu Family would not give him what he deserved.

Without waiting for Lu Chen to say anything, Ye Daoming continued, "This old man has been rampaging through the Celestial Sect of Wonders for over a hundred years, but I"ve only heard of the use of acupuncture to expel the evil aura."

"However, that"s fine. Now he even needed to use acupuncture to expel the corpse energy! You think this is child"s play? "

"Young man, I advise you not to have any hopes of getting lucky. Clan Head Duanmu has a sensitive ident.i.ty. If there were any mishaps, would you be able to accept them? "

As Ye Daoming finished his sentence, his expression turned serious.

In the past, he was the only one who guided in the art of medicine.

Other than that, Ye Daoming felt even more annoyed when he saw Lu Chen"s calm expression.

He suddenly had the illusion that his ident.i.ty had been changed. Instead, Lu Chen had turned into an old Taoist expert, while he himself was like a clown!

"Let"s wait and see!"

Lu Chen could already see through Ye Daoming"s thoughts, but he didn"t want to waste time talking to him.

He nodded towards Ye Daoming, and then lightly said, as if he didn"t want to continue to care about him.

He didn"t know that his reaction actually stimulated Ye Daoming"s gla.s.s heart.

From Ye Daoming"s point of view, Lu Chen had a very arrogant look on his face.

You dare?

Ye Daoming was immediately incensed, not knowing how to vent his anger.

He frowned slightly and looked at Lu Chen with a burning gaze, so angry that he couldn"t speak.

The higher-ups of the Duanmu Family present held their breath at this moment. Their gazes were filled with both doubt and antic.i.p.ation as they looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen did not pay attention to the crowd"s reaction. He was prepared to use his actions as a counterattack.

With a slight focus, the zhenqi within his body began to circulate, turning into a torrent that quickly gathered at the tip of his finger.

Weng! *

Receiving the infusion of zhenqi, the three silver needles trembled slightly and released a green halo.

Then, Lu Chen shook his hand slightly, and three silver needles flew out in three streaks of silver light.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Three silver needles accurately fell into Duanmu Pengcheng"s Spirit Ruins, Divine Seal, and Middle Palace acupoints.

[Tripart.i.te Needle Technique]!

Everyone present instantly focused their eyes.

However, there wasn"t much surprise in his eyes when he saw Lu Chen"s move just now.

For Lu Chen to possess these skills, the core members of the Duanmu Family were not really that surprised.

Moreover, according to the rumors, Lu Chen was known to be an expert in acupuncture techniques along the way.

What they wanted to see next was whether Lu Chen"s [Triple Acupoint Technique] would be effective.

After all, no matter how cool or brilliant the method was, it was all secondary.

The most important thing right now was to bring about real results.

Seeing Lu Chen"s method of controlling the needles with Qi, Ye Daoming"s heart was filled with shock.

What shocked him was not how efficient Lu Chen"s method was, but the fact that his ability was continuously being proven.