Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 465

At this moment, everyone understood that Duanmu Pengcheng"s condition had basically stabilized.

There was no need to be like before, constantly exhausting his Real Qi to help him suppress the restlessness of the corpse energy, alleviating his pain and harming his body and soul.

Especially the higher ups of the Duanmu family, they looked at Lu Chen with grat.i.tude and let out a deep sigh of relief.

However, Lu Chen did not show any surprise at this result.

It was as if everything had taken place as a matter of course, as if everything was entirely within expectations.

However, Ye Daoming was a bit confused at this moment.

Others only saw the results, but he was more focused on the process.

After all, he was an expert in this field himself.

This time, he had not only lost miserably, he had also lost a lot of face!

What kind of method did this brat who looked like he had yet to dry up use …

It was one thing to stabilize the corpse aura, but it actually caused Duanmu Pengcheng to show signs of waking up.

Was he really going to wake up?

As Ye Daoming saw Duanmu Pengcheng"s trembling eyelids, his face flushed red from excitement.

Not to mention the Duanmu family, even Ye Daoming himself couldn"t wait for Duanmu Pengcheng to wake up.

Having been back and forth at the Duanmu Family for three years, it was unknown how much of his cultivation base had been consumed.

As the days pa.s.sed one by one, coupled with the promise he made previously, due to his reputation in the Celestial Sect of Wonders, it would be hard for Ye Daoming to lose his hand even if he wanted to.

Moreover, the Duanmu family"s conditions were coveted by everyone.

This was Ye Daoming"s motivation.

Otherwise, there was no need for him to spend three whole years just for this.

Time was more precious for someone his age.

After all, one day lived meant one less day.

So far, only a handful of people have been able to survive in the form of a physical body for more than three sixty-year cycles since the end of the Age of Chaos.

Even if Ye Daoming was proficient in the ways of life and had a profound cultivation base, he wouldn"t be able to surpa.s.s three sixty-year-olds.

Therefore, he had only thought of leaving early after getting his reward.

Even though Lu Chen was concealing his brilliance, it was still worse than killing him.

However, after such an outcome, his emotions became extremely complicated.

"The corpse aura within the Duanmu Clan"s Patriarch has been controlled. Without the obstruction of the corpse Qi, his meridians are much smoother than they were in the past."

"There isn"t much of a problem in waking up right now. The corpse aura is still in question, so should we hurry to the tomb to eliminate the existence of the grudges, only then would we be able to get rid of it."

Other than Ye Daoming, Lu Chen could also see that it was a question on the minds of everyone present. Thus, he explained it with a solemn expression.

Duanmu Pengcheng, who had been asleep for three years, was actually about to wake up!

The moment Lu Chen said those words, a thunderous roar sounded in the ears of the crowd.

Although they could already see through it, hearing Lu Chen"s resolute tone, they couldn"t help but become even more excited.

"Brother Lu... "You"ve worked hard!"

Seeing that Lu Chen"s face was still pale, Murong Xin`er couldn"t help feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart. While she was speaking, she took out a tissue from her chest.

Then, she gently wiped away the sweat on Lu Chen"s forehead, which was still wet. He looked extremely gentle.

This kind of appearance from Murong Xin`er was a huge contrast to the usual "crazy little girl" image.

Lu Chen couldn"t help but be a little entranced by that.

Actually, to Murong Xin`er, whether Duanmu Pengcheng lived or died, she did not care at all.

Lu Chen was more important to her.

It could be said that this man before her was constantly affecting her heart.

Lu Chen felt Murong Xin`er"s warmth, and suddenly felt a warmth in his heart. He tightened his grip on her arm.

Thinking back, Lu Chen suddenly realized that at every critical moment, Murong Xin`er would have an extremely serious look on her face, leaving her usual mischievous side to the back of her mind.

He suddenly had a feeling that the strange behavior that Murong Xin"er normally displayed was just an illusion.

That was just what she wanted to show others, not her true self.

It was very possible that the Murong Xin`er in front of him was the real one.

However, no matter what, he still admired the way Murong Xin`er lived.

He would act recklessly when he needed to, and calm down when he needed to be serious.

At this moment, under everyone"s gaze, Duanmu Pengcheng"s eyelids trembled once again. His breathing became heavier, and a few light coughs followed.

Just as Lu Chen had said, he, who had been unconscious for a long time, was starting to show signs of waking up.

In less than ten seconds, Duanmu Pengcheng"s eyes slowly opened.

"Patriarch... "You"re finally awake!"

"It"s good that you"re awake!"

The moment Duanmu Pengcheng woke up, Duanmu Fu and the other higher-ups of the Duanmu family hurriedly gathered around.

Many people"s eyes were filled with tears as they looked excitedly at Duanmu Pengcheng.

Duanmu Pengcheng had already been lying in bed for three years, there really weren"t that many times he was sober.

In these three years, the pain and suffering of being bullied by the Duanmu family were still vivid in his mind.

Especially during this half year, Duanmu Pengcheng"s condition had continued to worsen. Even though Ye Daoming had done his best, he had only managed to barely maintain his condition, forcefully hanging on to his life.

When Duanmu Pengcheng finally opened his eyes and saw the bright bedroom, he immediately closed his eyes.

When everyone saw this, they were shocked.

However, everyone soon realized that it was really a mess because of their concern. A moment of carelessness would cause another false alarm.

Because Duanmu Pengcheng had been unconscious for a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes, feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

After waiting for a few seconds, he carefully opened his eyes and scanned his surroundings with squinted eyes.

The environment here was somewhat unfamiliar to him.

But then he seemed to remember.

Wasn"t this his room in the Duanmu Family"s Jiang Prefecture?

However, because of this, Duanmu Pengcheng felt even more puzzled.

His expression suddenly became tense.

Only when Duanmu Pengcheng"s gaze landed on Duanmu Fu and the others did his taut face relax slightly.

Lu Chen had seen all the changes in Duanmu Pengcheng"s expression.

This clearly indicated that Duanmu Pengcheng"s memories seemed to have stopped at the time before he fainted.

When Duanmu Pengcheng truly woke up, Duanmu Fu and the others were so excited that they didn"t know what to say.

Even though he had a thousand words to say, they were all choked in his throat, unable to come up with a single word.

After a moment of silence, Duanmu Fu, who was closest to him, hurriedly reached out a hand to support Duanmu Pengcheng as he softly said:

"Patriarch, get up first. Let"s get up first!"

His movements were very careful, his voice was very soft, and his expression was abnormally respectful.