Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 49

"Sir, this fellow is not simple!" This black snake is no ordinary black snake. It is a spider that has cultivated for at least a hundred years! "

When Lu Chen had followed the old man to practice medicine, he had understood quite a bit about Chinese traditional culture. Lu Chen naturally knew about legendary creatures like the condor.

The spider turned into a dragon after 500 years, and the dragon turned into a dragon after 1000 years!

A snake is a snake that is trained to a certain degree.

Brother Qin actually had something to do with black magic, all the good feelings Lu Chen had vanished like smoke in thin air.


Brother Qin suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and spat out a mouthful of black blood. The black snake tattoo on his body seemed to come to life in a split-second. His body faintly shined with a gray halo.

Lu Chen"s eyes darkened as he saw Big Brother Qin"s soul.

The strangest thing was that the upper part was a human, while the lower part was a snake"s tail.

The little fox"s voice suddenly rang out in his mind, "This guy is quite vicious. He fused his soul and the black serpent together and obtained the power of the body totem."

At this point, the little fox suddenly paused.

"Eh? That"s not right! Both of their souls seemed to be injured? Could it be … Yes, yes! So this guy was borrowing his corpse to pay back his soul. "

Lu Chen couldn"t help but ask, "You want to borrow a corpse to repay a soul? Is he dead? "

The little fox"s mouth twitched as it explained, "To be exact, it borrowed its life. Did you notice the wound on his chest? If you didn"t use your fleshly body to replenish your life, you would have died by then. "

Hearing this, Lu Chen"s expression finally eased up a little.

Just now, he really did have the intention to kill.

This was because from his grandfather"s mouth, anyone who used black magic would be tainted with blood. Even if such a person was killed, it would be acting on behalf of the heavens.

Suddenly, Brother Qin roared loudly, waving his fist and smashing towards Lu Chen.

It was almost the same move as the first time. However, this time, not only was his speed and strength twice as fast, but there was also a black mist rising from his fist. One could vaguely see the image of a snake.

"The little fox is counting on you."

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Chen called out to the eager little fox.

"He"s here, my lord."

The little fox stuck out its tongue and licked it. The moment Brother Qin"s iron fist closed in, it opened its mouth and swallowed the black fog.

As for the power generated by the fist attack, it was neutralized by Lu Chen with a single palm strike.

He took a step back, but Brother Qin"s eyes were wide open as if he was looking at a monster.

"This... How is this possible!? How did you block it?! "

At this moment, Brother Qin"s face was deathly pale, and his spirit was rapidly drained.

And then his body shook and he was about to fall down.

Although w.a.n.g Qiang was shocked speechless by the scene before him, he still acted immediately and firmly held onto Brother Qin.

After swallowing the ball of black fog, the little fox let out a burp as if it still wanted to continue. "How tasty, but unfortunately, it"s just too little."

"Don"t try this!" You"re not allowed to steal food later! Otherwise, I"ll try to solve it myself next time. " Lu Chen harrumphed coldly as he threatened in his heart.

The little fox smiled in a flattering manner and hurriedly said, "Rest a.s.sured my lord, I will not steal food."

Leaving behind these words, the little fox had already turned into a streak of light and entered the Merit Pool.

Although this fellow didn"t eat it secretly, he was directly soaking it in order to absorb the power of merit.

Of course, Lu Chen had no mood to bother with it. His gaze was already fixed on Brother Qin.

At this moment, Brother Qin"s face was extremely unsightly. Using his body to wield the power of his totem had already consumed a ma.s.sive amount of his energy. Now that the little fox had somehow devoured his energy, the damage was even greater.

"If you keep your eyes open in the future, don"t provoke someone you shouldn"t have."

As Lu Chen spoke, he extended two fingers to attack and aimed straight at Brother Qin"s abdomen.

By the time w.a.n.g Qiang reacted, Lu Chen had already succeeded and accurately tapped on Brother Qin"s dantian.

"Bang ~ ~ ~"

The surrounding people could only hear a m.u.f.fled sound like a balloon exploding, followed by Brother Qin"s heart-wrenching scream.

It was one thing for the totem strength in his body to disappear by half, but now his dantian had been destroyed as well.

As the most combative person in the underworld of Jiang Prefecture, Brother Qin had lost the two things he relied on the most. However, no one noticed that a relieved smile flashed across his face the moment he fell.

w.a.n.g Qiang opened his mouth, but when he saw Lu Chen"s cold gaze, he swallowed his words back.

As for those hooligans guarding the gate, they had completely lost their courage at this time.

Not only them, even the two trusted subordinates who followed Brother Qin to beat the world were dumbstruck at this moment.

Not many people knew the true strength of their elder brother, but they were definitely one of them.

They were also well aware of the fact that Brother Qin possessed a totem of his physical body, as well as his terrifying strength.

But now, they were easily broken by a young man in his early twenties. They had originally wanted to fight with their lives on the line to calm down.

Not to mention the two of them, even if a few dozen more people came, they would still be sending food over.

"Brother!" Please be magnanimous! It wasn"t easy for Brother Qin either. He had only started on this path because of his sister-in-law"s illness. "If it wasn"t for him, my sister-in-law would have pa.s.sed away a long time ago."

When w.a.n.g Qiang saw the killing intent in Lu Chen"s eyes, he calmed down and gathered up his courage to plead on behalf of Brother Qin.

When those hoodlums saw that w.a.n.g Qiang was begging for mercy on behalf of Brother Qin, they all kneeled down and kowtowed.

"Big brother, we had eyes but did not recognize Mt. Tai. It is actually none of Brother Qin"s business if we were to offend you. Please spare Brother Qin! If you have anything, just come at me. I, Ah Kun, am responsible for my work! "

The one who pleaded was actually the yellow-hair from before, Ah Kun.

It was obvious that although this guy was arrogant, he still respected Brother Qin from the bottom of his heart.

It was just that his lackeys had already been scared out of their wits. Each of them kowtowed as if they were beating garlic, begging Lu Chen to let them go.

Lu Chen sneered: "The reason I broke his record, was for his own good! Otherwise, this fellow wouldn"t live past fifty years at this rate. But you people, how should we deal with you? I"ll spare you guys, and then let you guys go harm someone else? "

The others looked at each other in dismay. w.a.n.g Qiang, who was supporting Brother Qin, suddenly said, "Brother Chen, if you don"t mind, then accept us. We"ll follow you." With you leading the way, we won"t harm anyone. "

w.a.n.g Qiang had long admired Lu Chen, and this was his chance.

Actually, saying that he would follow Lu Chen was just an excuse. The most important thing was that once something like this happened, they had to make a choice.

Honestly speaking, w.a.n.g Qiang might have been a little hesitant at the beginning, but after seeing Lu Chen"s terrifying move, he no longer hesitated.

It was true that the boss behind Lu Chen had a great background, but for Lu Chen to have such terrifying skills at such a young age, he didn"t believe that no one could beat him to death.