Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 482

Xiu Xiu! *

After Duanmu w.a.n.g took the lead to flee, Duanmu Yunfeng and another white-haired old man moved at the same time and sped in the direction Duanmu w.a.n.g had fled in.

"Mister Lu …"

When Duanmu Fenghua was about to move, he discovered that Lu Chen was still standing at the same spot. Immediately, he asked with some doubt.

"Senior Duanmu Fenghua, please take this junior along!" A wry smile appeared on Lu Chen"s face as he spoke helplessly to Duanmu Fenghua.

Right now, within Lu Chen"s pool of contribution points, he did not even have enough contribution points to use the Mouthy Mountain Art"s Heavenly Thunder Steps.

Not to mention using some movement technique.

As for the little amount of zhenqi in his body, it could not withstand the Heavenly Thunder Steps.

"Oh? If that"s the case, then this old man shall take you on a journey! "

Hearing Lu Chen"s words, Duanmu Fenghua felt puzzled.

However, he could not ask too many questions. He immediately grabbed Lu Chen"s arm, his figure flashed as he left in a cloud of dust.

Duanmu Feng Hua had long since heard of Lu Chen"s movement technique.

Furthermore, looking at the battle between Lu Chen and Duanmu Wuguang, it was obvious that Lu Chen"s movement technique was not that weak either.

But now, it was impossible for him to use it. It was truly inconceivable!

It had to be known that even the speed Situ Fangyou was known for had his Dantian crippled by Lu Chen. It was clear from this that Lu Chen was confident in his movement technique.

Therefore, Duanmu Fenghua could only a.s.sume that this was because Lu Chen was secretly making preparations for the next adventure.

This made Duanmu Fenghua even more grateful towards Lu Chen.

Murong Xin"er followed closely behind Duanmu Fenghua, also frowning.

Lu Chen"s movement speed wasn"t any slower than these old fellows, but now it had become like this.

Was it really because the loss was too great?

It was really possible!

Thinking of this, Murong Xin"er"s heart was filled with worry.

The group of people moved as fast as the wind, pa.s.sing through the mountain clouds one after another as if they were walking on flat ground.

Even so, he still flew for nearly a quarter of an hour.

At this moment, Lu Chen wasn"t sure if he was still within Jiang Prefecture or not.

When they were close to their destination, Duanmu Fenghua and the rest suddenly slowed down.

At this moment, Lu Chen could clearly feel that in this desolate area, vegetation wasn"t thriving. Instead, it was shrouded in yin energy, giving off an uncomfortable feeling.

Following which, Duanmu Fenghua and the rest landed on the ground.

Looking around, he could vaguely see countless stone statues lying around him.

These strange humanoid statues were only a foot tall, and were constantly radiating in all directions from where they stood.

The most important thing was that these stone statues were not standing, but lying on their sides.

It was as if he did it on purpose.

However, Lu Chen didn"t feel anything strange about them.

However, because it was eroded by the aura nearby, it more or less carried a dark and cold aura.

That"s all.

Lu Chen followed them and slowed down his pace.

The people of the Duanmu family had been here before, so they were very familiar with this place.

After pa.s.sing through a few dense forests, Lu Chen and his group arrived in front of a granite door.

As for Lu Chen, he was shocked to discover that not only did the surrounding stone statues fall to the ground, but they were also shattered into pieces by some unknown force.

The stone door was hidden in the dense forest, making it seem extremely concealed.

On the surface of the stone door, there were strange runes that looked like runes.

Lu Chen focused slightly and could indeed vaguely sense the aura being emitted by it.

The little fox"s eyes widened at this moment.

This was because it could once again clearly feel the fluctuations of an ancient aura from the soul imprint.

The little fox confidently told Lu Chen that either there were ancient treasures here, or at the very least ancient artifacts within them.

Hearing the little fox"s words, Lu Chen was also a little excited.

Even though he had already guessed this possibility through the little fox"s words on the way here, hearing the more certain the little fox was now, the feeling he had was naturally different.

However, despite his excitement, Lu Chen understood even more clearly that the more excited he was, the more danger he would be in.

He took a deep breath and stabilized his mind from being affected by the surrounding aura. Once again, his gaze fell on the granite stone door.

Lu Chen had long since realized that the closer he got to the stone door, the less optimistic the growth of the vegetation became.

Especially near the stone gate, it was completely barren without a single blade of gra.s.s.

And if one looked closely, the leaves of these trees were actually not green, but gray!

It was as if their life force had been sucked out …

At this moment, Zhang Junwei"s expression became extremely depressed.

He even felt gooseb.u.mps all over his body.

"Mister Lu, please be careful!"

Duanmu Fenghua, who was walking at the very front, vigilantly sensed the fluctuations in the surrounding area. At the same time, he turned his head slightly and spoke to Lu Chen.

Duanmu Fu and the rest also slowly walked towards the stone door, easily pushing it open.

Duanmu Fenghua and the rest did not hesitate and directly walked in.

However, at the same time, they were still on high alert. Their Zhen Qi was secretly circulating inside their bodies, and they were ready to take action at any time to deal with this threat.

Seeing their familiar faces, Lu Chen immediately followed them in.

"You two must stay close to me!"

Lu Chen"s gaze swept across Murong Xin`er and Zhang Junwei as he spoke with a serious expression.

Murong Xin`er and Zhang Junwei both nodded seriously and walked together with Lu Chen.

After entering the stone door that was as tall as a person, Lu Chen was surprised to discover that there was a stone door behind this stone door.

It was as if he had arrived in another s.p.a.ce.

For a moment, Lu Chen felt that it was similar to the time when he had rushed to the Ruins of Karakorum.

Lu Chen raised his head and saw that the huge stone door was right in front of them.

Standing in front of the stone door made everyone feel even more stifled, as if they were ants.

Faintly, a negative feeling welled up in his heart.

Lu Chen used the power of the Eye of Merit and easily swept away the negative emotions.

Calming himself down a little, Lu Chen examined the stone door in front of him with all his might.

He saw that the stone door was engraved with a dense pattern.

Rather than saying that it was a design, it was more like some unknown character.

This was because they were arranged in a very orderly manner, and their style was also very uniform.

Lu Chen guessed that these words were probably recording something.

"What kind of words are these?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

He was filled with curiosity towards these words because he could faintly feel an ancient power from them.


Hearing Lu Chen"s words, Duanmu Yunfeng could not help but be stunned.

He looked up at the stone wall, his eyes filled with suspicion.

This was because all Duanmu Yunfeng saw was a smooth stone surface without any traces on it.

He thought he was seeing things, so he quickly rubbed his eyes, but there was nothing.