Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 488

"Alright, Master, you can rest a.s.sured!" "Let your disciple do this kind of menial ch.o.r.e …"

When Zhang Junwei saw that Scar, who had been menacing a moment ago, had now turned into an ice-cold corpse, he couldn"t help but shiver.

However, on the surface, he didn"t seem to be afraid in the slightest as he magnanimously agreed.

Seeing Lu Chen"s actions, Duanmu Fenghua and the others felt more and more that he was meticulous and didn"t lose out to old men like them.

After Zhang Junwei carried the knife scar on his back while acting as a laborer, a trace of helplessness appeared in Lu Chen"s eyes.

At this moment, Dao Ba"s body had already been destroyed. There was no way to save him, all he did was to preserve his soul.

Even so, it was only temporary.

After a long time, his soul would still dissipate. Moreover, he would not be able to rest in peace in this tomb full of Yin Qi.

On the contrary, it could be influenced by its owner"s obsession and continue to be its slave.

However, it wasn"t like Lu Chen didn"t have any gains.

Based on the aura of the soul on Dao Ba"s body, the little fox found some unusual information.

A human"s soul was born from the energy of heaven and earth, so normally, the three souls and seven souls would not be affected.

The only possibility was that someone had forcefully done something to him under the influence of an external force. It was only because of that that Dao Ba was able to do something abnormal and attack without any hesitation.

Dao Ba"s attack was basically launched in a situation where he had completely lost his ability to distinguish and was ignoring the consequences.

After all, Duanmu Fenghua and the rest were quasi-Earth Stage experts, and their frightening strength was clearly displayed there.

According to normal people, even if they had to do this, they would have to think for a bit and leave behind a good backup plan to take the risk.

Otherwise, if he was clearly looking to die, how could someone as selfish as Dao Ba do such a stupid thing?

Obviously, Dao Ba was completely under the control of someone else.

Or perhaps it could be said that he was simply a puppet. He simply could not control himself or was completely unconscious.

But what kind of force could use this method of controlling the soul and consciousness to send Dao Ba to his death?

And what deep meaning was hidden in this senseless sacrifice?

All of this was intriguing.

Was it a warning?

Lu Chen thought that there was such a possibility.

It was likely that the other party was trying to use this kind of method to explain to them so that they would be able to dispel their thoughts and return empty-handed.

It was a pity that Duanmu Pengcheng"s life and death depended on it, and the Duanmu Family had already made up their minds to stop this adventure.

However, with such a small episode, everyone became even more vigilant.

This was because everyone clearly realized that not only was there a threat from the target, there were also other unknown hands hiding in the shadows.

Moreover, it was very likely that there was more than one powerful enemy waiting for them.

"Little fox, do you think that with the current situation, we should continue moving forward? Do you need to come up with another plan? Wait two days, then come back. " A wave of unease arose in Lu Chen"s heart, so he asked the little fox.

The little fox pondered for a moment, then said to Lu Chen solemnly:

"Based on this Dao Ba situation, our next opponent will be very troublesome to deal with."

"But there"s no need to stop there. We have backup on our side as well. "

The little fox said while pointing at Murong Xin`er, who was on Lu Chen"s shoulder.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, then recovered.

He said with a wry smile, "You mean the Five Poison Cult and Mu Rong family"s experts who were responsible for protecting Mu Rong Xin Er also came into the tomb?"

The little fox nodded his head with a smile, "Isn"t that so? Previously, they were quite far behind, but now, the situation is more critical. "

"Although these people are not all half-step Earth Rank experts, they are not weak. That"s why our side isn"t bad either! "

Lu Chen nodded: "If that"s the case, then at least the situation isn"t too bad!"

However, even he did not expect that he would need to rely on the power behind Murong Xin`er in the end.

The little fox paused for a moment, then said earnestly, "Logically speaking, the world has its limits, the Tao technique is natural, everything in the world has its limits."

"I"m afraid that the fact that the people here are able to appear here might actually be related to the Ancient Era"s Treasure. We should be extra careful."

Hearing the little fox"s reminder, Lu Chen nodded his head in agreement.

However, even Lu Chen couldn"t imagine what level of strength his opponent had.

At the same time, how did these people discover the ancient treasure inside?

It was possible that other than the aura that the little fox had inherited from the Ancient Bloodline, there were other skills that he did not know of that could allow him to successfully discover the existence of the Ancient Treasure.

Just as Lu Chen and the little fox finished their conversation, the gaze that the little fox saw in front of him suddenly froze, and his footsteps halted.

He could clearly see that a cloud of black fog had suddenly spouted out in front of him.

This black mist was somewhat similar to the evil aura, but it was not completely evil. There was something else mixed within.

Lu Chen could vaguely sense that there was a trace of corpse aura within, but it was very weak.

From the looks of it, the owner of the tomb should be somewhere nearby.

The speed of the black mist seemed slow, but it was actually very fast, causing one to be unable to dodge in time.

The entire pa.s.sageway was engulfed by the black fog.

The black mist came suddenly, and when everyone wanted to dodge it, they were unable to react in time.

"This is bad!" Everyone quickly take a deep breath, please do not inhale this black mist. "

Knowing that the black mist could not be avoided, Lu Chen"s expression changed. He immediately shouted out to warn everyone to be on their guard.

He could clearly sense that the black mist was emanating an evil aura.

Furthermore, Lu Chen had already activated the zhenqi in his body to form a thin barrier in front of him.

The little fox also used the power of the Merit Pool to reinforce Lu Chen"s shield.

As for the little fox, it put on a ready look and was ready to attack at any moment.

Murong Xin"er reacted extremely quickly at this moment.

Ever since she entered here, the Heart Devouring Mother Gu in her body had already been activated.

Now that there was a slight disturbance, Murong Xin"er also reacted immediately.

Immediately, she started circulating her cultivation to isolate the true energy within her body from the outside world.

At the same time, the Heart Devouring Mother Gu on her body released countless insects, which instantly covered her entire body, forming a protective shield that protected her body.

Only two slits appeared in front of her eyes.

Murong Xin"er was currently observing Lu Chen"s movements through these two cracks.

Looking at Murong Xin"er"s appearance, as long as there was any change in the black mist, she would definitely act at the first moment.