Almighty King Of Medicine

Chapter 495

Lu Chen quickly noticed that this soul had similarities to the tomb"s owner, and it also acc.u.mulated boundless resentment.

According to the little fox, if a person was too obsessed with it when they were alive, then they would not be able to leave even after death.

After countless years of acc.u.mulation, if this obsession had not been resolved, then there was a high chance that it would mutate.

This kind of mutation was to transform this obsession into a grudge.

Once that hatred was formed, it would sink deeper and deeper into the depths of the world.

Moreover, resentment itself could also increase the strength of the soul, causing it to become even more powerful.

Dao Ba continued to size up Lu Chen, not in a hurry to make a move.

"Although I don"t know why you"re here, a lot of people have been coming here recently."

"How many years have I been waiting for!?" "Recently, quite a few top quality dishes have come. It"s been so many years, it"s about time for us to have a good meal."

The soul once again turned into black qi, changing into Dao Ba"s appearance. Its gaze towards Lu Chen was burning with pa.s.sion.

To have a good meal...

What was going on?

Hearing Dao Ba"s words, Lu Chen was immediately puzzled.

Devouring the soul?

Lu Chen couldn"t help but glance at Dao Ba, thinking that the probability was very high.

Perhaps it was because he had swallowed Dao Ba"s soul and occupied his body that Dao Ba went berserk.

At this moment, it had also officially taken the form of Dao Ba.

"What do you want?"

Hearing these words, Lu Chen wasn"t in a hurry. Instead, he probed the other party tentatively.

"Tsk tsk!" That"s a good question? "Of course it"s to make you me."

Dao Ba once again looked at Lu Chen greedily as he spoke crazily.

Even after waiting for such a long time, it didn"t take long.

Of course, Lu Chen also understood what the owner of the tomb who possessed Dao Ba"s body was thinking at this moment.

Of course, when Lu Chen came, he didn"t think that this soul was just trying to take over another"s nest. At the same time that he devoured another"s soul, he also wanted to take over their body.

In this way, he would be able to survive in his human form again, and his own cultivation would be able to escape the suppression of the path he walked in today and successfully break through to the Earth Stage.

"My soul is very weak, so it isn"t of much use to you!" Lu Chen looked coldly at Dao Ba and said sternly.

Dao Ba laughed, "Hehe, although I don"t know what you have in you, but I can feel a very strong power in your body."

"And I can also feel that your body doesn"t seem to be simple!" Kid, since you"re here, don"t even think about leaving! Let me enjoy a feast of gluttony! "

Dao Ba"s expression became even more ferocious and his aura was also frantically being released. He looked as if he was going to choose a person to devour.

"Really? If you want to eat, then come and get it!"

Hearing Dao Ba"s words, the corner of Lu Chen"s mouth curled up into a sneer, and did not show any signs of weakness as he spoke.

At the same time, he quickly drew out the power from the pool and gathered it in his hands, ready to act at any time.

"Hmph, how arrogant!"

Dao Ba"s figure moved, the black fog around his body surged, flying towards Lu Chen.

Seeing the black fog around Dao Ba"s body continue to expand, Lu Chen"s brows furrowed even more.

The speed at which the black fog spread was so fast that in just an instant, it had covered the entire top of the stone room.

All of a sudden, these human fish candles became extremely dim, as if they could be extinguished at any time. The visibility in the tomb became extremely low.

However, Lu Chen had already closed his eyes a moment ago. He only used his Spiritual Sense to sense his surroundings.

"Brat, stop struggling so fearlessly. Just hurry up and become a part of me!"

Dao Ba continued controlling the black fog, transforming it into a giant black python, quickly closing in on Lu Chen.

At this moment, Lu Chen"s eyes suddenly opened and released two rays of light. The burning gaze locked onto the incoming black python.

The giant python was three meters wide, and it emitted an intimidating aura, causing people to feel a chill run down their spines.

Wherever the black python pa.s.sed, even the air became distorted.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Chen quickly turned to the side, dodging the incoming black python by a hair"s breadth.


The huge black python"s explosive impact caused a huge crater in the ground beneath Lu Chen"s feet. It was at least three meters wide, and rocks were flying everywhere as the ground trembled uncontrollably.

Although this python had brushed past Lu Chen, the strong wind still tore apart Lu Chen"s clothes, causing her skin to be covered in blood droplets.

The most terrifying thing was that the black aura emitted from its body was extremely corrosive.

As soon as the blood droplets appeared, they turned black.

Fortunately, Lu Chen himself had the protection of karmic virtue, which allowed him to dispel all poisons.

Although the black gas had landed on his skin, it could not go any further.

Although he had expended too much of his karmic virtue, it would still take some time for him to completely remove the poison from the black gas. However, it was not a serious problem in the end.

After dodging the attack, Lu Chen immediately stabilized his body, and his breathing became erratic.

Just from this exchange, Lu Chen could feel that Dao Ba"s strength had reached at least the peak of Xuan grade, infinitely close to Earth grade.

Moreover, because of the influence of the dense Yin Qi here, Dao Ba undoubtedly held the advantage in this area.

All of a sudden, an invisible pressure enveloped Lu Chen, causing his expression to turn extremely cold.

Although the little fox had been preparing to take action, unless it was absolutely necessary, it had to reserve its strength as Lu Chen"s last trump card.

It would be best to let Dao Ba drop his guard and catch him off guard in the nick of time, then subdue him in one fell swoop.

"Hehe!" "Brat, it seems that I have overestimated you!"

The moment Dao Ba"s voice fell, the black python under Dao Ba"s control moved once again. It turned its ma.s.sive body and charged towards Lu Chen.

Seeing the python"s silhouette grow larger and larger, Lu Chen knew that he couldn"t avoid it. Thus, he decided to let it go and prepare to clash head on with it.

And just at this moment, Lu Chen suddenly felt the karmic power within the pool gushing out crazily, directly condensing into two yellow karmic beads.

Such speed...

Lu Chen thought that he was hallucinating.

However, it didn"t take Lu Chen long to realize that all of this was real.

An overwhelming feeling followed.

At this moment, Lu Chen"s eyes turned cold. He quickly circulated the contribution points in his body.

This feeling of absence caused Lu Chen to be overjoyed.

Moreover, he could faintly guess the reason.

Perhaps it was due to the fact that he couldn"t pick up his phone"s signal, Lu Chen didn"t receive a call from Yang Yi.

The power of karmic virtue appeared at this moment, and it came so crazily, there seemed to be only one explanation.

It meant that the method of donating in exchange for the power of merit had worked!

At this critical moment, Lu Chen did not have time to think. He immediately circulated the power of his contribution to gather in his palm.