Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 47

The young man was vicious to begin with. Plus, the higher-ups had already given out their orders. If anything happened, there would naturally be people around. Thus, they decided to deal with him directly.

But what kind of person was Lu Chen? He was a man whose face was full of s.h.i.t in a latrine …

Ah, no!

He was the real G.o.d of death who had survived the battlefield. In addition to the transformation from the power of karmic virtue, his six senses were sharp. In fact, they had long since locked onto this fellow.

In fact, he was well aware that it wouldn"t be realistic to cripple all of these hoodlums. When the time came, the other party would use administrative means to make things difficult for him.

Thus, he had to establish his might and let these hoodlums completely give up on their thoughts.

The moment the opponent made his move, Lu Chen made his move.

He was as calm as a virgin, as if he was moving like a rabbit.

At the same time, he bent down and dodged the attack. Then, he moved to the side, sticking close to the blade of the knife and went straight for the hoodlum"s face.

That hoodlum relied on his ruthlessness, his lower body was not stable at all.

Just now, he had intentionally wanted Lu Chen"s life, so he charged forward too fiercely and missed his target. His body leaned forward and lost its balance.

Seeing that he was about to fall, Lu Chen kicked at his chest.

Boom! *

There was a m.u.f.fled sound, along with the sound of his ribs breaking, and that person was sent flying. He crashed into the two people not far behind him, causing him to groan in pain once again.

As soon as someone took action, those hoodlums who had been waiting for a long time to take action once again rushed forward, each of them brandishing their weapons and pouncing towards Lu Chen.

Although Chaotic Fist could beat a master to death, Lu Chen was still able to deal with these vicious and undisciplined hooligans with ease.

However, just in case, he woke the little fox up and helped him monitor the place.

Not for any other reason, just to make sure these guys didn"t take the risk, they rushed into the house to threaten Hu Diechang"s father.

These fellows were simply too young. They did things without regard for the consequences.

That guy just now was deliberately trying to take his life.

Seeing how fierce Lu Chen was, Ah Kun was extremely conflicted.

According to his original plan, he would definitely suffer a loss today. He could only wait for Brother Qin to come and settle it.

He dragged his broken arm to the other side of the road and asked his trusted aide, who had just been in charge of making the phone call, "Where is Brother Qin?"

"Big Brother Kun, don"t be anxious, don"t be anxious. Just now, when we were on the phone, Big Brother Qin said that he"s already on his way …"

"And now? Where is it now? " Ah Kun looked at his subordinates who were continuously falling and asked anxiously.

"No …" "I don"t know …" His trusted aide stammered.


A Kun angrily pushed the lackey away.

Seeing that the battle in front of him was one-sided, A"Kun couldn"t help but feel anxious.

At this rate, his bros would have to lie down in a few minutes.

Especially when a few people directly fainted. In the eyes of A Kun, they didn"t even know if he lived or died. He even had the urge to call the police.

The more w.a.n.g Qiang saw, the more shocked he became. For a moment, he no longer cared about what the higher ups were going to tell him.

He could tell that even though Lu Chen had managed to avoid a fatal blow, his attacks were truly ruthless.

Those that were beaten by him probably didn"t even need ten days or half a month to wake up.

Seeing that Ah Kun"s group of brothers could only hold on for half a minute, w.a.n.g Qiang gritted his teeth and roared. He stood in front of Lu Chen and used his body to protect him, "Stop! All of you, stop! "

Lu Chen"s hands suddenly stopped moving. After standing still, he narrowed his eyes and looked at w.a.n.g Qiang.

As expected of a big brother in the underworld, this guy sure knows how to pick the time.

If he didn"t jump out earlier, then he would have jumped out later. Only when he was about to knock out all these guys did he think of stopping them.

However, Lu Chen could understand w.a.n.g Qiang"s dilemma.

On one side was his threat, and on the other side was the developer"s pressure. He was like a mouse in a bellows, both sides suffering.

Lu Chen understood the gist of it, but these red-eyed hoodlums might not be able to understand it.

Almost everyone was glaring at w.a.n.g Qiang with resentment in their eyes. They all thought that this fellow had turned the tables on them and was instead helping Lu Chen.

However, within a short period of time, almost two-thirds of their comrades had died, and most of these bullies" spirit had been wiped out.

Now that w.a.n.g Qiang was standing on Lu Chen"s side, no matter how angry he was, he didn"t dare to act rashly.

However, there were still some ill-tempered fellows who could not help but shout at w.a.n.g Qiang, "Surnamed w.a.n.g, what do you mean by this? Why are you protecting him! "

w.a.n.g Qiang was about to reply when he heard the sound of brakes coming from nearby.

The moment he took a glance at it, his gaze darkened.

w.a.n.g Qiang, of course, recognized the owner of this Land Rover.

Brother Qin"s car stopped in the yard, and the rest of the team couldn"t help but let out a sigh of relief.

This was especially true for Ah Kun. He thought that w.a.n.g Qiang, who had always been at odds with him, would suddenly change his mind and shout at the crowd, "Brother Qin, you"re here! All of you, retreat!"

With that, Ah Kun walked up to him and said with a sad face: "Brother Qin, you"re finally here! This fellow is hard to deal with. He should have practiced it before, and his fists are extremely hard as well. "

"All the brothers are no match for him. Look at this guy with missing arms and legs. Look at my right hand, it"s been broken by him with his bare hand! "

A"Kun turned his body to the side as he spoke, showing Brother Qin his right hand and showing a grimacing expression.

"I got it, where is he now?" I"ll go take a look. " Brother Qin walked down from the Land Rover and suddenly grabbed Ah Kun"s arm.


After a heart-wrenching scream, Ah Kun seemed to realize something and was about to thank him, but Brother Qin interrupted him.

"Everything else aside, you"re doing something for Young Master Liu, I should be doing it."

After saying this, Brother Qin directly walked towards Lu Chen.

Brother Qin"s eyes darkened more and more as he looked at the groans and some of the unconscious bullies on the ground.

Deep down, he already had a rough idea of what had happened. He looked at Lu Chen with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He completely ignored those hooligans that respectfully greeted him and nodded towards Lu Chen: "Mister Lu, right? My name is Qin Hu. I was entrusted with this matter by someone else. Why don"t we go in and talk?"

w.a.n.g Qiang hurriedly signaled Lu Chen with his eyes, indicating that this person could talk.

Lu Chen knew that w.a.n.g Qiang was a smart person, and he could tell that this Brother Qin was definitely someone important. He immediately nodded his head in agreement and took the initiative to enter the room.

As soon as they entered the Hu family"s living room, Lu Chen sat on the sofa and calmly looked at Brother Qin.

Big Brother Qin did not have much dislike for Lu Chen"s att.i.tude. Instead, he couldn"t help but have a better impression of him.

After all, even he did not dare to look down on a person. Furthermore, he was so young, so naturally, he had this sort of confidence.

He walked up to Lu Chen and w.a.n.g Qiang immediately brought him a stool from the side.