Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 492

The black whirlwind that appeared out of thin air divided into three, as if it had a mind of its own. Once it appeared, it flew at a strange angle towards Murong Xin"er, Duanmu Fu, and the others.

Although the pa.s.sage to the tomb was very wide, there was only a limited amount of s.p.a.ce to move around in such a situation.

Moreover, these three attacks seemed to have eyes, firmly locking onto the three of them. At such a close distance, it was impossible for them to dodge.

Duanmu Fenghua"s eyes narrowed and he immediately attacked.

He transformed the condensed Zhen Qi in his hand into a golden ray of light and threw it towards the black tornado.

The golden light was as fast as lightning. After colliding with the black whirlwind, it tore a hole in it.

"Old man, you really have some skills!" "Not bad, not bad!"

As the black tornado was being torn apart by the golden light, Dao Ba could not help but reveal an expression of surprise. He then burst out laughing again.

Lu Chen silently watched the entire battle, hoping to find Dao Ba"s weakness.

If he could successfully suppress Dao Ba according to the little fox"s instructions, then that would be the best result.

If he really wanted to do something, he wouldn"t be too willing to do it. If he wanted to do it, it would be quite troublesome.

After all, he still had to bring Zhang Junwei and Murong Xin"er with him to escape. This would greatly increase the difficulty of the mission.

As for Duanmu Feng Hua and the rest, although Dao Ba was powerful, Lu Chen believed that these Earth Stage experts had the ability to escape at all costs.

Suddenly, Lu Chen felt his vision going dark.

In the next moment, he was shocked to discover that he was completely unable to see anything.

Lu Chen was greatly surprised.

This was … [What the h.e.l.l is going on?]

In an instant, Lu Chen felt like he was the only one left in the dark tunnel of the tomb.

Dao Ba"s voice echoed crazily in the tomb.

"Hahaha!" If you have the ability, come find me! "

After Dao Ba left, the entire tomb began to violently shake, as if it was about to collapse in the next moment.

The road in front of Lu Chen trembled violently, the waves rising and falling violently.

At the same time, the wall of the tomb underwent a tremendous change, as if it was being distorted by an invisible force.

Then, the tunnel that was connected to the tomb suddenly widened.

It was as if they had arrived at a huge plaza in the blink of an eye.


Following which, rocks began to shoot up from the ground like sharp stalagmites.

These protruding rocks obscured his vision, and he was unable to see his surroundings clearly.

As far as the eye could see, it was all rocks.

The earth-shattering change happened in an instant.

As for Lu Chen, he suddenly felt as if he had fallen into a maze made from stalagmites.

Actually, this wasn"t what made Lu Chen feel weird the most.

At this moment, his heart was filled with worry.

It was because he suddenly felt that the aura of Murong Xin"er and the others had disappeared.

Even the aura from the green eyes he had fixed earlier had disappeared without a trace.

Lu Chen"s heart tightened, and he immediately gathered his thoughts, sizing up his surroundings with the strength of his foot.

Unfortunately, it wasn"t that his Spiritual Awareness was sealed, but he couldn"t see Murong Xin`er and Zhang Junwei who were standing not far from him.

Right now, all he could see was the icy cold walls of the cave.

At this moment, the little fox had already seen through the clues.

He told Lu Chen that this was the most famous Eight Trigram Formation in the Mysterious Gate of Escape!

Moreover, it belonged to the Xiantian Eight Trigrams Formation and didn"t weaken in the slightest. On the contrary, it borrowed the power of this mountain range to display the ultimate might of the Eight Trigrams Formation; it was simply invulnerable.

Fortunately, the little fox was very familiar with this type of Innate Eight Trigram Formation. Although this formation was almost perfect, once one grasped the method, one could always take a path.

Lu Chen gathered his thoughts and carefully followed the little fox"s directions as he moved forward.

Every time Lu Chen walked onto a protruding rock, he would leave behind a zhen qi seal mark to prevent himself from being unable to find the right direction.

At this time, he could no longer care about preserving the power of karmic virtue.

On every true energy mark, Lu Chen used the power of Merit to carefully wrap around it, preventing any hidden forces from eroding it. In the end, he lost his way after spending so much effort.

Since Murong Xin`er had the Heart Devouring Mother Gu to protect her, coupled with the fact that his guardians were nearby, she would naturally take action at the first moment. Lu Chen wasn"t the most worried.

On the other hand, Zhang Junwei was simply too weak. He did not know if Duanmu Fenghua beside him could protect him completely.

He could only hope that Zhang Junwei would be able to obtain Duanmu Fenghua"s protection.

Honestly speaking, if Zhang Junwei were to meet with an accident due to this, Lu Chen would be unable to forgive himself.

However, it was useless to think about it now. The most important thing was to quickly leave this place and see if there was a way out or if they could meet up with the others.

If he wasn"t mistaken, the owner of this tomb had used some special method to drag him here.

According to what the little fox said, it was most likely a method similar to spatial displacement.

Under the little fox"s guidance, Lu Chen calmed his mind and patiently circled around the Innate Eight Trigram Formation.

In the eyes of an outsider, every step he took seemed to be irregular, but he actually had his own way of doing things.

After all, the Eight Trigrams a.s.similation Formation of the Upper Sky had innumerable illusions. There were countless gates of death, but there was only one Gate of Life.

Even if he were to take a single wrong step, he would be doomed for sure. He would never be able to escape.

It was also a great test of the mind.

If one"s heart wasn"t strong enough, even if one knew the method to break through the formation, they wouldn"t be able to guarantee that they wouldn"t miss a single step under this pressure.

With the little fox"s guidance and the fact that Lu Chen was born into a military family, he had long trained in the mindset of facing death with equanimity. Therefore, this array formation was no longer of much use to Lu Chen.

At this moment, all he needed was time, while at the same time, he needed to expend a tremendous amount of energy.

On the surface, the Innate Eight Trigrams Formation could only be seen as the array itself blocking Lu Chen"s path. But in reality, only when one was within it would one feel a spiritual pressure.

This kind of pressure was very subtle, even the scene in front of his eyes had hidden a murderous intent.

With the added bonus from the Power of Merit, coupled with the fact that the little fox had warned him beforehand, Lu Chen was now on his guard. At least, he wasn"t disturbed.

Under the little fox"s guidance, Lu Chen walked deeper and deeper, but the deeper he went, the greater the influence of the Innate Eight Trigram Formation would have on him.

In the end, Lu Chen was already standing in front of the last hurdle.

In front of him was a humongous, protruding stalagmite, blocking the way forward.

And in front of him, there was a tunnel.

And very deceptive.

It seemed like the Gate of Life, but in reality, all seven were the Gate of Death.