Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 472

"Grand Elder …"

Seeing Duanmu Feng Hua suddenly appear, Duanmu Fu could not help but mutter to himself.

At this moment, Duanmu w.a.n.g took off the black gourd on his back, preparing to make a move.

As soon as Grand Elder Duanmu Fenghua finished speaking, the atmosphere suddenly underwent a tremendous change.

At this moment, Lu Chen could vaguely sense that there were nearly ten auras of considerable strength appearing outside the room.

Hearing Duanmu w.a.n.g refer to this old man in the middle mountain suit as the Great Elder, perhaps his position was the real Second Leader of the Duanmu family.

On the other hand, Duanmu Wu Guang seemed to have taken on the t.i.tle of the second in command for some reason, but his reputation did not live up to its expectations.

Actually, just now Lu Chen had noticed the outline of Duanmu Wu Guang"s face. He was quite similar to Duanmu Peng Cheng.

The relationship between the two of them should belong to the level of brothers.

It was definitely not a good thing for the current Duanmu Family to have brothers.

They were originally born from the same root, why be so hasty!

However, at this moment, Lu Chen could see that Duanmu Wu Guang"s face was filled with fear.

It was as if all of this had taken place unexpectedly.

However, the Great Elder and the others acted as if they were already prepared for it. They were waiting for him to hit the muzzle of the gun.

"Elder Feng Hua, no … "Great Elder, if you have something to say, let"s talk about it properly. Just now, I hope that you don"t take it to heart..."

Duanmu Wu Guang trembled as he spoke, the muscles on his face twitching uncontrollably.

He had obviously not expected that the Elders Guild would stand out at this time and clearly want to kill him.

The first elder raised his eyebrows and stared at Duanmu Wuguang with a burning gaze. He asked sternly:

"Humph!" That"s all? Was it just a joke? I don"t think so! "You"re full of wild ambition, you"ve been planning this for a long time!"

"In the past, it was because you were the younger brother of the family head that I didn"t expose the things you and the Sima family did."

"Just how much benefit did the Sima family give you? Your brain must be full of s.h.i.t, right? "He actually dared to do such an outrageous thing out of greed."

"Yet today you still dare to run into the enemy"s hands. Today, we will punish you, a traitor, and return peace to our Duanmu Family!"

Duanmu Fenghua"s gaze turned cold. He quickly exchanged glances with the elders and they all nodded in tacit understanding.

At this moment, Duanmu Wu Guang realized that Duanmu Feng Hua looked like he had to take action, and fear filled his face.

He was completely unable to react to the change in the situation.

Duanmu Wu Guang knew that he had nowhere to go today, so he did not expect to arrive so soon.

Then, a sinister smile appeared on his face. He suddenly moved his body and circulated his Zhen Qi throughout his entire body.

Immediately, a surge of energy erupted from his small body, filling the room with an intimidating pressure.

The moment this aura appeared, the expressions of everyone from the Duanmu Clan froze.

Zhang Junwei, who was standing aside, could not even breathe. He broke out in a cold sweat while his body was trembling.

Zhang Junwei was struck dumb with horror when he felt such an intimidating aura fluctuation. Suddenly, he felt someone tug at his clothes.

Before he could react, Zhang Junwei felt his whole body being pulled out along with the force.

He turned his head to the side and calmed himself down.

So it was Lu Chen who was tugging at his clothes, shouting out loud, "What are you daydreaming for? Hurry up and run! "

Lu Chen grabbed Zhang Junwei"s clothes, and jumped out of the window by his side without even looking back as he spoke.

Murong Xin"er followed closely behind.

Suddenly, Murong Xin"er"s mind trembled because she saw a black shadow flash in front of her.

She focused and saw it was Duanmu w.a.n.g riding a gourd and leaping out of the window. He was also hugging Duanmu Pengcheng"s unconscious body in his arms.

Clearly, this room was about to become a terrifying battlefield.

Just the clash of these quasi-Earth Stage cultivators was already enough to pose a great threat, and it was truly not a place they could stay in.

In addition, when Murong Xin`er looked at Lu Chen, who was walking in front of her and was running even faster than a rabbit, she couldn"t help but have a strange feeling.

Especially when she thought about Lu Chen, who in her heart was like a towering existence, it was as if he had suddenly become a completely different person.

At this moment, how could Lu Chen still have the spirit to kill three Quasi-Earth Stage experts in a row?

With such a feeling of disparity, Murong Xin"er was momentarily in disbelief. Suddenly, she started to worry about Lu Chen.

Was he injured?

Suddenly, a strange thought appeared in Murong Xin"er"s mind.

However, since the situation was critical, he decided to escape to a safe area first.

Murong Xin"er did not think too much and immediately used her movement technique to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, she had caught up with Lu Chen.

At the same time, Murong Xin"er didn"t dare to let her guard down. She carefully looked around.

She was very worried about Lu Chen"s safety.

Because of that previous run, Murong Xin"er could clearly feel that Lu Chen"s aura had become a little chaotic.

Thus, she was even more certain of the conjecture she had come up with earlier. Lu Chen really had suffered internal injuries.

The way these people of the Duanmu family loved to fight was not something that Murong Xin`er cared about.

In reality, for Murong Xin"er, the Duanmu family"s decline was a good thing.

Whether it was the Murong Family that Murong Xin`er belonged to, the Gu Family that her mother was from, or even the Five Poisons Sect, they did not have a deep relationship with the Duanmu Family.

If the Duanmu family lost their position as one of the nine great families of the Celestial Sect of Wonders, it would be good news for the three factions.

This was because the Duanmu family"s remaining profits could coincidentally be divided among the three families.

After Lu Chen jumped out of the window, he stopped thinking about how far he could go.

Through the broken window, Lu Chen was able to clearly see with his extraordinary eyesight that at the same time Duanmu Wu Guang"s Qi fluctuated, his entire body immediately turned into a vine that was as thick as a person.

The vines made of flesh quickly expanded and swept towards Duanmu Fenghua and the others.

"Duanmu Fenghua, you forced me to do this. I won"t be able to leave today anyway. Even if I die, I don"t mind taking a few more with me."

"Who asked this old fogey brother to hang himself for three years. Otherwise, the position of the Duanmu family head would have belonged to me long ago."

"It is because you old b.a.s.t.a.r.ds are too stubborn that the Duanmu Family has been unable to move forward and managed to become the number one expert in the Celestial Sect of Wonders!"

With the enhancement of his true qi, Duanmu Wu Guang"s voice suddenly resounded through the nine heavens, causing one to feel deafening.

What he said was more like he was talking to the entire Duanmu Family than Duanmu Fenghua.