Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 462

Most importantly, Lu Chen"s expression was so confident, as if he had complete confidence in himself.

This could never be faked.

In just a short while, Duanmu w.a.n.g had become much less suspicious of Lu Chen and became much more expectant.

To be honest, the commotion that Lu Chen had caused in the Celestial Sect of Wonders had mostly been caused by hearsay, and the number of people who had truly witnessed it was extremely few.

To put it bluntly, everyone had only heard of it from hearsay.

There was a saying that hearing was believing, and seeing was believing.

When Lu Chen made his move, Ye Daoming"s pupils immediately constricted.

He suddenly realized that this young man called Lu Chen in front of him was probably much more powerful than he had imagined.

Perhaps, he really did have some sort of special method.

Although he couldn"t help but be a little jealous, but at this moment, Ye Daoming was actually looking forward to it more and more.

After all, he had expended a lot of effort to solve Duanmu Pengcheng"s problem.

Unfortunately, after spending three whole years, he was still unable to find an effective method to break it.

Moreover, after trying countless of methods, he could only use a stupid method to alleviate it to a certain extent.

On the path of medicine, Ye Daoming was also diligently seeking it.

Even if jealousy was unavoidable, he was still overjoyed to see the problem that troubled him be solved.

With this thought in mind, Ye Daoming couldn"t help but once again set his gaze on Lu Chen"s calm face.

For some reason, even Ye Daoming started to realize that the aura emitted from Lu Chen"s body was indeed convincing.

Although Lu Chen gave off a feeling of being gentle like jade and was a completely humble gentleman, at this moment, his eyes revealed a strong sense of confidence.

It was as if even he, who was filled with doubts, had been infected.

Ye Daoming took a deep breath to calm himself, forcing himself to focus his gaze back on the three silver needles.

Ye Daoming subconsciously shook his head after several seconds.

This was completely illogical.

With just three silver needles and low-grade dark cla.s.s true energy supporting him, would he really be able to dissolve Duanmu Pengcheng"s corpse energy?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Lu Chen was so focused that he didn"t even pay attention to the reactions of the people around him.

In front of this corpse gas, he didn"t dare to relax even a bit.

If he was not careful, Duanmu Pengcheng"s meridians would be affected by the corpse energy, and his life could be in danger at any moment.

Spirit Ruins, Divine Seal, and Middle Palace; these three acupoints were mainly used to seal Duanmu Pengcheng"s three mingmen.

Under the little fox"s guidance, Lu Chen had greater confidence.

As long as his mingmen was sealed, even if the corpse qi stirred up, it would at most cause great harm to Duanmu Pengcheng"s body.

As for soul damage, it had been completely eliminated.

No matter what, as long as the soul was not injured, and could still retain a trace of life, he would be in an invincible position.

Even though the amount of merit power stored was very little, maintaining this tiny sliver of life force wasn"t too much of a problem.

In fact, Lu Chen had another backup, which was the Six-Eyed Blood Silkworm"s Blood Tears.

However, these tears of blood were just too precious. Unless it was a last resort, Lu Chen did not intend to use them.

After all, this thing was used to exchange for his life. It was truly too precious.

Moreover, he had to face the problem of expelling the corpse qi to save Duanmu Pengcheng at the critical moment.

Lu Chen did not want to return when the time came, but Duanmu Pengcheng had instead become a puppet that had lost control.

He might as well not save her.

Because if that were the case, Duanmu Pengcheng would never be able to escape death. With his cultivation, it would be difficult for him to destroy it.

At this time, Lu Chen did not stop what he was doing.

Immediately after, he released the other hand that had been pressing down on Duanmu Pengcheng"s pulse and placed it within his dantian.

Lu Chen slowly circulated the remaining power of the Merit Pool into his body and gathered it in his palm.

As the power of merit flowed into Duanmu Pengcheng"s dantian, the corpse energy within seemed to have met its natural enemy as it dodged in all directions.

Even so, Lu Chen did not dare to relax. Instead, he concentrated even more.

He didn"t dare to underestimate this corpse aura. According to the current situation, although he was going to hide everywhere, it was also because of his innate fear.

The power contained in the Qi was something that belonged to the Yang energy, and it was something that could restrain Yin Qi.

Naturally, Duanmu Pengcheng"s dantian"s corpse Qi did not dare to be rash.

But compared to true power, the remaining power of Lu Chen"s karmic virtue was insufficient to contend against it.

But even a quasi-Earth Stage expert like Duanmu Pengcheng was suppressed. This showed just how powerful the corpse qi was.

Lu Chen had always maintained a safe distance between him and Duanmu Pengcheng when he used the power of merit in his body.

However, at this distance, the corpse qi in his dantian could feel the pressure from the power of karmic virtue.

This was in order to maintain a low consumption rate and at the same time stabilize the corpse gas.

After all, this corpse gas contained an extremely powerful energy, and with it came a certain amount of wisdom.

According to the little fox"s explanation, the corpse gas had no ability to think.

However, they could judge the meaning of danger. When they were really threatened, the corpse gas would likely retaliate if forced to do so.

With the little fox"s reminder, Lu Chen naturally did not dare to act rashly, maintaining a safe distance from the corpse qi at any time.

If its power were to truly explode, let alone breaking Duanmu Pengcheng"s tendons, he might not even be able to survive this last breath of his.

Lu Chen was extremely cautious throughout the entire process, but his forehead was constantly dripping with sweat the size of a mung bean.

When Murong Xin"er saw Lu Chen"s appearance, she was suddenly filled with worry.

Logically speaking, Lu Chen should have had even more surging zhenqi in his body since he had just broken through to the low-Xuan realm.

Murong Xin"er, who had the Heart Devouring Worm supporting her, was extremely sensitive to true energy fluctuations. Furthermore, he knew a lot about Lu Chen.

At this moment, it was precisely because he sensed that the energy circulating within Lu Chen"s palm was not too dense. Instead, it was much weaker than before. However, Lu Chen"s expression was a lot worse than before.

However, considering Lu Chen"s situation, this did not seem to be reasonable.

Could it be that what Lu Chen had been using all this time wasn"t true qi?

What could that be?

Murong Xin"er couldn"t help but have doubts flash through her mind, but she still couldn"t come up with a solution.

However, no matter what, he was worried about Lu Chen"s current situation. He must have encountered some difficult problems.

Murong Xin"er stood to the side, nervous. Her face was becoming more and more anxious, but she couldn"t do anything.

Although the Heartworm Bug she cultivated was also a type of black magic, it naturally catered to the evil aura and corpse aura.

However, rashly taking action to help Lu Chen might instead distract him and cause him to lose his cool.

At this moment, not only Murong Xin`er, but everyone present had their expressions turn grave. They also discovered that Lu Chen was having a difficult time.